Category: Race Recap

Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Half Marathon

Done, state #17.

I got in Nashville after 4pm.  I wasn’t sure whether to call for a shuttle or take a cab to the hotel but my new friend Laura told me that a friend of a friend (Jeff) was at the airport with a car and could give me a ride to the hotel.  Sweet!  Perfect timing too!

He was going first to the expo so I went with him.  I did not wait long for my bib which was nice. Check out the cool bracelet I received!



I love Rock ‘n’ Roll expos but I’ve been to a few of them and didn’t need/want anything.  We walked around and saw Frank Shorter.  I had to take a picture with him.


Later that night Laura and I went out for dinner.  We stopped at The Old Spaghetti Factory but the wait was 45 minutes.  We left our name on the wait list but left to check out other restaurants and possibly get a beer.  We ended up at Rock Bottom Brewery and ate dinner there and drank beer.


Wake up time on race day was 5:15 am.  The hotel was nice enough to offer race participants a ride to the start line.  We went down a little after 6 and waited in line for about an hour.  I was a little annoyed because I don’t like waiting but was glad I did because at least I waited indoors and not at the start line since it was raining.


The rain damped my mood.  It rained all through the race.  I wore shorts, short sleeve shirt, light jacket, and a plastic bag.  I made a mental note that I had to purchase a water resistant jacket (I bought one on Sunday).  I chafed in many places and was in pain when I took a shower.

My goal was to finish in less than 2:30.  Finish time was 2:29:39!!!  And yes another hilly course. Obviously if it hadn’t rain that much then the race experience would have been so much better!

My mile splits were:
Miles 1 through 4-10:12, 10:39, 12:10, 12:39
Miles 5 through 8-11:43, 10:24, 10:48, 12:16
Miles 9 through 12-11:18, 10:41, 11:28, 11:18
Mile 13-12:38

The best part of this race/trip was meeting Laura.  She is such a sweet and amazing person!  She ran the full marathon and finished in 3:55:26.

Run Raleigh Half Marathon

Done, state #16.  Read the post about the packet pick up here.

My official finish time is still to be determined.  I’ve been back and forth with someone from the race and he has informed me that my finish time is 2:25:48 but yet on the website it is listed as 2:26:40.  I know it is just a minute but the former is close to the time on my Garmin watch too.

Weekly Workouts, April 8-14, 2013

On Sunday morning my alarm went off at 6am and I cursed the 7am start time.  Of course I got over that once I was dressed and drank coffee.  I was thankful too because by the time I was done it was sunny and very warm.


Run Raleigh was a small race.  I lined up in the middle because I wanted to be as close as possible to the 2:15 pace group.  Of course the race was hilly! I decided to just deal with them.  Why get all worked up and frustrated about them?  They’re challenging and make the races a little bit more exciting.  I have to embrace them and love them too.  OK, maybe not love but at least like them right?

I need to learn to pace myself.  I always start off too fast and then end up paying for it at the end.  My mile splits are:

Miles 1 through 4-9:57, 10:06, 10:32, 10:22 Not too bad here.
Miles 5 though 8-10:03, 11:07, 10:17, 10:34 Pretty good here except mile 6.
Miles 9 through 12-12:02, 12:19, 11:42, 12:43 Tired and am running slow.
Mile 13 through 13.18-12:36, 1:32

The course was a combination of running along the streets of Raleigh and through various trails.  I did like the trails because it provided shade but it was not even pretty or exciting to look at.  Thank goodness I had my music to distract me.

There was no GU at all.  Not even candy, oranges, or some other kind of sweets.  There was water and Gatorade at various stops along the way.  The volunteers were great!

I knew I was close to the finish line when I passed my hotel which was about 4 blocks away.  Then it was mostly going up and down various times. Towards the end it was a long stretch slightly downhill. Loved it!  I felt like I was flying!!


I was so happy to cross the finish line.  I was hot, sore and tired.  I then walked back to my hotel but had to sit on the steps for a few minutes to rest.  As for the medal?  I think it is OK.  Nothing great or fancy.


Next race is Rock ‘n Roll Nashville on April 26 where I will finally meet Laura from Absolut(ly) Fit.

Just Keep Running!

Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Nation’s Capital Half Marathon

Done, state #15.  Well, I know Washington DC is not a state but let’s pretend that it is for the sake of this blog and my running goal.  I was very happy with this race because of my finish time (2:22:43) and the weather (it did not rain). Also, the shirt was kind of cool.  So far I’ve received three shirts from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series and this is the second one I like.


