Category: Race Recap

Walt Disney World Marathon

On Sunday, I ran my 6th marathon and the final race of the Goofy Challenge.  On Saturday I ran the half marathon and my legs were sore at the end.  Yes, I was worried because I had no idea how I was going to survive 26.2 miles.

On Sunday my alarm went off at 3am.  I made coffee, changed, went to the bathroom, and ate my breakfast.  We then left around 3:45.  I felt like there was more traffic on Sunday than on Saturday.  Not a big deal because we still made good time since we were in our corral a little after 5.  Then the fireworks and off we went.

I was so grateful that the weather was just PERFECT.  It was about mid 60s and I felt really good running the race with JB.  Well, my legs were not happy.  JB rocks!!  She held a good pace and for the most part I kept up with her.  The race took us through almost the same route as the half marathon (except the overpass which made me happy).  I must have been more alert because I enjoyed running through Magic Kingdom so much more than on Saturday.  The view of the castle was so beautiful.

I was feeling really good and did not want to stop for any pictures.  I didn’t even stop (just slowed down) at the water stations.  I think I finally figured out how to drink from a cup while running without spilling any of the water.

I was doing really good until almost mile 12.  There was a water stop and I told JB to keep going.  My quads were killing me!  I was almost in tears because I was in so much pain and I wasn’t even halfway done.  I got worried.  I wasn’t sure if I would be able to finish.  I panicked.  I decided to go for it and finish the darn race.   I took advantage of the big bottles of Biofreeze at the medical tent and put some on my quads.

Next we ran through Animal Kingdom.  I loved it there.  I kept on running but took some walking breaks.  I saw Rafiki but did not want to get in line for a picture.

Then came running through ESPN Wide World of Sports.  I enjoyed that so much more.  We ran at the Track and Field Complex and Champion Stadium which made my legs happy.  I was so hungry and was grateful for the bananas at the next food station.  I knew I was almost 3/4 done and that made me very happy.

The rest of the way I ran as much as I could while taking some walk breaks.  The sun was already out but I never felt hot.  At some point there was a breeze and that felt really good.

One of my favorite parts of the race was running through Hollywood Studios.  I’ve never been there and had a blast!  Plus, I knew that once we ran past it then it was just 3 miles till the end.  There were so many spectators and that made me happy.

Once I got to mile 25 I lost it and broke down.  I could not take anymore the pain in my legs.  The spectators were saying things like “You’re almost done” and “Great job” but I did not care.  I just wanted to be done.  I walked a lot during the last mile.

Another familiar view and I knew I was almost done.


Once I saw the finish line, I ran as fast as I could.  Finally done!  Finish time is 5:30:37.

I met the fabulous Jeff Galloway.


Even though my legs were hurting on marathon day, I still had a GREAT time at the race.  I enjoyed running through the various parks and was really happy about the weather.  Not once did I feel dehydrated, dizzy or anything else associated with hot weather.

I am so happy I had the chance to run this race.  I ran it for fun and not for time.   My goals were to 1. Have fun and 2. Finish the race.   That is exactly what I did and could not be happier about it.  I know Disney races are expensive but I encourage you to run this marathon.

One complaint I have is that some runners were just plain rude.  JB and I ran together for almost 12 miles.  We ran on the right side and close together as possible.  There were some runners behind us that when it came to pass us, instead of going around, they ran right in the middle of us.  One guy was running so close to me that when he said”On your right”, he almost tripped me.

Now, would I do these two races again?  No.  Maybe just the marathon but definitely not both races.

Walt Disney World Half Marathon

On Saturday, January 11, I ran the Walt Disney World Half Marathon as part of the WDW Goofy Challenge.  This was also my first race of 2014 and my 50th half marathon.


I arrived in Orlando on Thursday night and slept till about 7am on Friday morning.  After breakfast and a shower, it was off to the expo at the ESPN Wide World of Sports.  I went to one location to pick up my bib and then another location for the expo and then to another location for another part of the expo.  Did that make sense? I thought it was ridiculous!  As for the actual expo?  I was not impressed AT ALL.  I thought that for it being a big weekend for Disney, there would be more vendors.  And remember the expo was in two different locations.  I bought two skirts from Sparkle Athletic and two headbands from Sparkly Soul.

I got three nice shirts.  Umm, don’t two of them look like they’re the same color?  I thought so. However, my friend JB told me that one is black and the other one is navy blue.  Upon further inspection I realized that she was right.  I got a small Clif Bar in blueberry which was yummy!  Now, have I mentioned that I paid $340 for both the half and full marathon?  You’d think that for the amount of money I paid I would get much more then that?  Yes, that’s what I get for paying that much money…three shirts and a small Clif Bar.  OK, enough complaining….for now.


