• I went to Target and saw that they were already setting up for school supplies. I quickly moved away from that area because it was depressing to see all that. I am afraid that schools will be open in the Fall due to political reasons instead of the right ones.
• This weather forecast for the next couple of days. Hello Summer!
• This week I’ve been more tired than usual. The weather? Maybe. On Monday I was even more tired than usual. It could have been because I ran 5 miles that morning and was dehydrated. I came home with a headache and drank so much water and still could not go to the bathroom.
• I’m annoyed that my some of my stars from Starbucks have expired. Should I be penalized for not wanting to leave my house to get something from Starbucks? You bet I am going to send them an email.
• I will admit that everything being said about opening schools again in the Fall does make me nervous. I have so many questions. Part of me does want to go back to the classroom because I am bored with remote learning. I am sure the students are too. However, do I want to risk it?