Category: Race Recap

Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon

Done, state #23.

I arrived in Philadelphia at 10:30 and took a shuttle to the hotel.  The staff was wonderful!  My room was ready and they were able to give me a 1pm late checkout.  Plus, they would have breakfast available beginning at 6am on Sunday morning.

I wasn’t planning to purchase anything at the expo.  🙁  I bought 5 packets of Gu (Salted Caramel is DELICIOUS), a running skirt, sandals (very comfortable) and a shirt.  When I picked up my packet there was also a letter congratulating me on achieving Rock Idol status and an extra bib.



Afterwards I had lunch and then made my way to the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  Of course I had to get a picture with the Rocky Balboa statue and walk up the stairs of the museum.


Race day came and I got ready.  My coffeemaker in my room was broken so I went downstaris to the lobby for coffee.  There were a lot of people having breakfast and I kicked myself for not waking up earlier to eat downstairs.  I got ready, went to the bathroom, and made my way to the start line.  It was chilly in the morning but I am so glad I did not wear my long sleeve shirt.  I had to go again to the bathroom but the lines were RIDICULOUS.  The race was sold out but there weren’t enough bathroom.  I waited in line for about 45 minutes before I was able to use one.  By then it was almost 8:30 so I made my way to the start line.

The race began by the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  The first few miles we ran through Philadelphia.  There were so many people out there cheering for us.  The weather was perfect and I was in my own little zone just running.  I told myself not to stop and walk.  There isn’t anything wrong with walking but I just wanted to run as much as possible in this race.  Anytime I felt like I wanted to stop, I ran a little slower.  The only times I stopped were during the water/Gatorade stations.

The water stations by mile 3 and 5 were disappointing.  I appreciate all of the volunteers that help out during a race but I was just a little disappointed today.  In mile 3 the Gatorade was straight (concentrated) from the bottle and in Mile 5 there were only empty cups on the table.  The volunteers were scrambling to fill as fast as possible the cups.  I did feel bad for them but man I was thirsty and I wanted water!  The rest of the water stations were fine.

We ran past the museum again and then it was straight running along the Schuylkill River.  It was shaded, flat, and peaceful.  The river was long.  I knew there was a turn around point coming up because I could see runners on the other side of the river.  Whew, finally I saw it and I walked for a few moments as I drank my water.  Now it was time to finish the race with about 4 miles to go.

The race ended at the museum as well.  There were so many people there cheering.  I slowly went up a slight incline and made my way to the finish line.  Done!  My finish time is 2:24:06.  I am proud of myself because I took minimal breaks and ran through most of the race.  I liked the race very much and if you are looking for a race in Philadelphia then this is the race to do.


After the race I walked back to the hotel to shower and change because I was meeting a friend for lunch.  He was picking me up at noon at the hotel.  We went to a great place “Marathon” where I quickly ate a Spicy Buffalo Chicken Sandwich.  I was hungry.  Then afterwards I went to Independence Hall and to Liberty Bell Center.  I had a great time in Philadelphia and will definitely visit again.



Next race is Omaha Half Marathon on Septemeber 22.  I am looking forward to this race because I get to see my running buddy, JB.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon

Done, state #22.


I left on Saturday morning for Virginia Beach.  I thought the airport was going to be very busy because of Labor Day (it wasn’t) so I arrived at the airport very early.  Oh well, not a problem.  Virginia Beach is 30 minutes from Norfolk so I rented a car.  I am glad I did because I drove to the expo, lunch, dinner, and Target.  I booked my hotel, The Blue Marlin, through Southwest.  I loved it!  It was not a fancy hotel but it was a block from the beach and a 15 minute walk to the start line.

Relaxing along the beach before the race.
Relaxing along the beach before the race.
My view from the hotel. See the beach?
My view from the hotel. See the beach?

Nothing new or exciting about the expo.  Same stuff.  Don’t get me wrong, it is still a GREAT expo.  I checked out a few sleeveless shirts because I knew it was going to be hot on race day but I decided to save my money and wear the one I brought along for the race.