The start time for the half was 5:30am.  So that meant we had to leave no later than 3:45am.  The night before I set my alarm for 3:00 but then forgot to actually turn it on.  JB woke me up at 3:30 and I frantically got ready, made coffee, and ate a light breakfast.  Then off we went to the race.  By the time we were at the start line, it was about 5am.  It was a humid morning.  Oh and I was nervous but excited too.

Off we went.  Did I mention it was humid?  I was sweating before mile 1.  It was cool running when it was still dark.  There were some areas where it was not crowded at all but then there were areas where it was.  I ran mainly on the right side and let others pass me.  🙂

It was pretty cool running towards Magic Kingdom.  It was even better running down Main Street. There were so many people cheering for us and it motivated me to keep on running.  I wonder how early they got there to wait for us?   The view of the castle was amazing and I loved it!  Gorgeous.  I took some pictures but they’re blurry.  Boo.


Along the way I stopped to take pictures with some of the characters.  The line for Goofy was way too long and I did not want to wait.

I took it easy and was not worried about my time.  I just wanted to enjoy the race.  The overpass is what killed my good mood.  Ugh!  It was long and not fun at all.  I knew that was the most difficult part of the race and that it was just a few more miles till the end.

When I saw this I knew I was close to the finish line.  It was great seeing so many spectators cheering for us.


Finally done!  Finish time is 2:47:36.

I felt pretty good throughout the race.  Yes it was humid and I made sure to drink something at every water stop.  Also, I took a Gu about every 4 miles.

This was my first Disney race.  Here are my two cents:

Did like

  • Disney theme
  • Running in/through Disney park
  • Runners in various costumes
  • Shirts
  • Two separate areas for corrals A-H and I-P
  • Plenty of spectators
  • Abundant of water stops

Did not like

  • Expensive race
  • Too early start time
  • Not much of a goodie bag
  • Part of the course was boring
  • Boring expo

I have mixed feelings about my first Disney race.  I really, really wanted to enjoy it.  I am not saying that I didn’t but I can’t say that I had a fabulous time.  Spoil alert:  The marathon was so much better.  I think it could have been better (expo, goodie bag, and course) for the amount of money I paid.  I know I did not pay to see characters along the course but it would have been nice to see more of them along the way.

Since there was a group of us running this race, JB got a suite at the Residence Inn (about 15 minutes away from Epcot) and it turned out to be cheaper than staying at a Disney Resort.  Of course it helped that one of the guys running also had a car so he was able to drive to/from the race.  That also gave/saved us time getting to/leaving the park after the race.

Would I do this race again?  Maybe.  I just wished they weren’t so darn expensive!!

December and Year in Review 2013

Happy New Year!!

In December I ran 142.39 miles compared to 104.65 in November.  December was the month where I ran the most miles.  Plus, according to my cool spreadsheet, I finally ran over 1,000 miles this year.

I signed up again for the Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak.  I wasn’t able to complete it last summer nor last winter but three times is a charm right?  I did it…but barely.  How hard can it be to run one mile per day?  Ha, it was definitely more work for me.  Or maybe I was just lazy? During the week the last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym for that mile.  Yeah, I guess I could have ran outside but this crazy weather was not helpful.  Well, with all complaints aside, I completed this streak and that is all that matters.

Total miles ran in 2013 was 1018.59 miles compared to 848.41 in 2012.

This year I ran 24 races.  14 of those races were Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon Races.  I PR’d in the ING Hartford Half Marathon and at the Community Bank of Elmhurst 4 on the 4th.


My best race experiences were the ING Hartford Half Marathon and the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon.  Other cool races were the Little Rock Half Marathon because I met Bart Yasso and the Manchester City Half Marathon because I met the lovely Kathrine Switzer.

Best medals I received were from the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon and the Little Rock Half Marathon.  I would love to go back to Little Rock to run the full marathon because the medal is as big as my face.

I ran in 19 states last year.  Also, I ran my 100th race in my sweet town Chicago!  I submitted this photo to Pavement Runner as one of The Best Photos of 2013 and he posted it on his blog!  There are other amazing photos so make sure to check it out.
100th race

I ran in the Mizuno Wave Elixir but fell deeply in love with the Brooks PureFlow 2 and the PureConnect 2.  I love them so much that I’ve purchased several pairs from Running Warehouse. Are 8 pairs enough?

I discovered Huma Energy Gels but also found out about Gu Energy Gel in Salted Caramel thanks to Kim at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls.  Run with Jess had 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways and I won Day 12 which was an 8pk of Gu Energy Gels in Salted Caramel.  Yep, that made me very happy.

2013 was a frustrating year for me.  I could not even get close to a sub 2 half marathon (which was my goal in 2013) but I was also frustrated for being hard on myself and not being able to fully experience and enjoy each race.  However, after various pep talks from several people and a big change of attitude, I was no longer frustrated and instead made the best of each race.  I loved traveling to each state and look forward to many more this year.