I did not write a post about the expo because it was pretty much the same from other Rock ‘n’ Roll expos.  I like the expos but did not find anything that I really wanted or needed.

The weather forecast called for rain on race day.  I don’t mind running in the rain but do mind it when it is cold too.  It is such a miserable experience! Luckily, there was no rain on Saturday.  It was kind of cold so I went back to the hotel (the start line was 2 blocks from the hotel) to put on my long sleeve shirt.  I am glad I did because there were times in which I was cold.


I felt really good for most of the course.  It was boring but I listened to music so that helped a bit. There was great crowd support in parts of the course. And then there was this massive hill around mile 6.  Now, who does that?


I felt a few drops around mile 10 and prayed that it would not rain.  I mean I was almost done and was cold and did not want to get wet.

My favorite part was running towards The Capitol.  Such a pretty view and great because it was mostly downhill.  Not good for my quads but made me feel like flying.

It was a challenge to get to the finish line.  I remember it being mostly uphill.  I was very happy when I crossed the finish line and got my medal.

I love how there is so much food at these races.  There were so many people that it took me a good 10 minutes to get out of there.  I had to meet my friend, Jaime, because we were taking the Metro back to the hotel.

I LOVE Washington DC and am so glad I went for a race.  My visit was not complete until I went to see the White House.  Mission accomplished!


I enjoy reading race recaps.  And even more when they’re of races I’ve ran too.  Here are a few good ones I’ve read of the half marathon this past weekend.  I LOVE how they remembered so many more things than I did about the race.

Just Keep Running!

Little Rock Half Marathon

Done, state #14.  I was very happy with this race because of my finish time (2:22:11), the weather, and definitely the medal.


The expo was pretty decent.  I bought another flower and a shirt.  Oh, and I met Bart Yasso.

The start line was literally next to the hotel so I went down at 7:50 on Saturday morning.  I adjusted my headphones and waited till my Garmin got a signal before getting in the corral to start the race.  About 10 minutes later I was ready to go.  However, as soon as I crossed the start line I met up with some walkers.  Seriously?  Nothing against any walkers but they need to start after the runners or at least move over to the right side.  No?

This course had hills, hills, and more hills.   My friend, Melody, told me to run slowly up the hills and to take it easy on the way down.  I did that for most of them but there were a few that I could not make it to the top so instead I walked.

I wore a long sleeve shirt, long shorts, compression socks, and gloves.  The sun was shining but it was still cold.  The breeze make it even colder.   However, it was still comfortable running weather.

There was great crowd support.  Lots of people were out there and not just cheering for the runners but also providing goodies.  I saw oranges, candy, beer, water, and Gatorade.  I almost took the beer (around mile 10) but decided against it because I still had 3 miles to go and those are the most difficult for me.

I was running in my own zone that I missed Little Rock Central High School and the Governor’s Mansion?  What?!?!?

The last mile was brutal.  With half a mile to go I took a walking break.  I began running again and noticed some volunteers were giving out lipstick.  You bet I got one!


I did not PR but am really happy with my time.  Will I do this race again?  You bet.  I want the marathon medal.  It is almost as big as my face!


My next race is next Saturday in Washington, DC.  I will be wearing my “lucky” socks from Pro Compression.

Little Rock Half Marathon

Just Keep Running!

Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Petersburg Half Marathon

Done, state #13.  Is the number 13 really an unlucky number?   This would have been a “perfect” race (flat) but yet it was a tough race for me.  I am still racking my brain trying to figure out what went wrong.

My finish time was 2:28:22.  Yeah, not happy with it.   I did so much better in Phoenix and that race was just as flat.  The weather?  Both races were sunny but this race was a bit warmer.  I remember that I was sweating before I finished mile 1.

I was tired by mile 6. My legs felt like lead.  I could not make them go faster.  I tried.   I was trying to enjoy the race but it was just too hard. I want to run a race but also have a little bit of fun.   I just couldn’t.

The course was boring.  The best part of it was the last three miles.  There were beautiful houses and amazing crowd support.  I even managed to take a few pictures which I never do during a race.

I was happy to see the finish line and high fived the announcers.  I think one of them was John Bingham aka The Penguin.

As usual there was delicious food after the race.  Unfortunately, I could not stay long because I had to get back to the hotel for my 11am check out.  Too early I think.

I wish I could say I liked this race but I just can’t.  Of course this is just my opinion as other people would say just the opposite.

As for the medal, sigh, kind of boring. What do you think?

Hopefully March is a better month.  I will be in Arkansas for the Little Rock Half Marathon and in DC for another Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon.

Just Keep Running!