Category: Rock ‘n’ Roll Race

Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona Half Marathon

Done, state #12 and my second race of 2013.  This is the first of many Rock ‘n’ Roll races I will be doing this year.

I arrived in Phoenix on Saturday morning and took the light rail to meet up with my friend L at the motel. From there we went to the expo.  I love, love the expo!!  As mentioned in a previous post, I bought lots of goodies.

Race morning came and I was up at 5:30 am.  I got dressed, made coffee, and ate a Clif Bar.  I was still hungry so I also ate a waffle.  Doesn’t it look delicious?

It was dark when I arrived at the start line.  I got in line to use the port-a-potty and then checked my bag. I was cold.  But ready or not, I was going to rock ‘n’ roll!!  It was such a beautiful morning once the sun was out.

My goal was to set a PR (2:20:00).  I got a little ambitious and decided to run with the 2:15 pace group. See, I even had a cute wristband to help me stay on pace.  I was doing good until about mile 4.25 when I stopped to eat a Gu.  I then tried to keep up with them but they were about 15 seconds ahead of me.  Do the pace leaders ever stop to drink water or gatorade or eat a Gu?  I ate another Gu at mile 8 but by then my legs felt like lead so I decided to take a walk break.

See the cute Bondi Band headband?  It fell off at mile 6.  Yeah, I was disappointed.  I felt it slide down and then turned around to pick it up but by then there were other runners coming towards me and I was not about to cause an accident there.  On the website it is advertised as “no slip”.  Hmm, that was not the case here because it did slip.  Oh well, I think for next time I will secure it with bobby pins.

The course was flat and I was very happy about that.  There was a slight and long incline around mile 8 but I hardly felt it. The sun was shining but it wasn’t hot at all.  I don’t remember much about the course except that it was flat.  I wish I had taken more pictures but I guess I was focused on staying on pace.

Did I PR?  Nope.  My finish time was 2:20:49.  I missed it by less than a minute.  I am disappointed but yet happy at the same time.  However, I did run faster than the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon.  I know that I ran strong and I will PR this year in another race.

Overall, it was a great race with perfect weather.  Flat course which is always a plus!  The volunteers did a great job and the crowd support was AMAZING!  I am not  a big fan of RnR races because of their prices but I purchased a TourPass which gives me “free registration” for their races this year. Next race is in St. Petersburg and it is advertised as “flat and fast”.  Looking forward to it!

Just Keep Running!

Rock ‘n’ Roll TourPass

This past week I received an email with an offer I could not resist.  It was an offer that for $399 I could purchase a pass that gave me “free registration” to all Rock ‘n’ Roll Races next year.  Seriously? You know that unless you are one of the early registrants, each race is between $80-$100. Sounds like a great deal.  I looked over the list of cities/states and immediately decided to purchase it.

I am so excited!  It looks like the first race I will do is in March in Washington DC.  I know it will be expensive because I still need to purchase airfare and hotel for each race.  However, if you have friends in any of these states or know someone that will running these races, let me know so that I can possibly room with them and in the process make more friends!

Run Happy!

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon

Time to beat was 5:25:22. Finish time for this marathon was 5:16:53. Yes, a PR!! I was aiming for less than 5 hours because I thought I trained better for this race. I know, I know I should be happy (and I am) but I am slightly annoyed. Average running pace was 12:06.

Overall, it is a GREAT race!! The course is flat with just a few inclines. I have yet to be friends with them because I walk through them instead of running. There was wind from mile 13 till about 17.5 miles and then again from mile 20 till almost till the end. That did not make me happy. 🙁

I loved the crowd support. There was a man giving little dry martinis. So cute! I did not dare drink one. I should have because I wanted beer but they were all out. I did not know and by the time I realized it I did not want to run back for it. I think this was about mile 22.5 or so and I just wanted to finish the race.

I love the medal. So colorful! I will post pictures tomorrow when I get home. I am typing this post on my iPad and don’t know how to upload them.

The only thing I did not like about the race was that the start and finish locations were not close together. When I am done with a marathon, I just want to get something to eat and then shower. Today I had to walk about half a mile to get to the shuttle buses and then be on the bus for a 20 minute ride to take me back downtown. I was hurting and I struggled to get off the bus. Well, at least there were buses. Before I found out about the buses at the expo, I thought I would have to take a cab back to the hotel.

If you get a chance to run this race, do so. You will love it!

Next on my list is to run an ultra marathon on March 31st. There is a 7 hour limit so I think I will be OK with finishing in 6:59:59.

Happy running!

Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon

I registered today. I was holding off because I did not want to shell out $95 yet to register. Well, today I got an awesome email from my friends at Fleet Feet letting me know about a discount code. I immediately went to the site and after a few email backs and forth getting the correct code, I registered for $40. AWESOME!!! I am so excited! I already have my hotel room so now I need airline tickets. I have two free tickets from Southwest so it looks like I am set.

The only thing that worries me is training during the winter. I do not like running outside. I don’t mind too much the cold weather because I tend to run with a decent amount of layers. What I hate is the snow and ice. Oh well, I guess I have to suck it up or run indoors on the treadmill.

By the way, the date is March 4, 2011.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon….or was it really a half marathon?

What a great day for a race!  The race began at 6:30am so I had to be up at 4:30am.  By the time I got ready, stretched, and ate a peanut butter & jelly sandwich it was about 5:15.  Of course I made it just in time to drink water, go to the bathroom, and stretch some more.  I guess I got lucky and ended up in Corral 7 which was not too far from the starting line.

I don’t have correct mile split times because my Garmin was off.  I have it set up to Auto Lap by Distance.  According to it I completed 14.01 miles.  Seriously?  Who is wrong the Garmin or the people that measured the course?  Overall I was pleased with my finish time – 2:26.  My goal was to finish it in less than 2:30.  I knew I was not going to set a PR for two reasons: 1) my training has been so so this summer and 2) I had this pain on the bottom of my right foot that by the end of the race the pain was all the way up my leg and to my lower back.  After the race I had to stop at the medical tent for an ice pack.

I did like the race and the course.  The weather was just perfect!!!  To be honest I really don’t care too much about the live music along the course.  The only reason I ran this race is because I signed up for it last year during the 2010 race expo.  There was some kind of promotion going on and I had the chance to register for next year’s race for only $55.  Yes, that is correct.  I was thinking of signing up for the half marathon in Las Vegas in December and almost fainted when I saw the fees.  Why, why, WHY?   Why so much?  I cannot justify spending $140 for a half marathon.  Seriously why so expensive?  I see that next year there will be races in Madrid and Scotland so I will be interested to know how much the fees are for those races.  One race that I MIGHT do is the marathon in New Orleans.  It is only $95 till October 31.

  Half Marathon Marathon
May 31 – June 5 $130 $140
June 6 – Sept. 4 $140 $165
Sept. 5 – Nov. 27 $155 $175
Expo $175 $175

Any thoughts on the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series and their ridiculously fees?