Follow my journey as I travel to run in more states, each RunDisney Half Marathon, and a 50K all in 2014.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon

Done, state #29 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This was my last race in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series.  Last year I bought a TourPass which gave me “free” registration to their races this year.  I ran almost each one and the TourPass was the best deal ever!  I know it is being offered again for next year but now you have to pay a $7 processing fee for each race.

I got into Las Vegas after 4pm and my friend, DB, picked me up at the airport.  DB is a Swirlgear Ambassador and I met her this summer at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon.  From the airport she dropped me off at the convention center to pick up my bib.  Her daughter was with her and since they had already been to the convention center, DB told me that she would wait for me.

Once I got to the front of the line, I was told that my packet was on the 2nd floor.  I did not but went upstairs.  Imagine my surprise when I found out I had VIP status. Apparently I’ve ran 15 or more RnR races.  I got a backpack with more goodies inside, a wristband that gave me access to the VIP lounge before and after the race, and champagne to enjoy.  Amazing!

Fast forward to race day.  The VIP lounge was amazing!  Food and more food was everywhere.  Plus, there was water, coffee, and a bunch of other stuff.  I did have to go to the bathroom and did not have to wait long.  Score!  Before I knew it, it was time to head over to the start line.

It took me 10 minutes to cross the start line.  There was so much energy and excitement around me. Everyone was pumped up for the race.  I took it easy because I had stomach issues.  The first mile was not exciting because we ran away from the strip.  But once we got to the strip everything changed.  It was already dark but the lights along the strip were just breathtaking.  There were so many supporters along the route.  It felt amazing knowing that the strip was closed to traffic but open to us runners.

Miles 7-9 took us away from the strip.  I did not like that at all because it was dark, boring, and no spectators at all.  I paid close attention to where I was running to make sure I did not trip.  It did go by fast because then we were back on the strip towards the finish line.

The last 3 miles were difficult for me.  I would run and walk.  I was not sure what was going on because I was fine up until mile 10.  Somehow I got some energy and made it to the finish line for a finish time of 2:27:16.  There were so many people cheering there and I felt so happy but sad at the same time.  Despite how I had been feeling the last three miles, I was sad because it was my last RnR for the year.  This year had been amazing with so many wonderful races.

Once I was done my next stop was the VIP lounge at Serendipity 3.  I knew it was by Caesar’s Palace but getting out of the secure zone was a hassle.  Finally I found the place and the food was ever better than what was offered before the race.  I wasn’t too hungry but ate some pizza and drank a beer.  I chatted with a few folks and left about an hour later because I was cold and tired.  The walk back to the hotel was NOT fun at all.  It was about 2 miles to the Luxor and there were so many people out there.  I received compliments on my socks and someone asked me if I had won the race. When I told him that I didn’t, he told me that maybe next time.

This is the best RnR race I’ve ever ran and would definitely run it again!!  This race should be on everyone’s list.  A few things I would do different:

  • Arrive early to take advantage of the expo
  • Check into hotel early to avoid risk of hotel not having non-smoking rooms available
  • Do better job to hydrate and eat properly prior to race
  • Stay at a hotel halfway between start and finish line
  • Go see a Cirque du Soleil show

Again, every runner MUST do this race.  I promise you will have a wonderful time!!

This race was my 49th half marathon.  Now I am on a mission to run a race possibly next month in Chicago for my 50th half marathon.  If I don’t, then my next half marathon will be in January for the Goofy Challenge.

Manchester City Half Marathon

Done with state #28 in NH!

I will admit that the course description scared me.  It is described as “hilly, challenging, and scenic”.  I almost backed out but am glad that I did in fact run this race.

The expo was really small.  The highlight of it was meeting Kathrine Switzer.  She is so friendly and down to earth.  She hugged me and I felt like we’ve known each other for years.  I bought one of her books and can’t wait to read it.

The race began at 8:50am.  I woke up at my normal time of 6am.  I tried going back to sleep but couldn’t.  I went downstairs to get coffee and began getting ready.  The weather was  41 degrees and I was not sure whether to wear pants or a skirt.  I decided to go with the skirt and my ProCompression socks.

It was windy and cold and I almost regretted not wearing pants.  I got in line to use the bathroom and made it to the start line with one minute to go.

The course is exactly as mentioned on the website: hilly, challenging and scenic.  Beautiful course!  I love running during the fall because of all of the colors.  There were plenty of water stations and they were not crowded at all.  There were some places with a lot of crowd support.  There were houses in which families were gathered outside having their own little gathering and cheering for the runners.  And yes it was hilly and challenging!  My legs were screaming at me to stop!  I took some walk breaks, especially during the hills.  There was just no way I could run up all of them.

My finish time is 2:25:57.  I am very happy with it because the course was not easy.  The weather helped too.

Next race is Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas which will be by 29th state.  Plus, it will be my 49th half marathon.  After Las Vegas my next race is the Goofy Challenge in FL.  But you know for sure I will be planning a 50th half marathon in my hometown, Chicago.