I don’t get the goodie bag anymore because there are no goodies inside (just paper) but this time I did and what a nice surprise!


Race day came and I got ready.  The hotel did not have a coffee maker in the room so I walked across the street to 7-Eleven.  I saw several people walking to the start line.  I drank my coffee and water and made my way to the start line.  It took me about 15 minutes to get there.  I got in line to go to the bathroom and missed beginning with my corral.  I was OK with that because then I realized I had to go again to the bathroom and got in line again.  I started running at about 7:15 am.

The course was mostly flat except for one hill/incline after mile 1 which on the way back was the beginning of mile 12.  It was HOT and HUMID but the course was about 90% in the shade which was nice.  I ran like a turtle, nice and slow.  There were so many supporters and plenty of water stations. Plus, spectators were spraying us with their water hose which helped cool me down.  Others were offering ice which I gladly accepted.  In one station volunteers were handing out sponges filled with cold water.

The last 3/4 of the race was along The Boardwalk next to the beach.  I enjoyed that very much.  There were many people cheering for us.  Plus, it was nice to see the finish line as it got closer and closer.

My finish time is 2:38:52.   After the race I got chocolate milk, a banana, a bottle of water, and walked back to the hotel.  I went to the beach for a bit and it felt good to put my feet in there for a bit.  I didn’t stay too long because I had to be out of the hotel by 11 am.


Next race is Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia on September 15.

Fort2Base Race

Hello, on Sunday I ran my first 10 Nautical Mile race.  That is the equivalent of 11.5 miles.  The race began at Fort Sheridan and ended at the Naval Station Great Lakes.

Fort2Base Race

Packet pick-up was a breeze at Road Runner Sports in Chicago.  I really do not understand the big deal with the membership (VIP prices) since you can get pretty much get the same stuff at lower/same price from Runner’s Warehouse without paying a membership fee.

I LOVE, LOVE the race shirt!!  I love purple and the slogan in the back.  Plus, the fit is just perfect.  I give away my other race shirts but this one I will keep.

Fort2Base Race

I was up at 4am on Sunday morning.  I was out the door by 4:45 and by 6:00 I was at the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science parking lot where I left my car and got on a bus to get to the start line.  The information brochure stated it was 30 minutes to the start line but in reality it was only 15 minutes.

I had to go to the bathroom and almost did not go when I saw the line and the number of porta-a-potties.  Luckily the line was moving fast and I was out with only a few minutes before the race began. However, by now I know better and do not rush to get to the start line.  I mean, do I really have to start right on time?  Definitely not.

Fort2Base Race

It didn’t seem like there too many runners.  I think there might have been more at the 3 Nautical Mile race.  I saw a friend of mine but it was a quick “hello” and “good luck” because he is a fast runner and his place was as close as possible to the start line.

Fort2Base Race

So off I went.  It was overcast and not too hot.  The first 2 miles were in Ft. Sheridan which was really cool.  Then we ran along the North Shore Bike Path. I liked this very much because it was very different from running along the lakefront.  Also, it was shaded and not too crowded with other runner/bike runners.

The last 3 miles were at the Naval Station.  It was cool being there because that place is not open to civilians yet we were allowed to be there because of the race.  There was one long downhill but I knew there was an uphill too.  Oh and that uphill wore me out.  I walked up the whole thing.  Once I made it to the top I found out that hill was called “Hero’s Hill.”  There were officers making sure I was fine and offered to run with me.  I only had one more mile to go.

Fort2Base Race
It does not look like it but it was a TOUGH hill!

The last mile was tough for me.  I was very thirsty and grateful for a water station at about half mile before the finish line.  As I got closer to the finish line, I heard the announcer say my name and that made me super happy.

Disclaimer: As part of the ambassador/blogger program, I received a complimentary race entry in exchange for posts about the race, my training, and a race recap.  All opinions are mine.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon

Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

Done.  This race was not one of the 50 + 1 states goal.  I ran it because I live in Chicago and the registration fee is covered in the TourPass.  Let me begin by saying that this was my 100th race and my WORST finish time race this year.  I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out what went wrong.  I ran better in Nashville (2:30:14) and it rained the entire course.  I was miserable in that race. My other worst time was in Seattle (2:30:39) and that race was a month ago.  Since then the only other race I’ve done was a 5K.

Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

This whole week we’ve had a heat wave and I was so happy when the temperature was cooler today. I woke up at 4:30 and did the usual pre-race things (bathroom, coffee, Clif Bar, etc).  I made it to the race by 6:10 and missed the Chicago Running Bloggers meet up at 5:45.  I did not check in any gear but used the time to use the porta potty.  No line! Score.  I got in my corral, double checked my Garmin, and just waited.  Before I knew it, we were off!

The course took us through various areas of downtown Chicago.  Actually, part of the course was part of the Chicago Marathon course.  I was sweating and thirsty before the start of the race.  Definitely not good.  I was trying to keep a 10:15 pace but having a hard time with it.  My legs felt heavy.  I alternated drinking water and Gatorade at each water station. To motivate me I listened to music and pictured myself crossing the finish line.  I walked.  Then I ran again.  And walked again.  I was tired and thirsty.  When it was time for my second energy gel I did not want to take it without water but there was no water station in sight.  Luckily there were some spectators giving out water bottles (my angels) so I took one and drank all of it.  That’s how thirsty I was.  I remember this was before mile 10 and kept telling myself that I was almost done.  After mile 10 there was ice, sponges filled with iced cold water, and a water misting area.  Heaven!

The last three miles we ran close to the lakefront and in a tunnel (cool with music and lights).  I saw a man on the sidewalk with blood in his face.  I did not see him fall but it freaked me out.

There was an incline and then I saw the finish line but it was SO FAR AWAY.  I ran and walked and then ran to the finish line.  My finish time was 2:34:38.  I grabbed water, Gatorade, chocolate milk, and a banana and went to sit down.  It felt good but then it hurt once I had to get up.

Whew, I feel much better writing about it.  A few people have told me that not all of my races will be good races.  And that is true.  I will be upset about it but then I will get over it.  I have many more races to run and I intend to enjoy them as much as I can.

Oh, and I think yesterday’s race did not go well for me because I was hot and dehydrated.  I drank more water before the race and along the course then I’ve ever done so in any race. Of course it did not help that it was hot.  Oh well.  Nothing to do about it now except learn from it and make sure I am properly hydrated.  My next half marathon is in Virginia Beach and I’ve heard from a few people that last year it was hot, hot.

Rock 'n' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

Strike Out ALS 5K

Yesterday I ran my 99th race, the Strike Out ALS 5K.  Let me just tell you that it was a muggy evening for a race.  I ran with members of Team Ruth in support of my friend, LH, whose sister has ALS.

I met up with them at 5:30 pm and then went to gear check to meet members of the Chicago Running Bloggers.

Strike Out ALS 5K

Again, it was muggy outside.  Before I left my house I took a water bottle with me in the hopes that I would run with it.  I knew there was only one water station along the way and knew that was not enough for me.  Well, I finished the water BEFORE the start of the race.  There was water by the start line so I grabbed another bottle.

The race began a little after 6:30.  I had trouble with my Garmin locating a signal so I got out of the line and waited a few minutes.

The course was mainly through the U.S. Cellular Field parking lot.  Boring.  I did not like it one bit.  I really tried to stay positive but I was hot, thirsty, and already had a headache.  I finished my water bottle a little after the first mile.  The view was not interesting at all.  I cursed the sun in the hopes that it would go away.  No luck.  I focused instead on the reasons I was running this race.  So many people/families are affected by ALS and as much as I was unhappy about the weather and the course, I was still grateful that I was healthy and had two running legs.

The last half mile or so was inside the stadium.  I remember hearing last year that it was hot and long. Well, it was long but not hot since the AC was on.  I kept on running and took one walking break before we were finally outside the field.  We still had about another quarter mile before the finish line. It was cool there because it was like running to make a home run.  I was so happy to see the finish line!!

Strike Out ALS 5K