Category: Running Gear

Brooks PureProject Apparel

On Thursday I had the opportunity to attend a Brooks PureProject Apparel Fashion Show at Fleet Feet Chicago.  I almost did not go because I was tired by the time I left work and did not want to make the drive to Old Town when home is by Midway Airport.  Anyway, I am glad I went because I had a blast and I got to see a former coworker that I hadn’t seen in about 6 years.

The first thing I did when I arrived was to get some wine and food.  It was delicious!!  I must have filled my plate about 5 or 6 times and my stomach was very happy.


There was women and men’s apparel.  The line that was presented was two shirts for women and one for men, jackets (for men and women), and a pair of pants for men, and shorts and capris for women. We also saw the new line of PureProject shoes.

The fabric for the shirts is so soft.

From the website:

Screen shot 2014-01-18 at 9.21.53 PM

Cute jackets right?

Love the jacket and would like one for me.  The shirt is the same material as the women’s.

Can’t wait to run in these shoes!

I love running gear.  I have a lot at home but once in a while I find myself buying something new for me.  I almost bought the short sleeve shirt but could not justify paying $60 for it…yet.  🙂

Overall it was a fun night!


Oh, and let’s not forget about my former coworker, JF.  So great to see her!!


All photos are from Colin Gazley.

December and Year in Review 2013

Happy New Year!!

In December I ran 142.39 miles compared to 104.65 in November.  December was the month where I ran the most miles.  Plus, according to my cool spreadsheet, I finally ran over 1,000 miles this year.

I signed up again for the Runner’s World Holiday Running Streak.  I wasn’t able to complete it last summer nor last winter but three times is a charm right?  I did it…but barely.  How hard can it be to run one mile per day?  Ha, it was definitely more work for me.  Or maybe I was just lazy? During the week the last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym for that mile.  Yeah, I guess I could have ran outside but this crazy weather was not helpful.  Well, with all complaints aside, I completed this streak and that is all that matters.

Total miles ran in 2013 was 1018.59 miles compared to 848.41 in 2012.

This year I ran 24 races.  14 of those races were Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon Races.  I PR’d in the ING Hartford Half Marathon and at the Community Bank of Elmhurst 4 on the 4th.


My best race experiences were the ING Hartford Half Marathon and the Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon.  Other cool races were the Little Rock Half Marathon because I met Bart Yasso and the Manchester City Half Marathon because I met the lovely Kathrine Switzer.

Best medals I received were from the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon and the Little Rock Half Marathon.  I would love to go back to Little Rock to run the full marathon because the medal is as big as my face.

I ran in 19 states last year.  Also, I ran my 100th race in my sweet town Chicago!  I submitted this photo to Pavement Runner as one of The Best Photos of 2013 and he posted it on his blog!  There are other amazing photos so make sure to check it out.
100th race

I ran in the Mizuno Wave Elixir but fell deeply in love with the Brooks PureFlow 2 and the PureConnect 2.  I love them so much that I’ve purchased several pairs from Running Warehouse. Are 8 pairs enough?

I discovered Huma Energy Gels but also found out about Gu Energy Gel in Salted Caramel thanks to Kim at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls.  Run with Jess had 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways and I won Day 12 which was an 8pk of Gu Energy Gels in Salted Caramel.  Yep, that made me very happy.

2013 was a frustrating year for me.  I could not even get close to a sub 2 half marathon (which was my goal in 2013) but I was also frustrated for being hard on myself and not being able to fully experience and enjoy each race.  However, after various pep talks from several people and a big change of attitude, I was no longer frustrated and instead made the best of each race.  I loved traveling to each state and look forward to many more this year.

Follow my journey as I travel to run in more states, each RunDisney Half Marathon, and a 50K all in 2014.

Pro Compression Socks Giveaway Winner and Saturday Long Run

Congratulations to Jeffrey Lamers for winning a free pair of Pro Compression Trainer Low socks.

Thanks to everyone that participated in this giveaway.  Remember, you can still get your very own pair or pairs and use coupon code JULY for 40% AND free shipping.

Yesterday I went for a 14 miles run.  It was a gorgeous day.

I used the Nike + Running app on my phone.  I will admit that I liked it!

Total miles ran was 14 miles; fastest was 10:22 and slowest was 12:29.

I used my sample of Blue Steel Sports Anti-Chafe Cream from my StrideBox.  Sadly I chafed in the bra area but more than ever!  I am convinced it is the bra so I will need to get new ones.  However, I did not chafe in the inner thighs so that’s a relief!  In the past I’ve used Body Glide and Aquafor but found the latter to be too greasy.  I’ve used it twice and have some greasy stains in my shirts.  The Blue Steel Sports cream was not greasy at all, in fact it had sort of a silky touch, and had a light tea tree oil scent that goes away in case you are not too fond of the scent.

I am still sore from yesterday’s run and it was only 14 miles.  I cringe to think about running 15, 16, 17, etc, miles to prepare for the Goofy Challenge.  And I will be doing runs on Saturday AND Sunday!  Oh well, that is why it is called a challenge.

Just Keep Running!

Three Things Thursday, July 18, 2013

  1.  My new mantra.

  1.  I like wine and sangria.  I found this at Whole Foods and it is delicious!!  I’ve also bought de la costa Sangria at Costco (red) and it is also really good.

Three Things Thursday, July 18, 2013

3.  I got these yesterday.  I love the color too.  I ran 3.15 miles in them this morning and did not feel any kind of discomfort like last time.

Now it is time to rest and hydrate for the RnR Half Marathon on Sunday.  It has been scorching hot this week but it is supposed to cool down on Sunday.  I hope so.

Just Keep Running!

Run Raleigh Half Marathon Packet Pickup

Today I am in sunny and warm Raleigh for a half marathon tomorrow.  My hotel is 4 blocks from the start line.  Very convenient.

When I checked in the front desk clerk gave me the Hilton’s signature cookie.  I mentioned that I was running a half marathon the next day and she gave me another cookie.  Yes, that made me happy!

After I left my suitcase in my room I walked over to David’s Dumpling & Noodle Bar for lunch. Unfortunately it was closed.  I went next door to Players Retreat.  I ordered a grilled cheese and fries.  I couldn’t wait to get out of there. The service was bad and there was a smell that I could not put my finger on but it was just horrible.

There was no expo but just a packet pick up at Capital Run Walk.  This is what I got at packet pick up–just a shirt and a bib.

The store offered a 20% discount to those with a bib.  So, I looked around and found two Brooks shirts.  I love their stuff!  I found a pair of shorts (Brooks Women’s Versatile 5″ Woven Shorts) but decided to order them instead from Running Warehouse.  The reason being just in case they don’t fit well or I don’t like them then I can send them back.

I walked next door to a Hallmark store.  I looked around for a coffee mug and found one for me.

The race starts at 7am so I should be ready and out the door by 6:45 or so. As for the weather it will be in the 50s tomorrow morning.  🙂

Now, it is time for dinner and to get my stuff ready for tomorrow.

Just Keep Running!