For the last couple of days I have been whining and complaining because I’ve been too tired and lazy to resume my marathon training for the Hartford Marathon on October 15. I was feeling sorry for myself that I even thought of changing my registration from the full marathon to a half marathon. Well, luckily my friends motivated and encouraged me to snap out of it and not to make a rash decision right away. Instead, I should just wait and see how I feel as it gets closer to the date.
Well, the first thing I had to go was lace up those shoes and go out for a run. That is what I did this morning. Believe it or not but it was tough to get up this morning, change into running gear, and put on those shoes. I managed to do it and complained just a little bit. I kept telling myself to be quiet and to stop whining. 🙂 My plan was to run 4 miles. My last run was 5 miles on June 25th. It was tough to run 4 miles. I took more breaks than I normally do. That is OK though. What is important is that I ran 4 miles.
By the way, how I missed my running shoes. I cannot believe I neglected them for over a month!!! Never again!!! I will see them again tomorrow, the next day, and the next day, and from now on every day till I cross that finish line in Hartford on October 15.