Another great week for me! Ran 5 days for a total of 20.84 miles and did 2 virtual races for the Uncanceled Project. I was hoping to do 3 but needed a little over quarter of a mile for an 8K. Oh well.
Last week was my last week of school. While in a way I am glad it is over, it was sad. I know this isn’t the way it was supposed to be. I did the best I could with the tools I had. I had mentioned in another post that the camera in my students’ Chromebooks were not “working properly”. Due to security reasons, they could see me but I could not see them. Thursday morning we got an email that the cameras were now (we knew they would for Summer School). It felt so good to hold a Google Meets session on Thursday and Friday to see my kids!!
I mailed a certificate for those students that did some of the work these past couple of weeks. A few did NOTHING so no certificate. I did mail the “o-FISH-ally” gift to everyone. Mailing wasn’t cheap and someone told me that I could have just delivered to save some money. Umm, no. That is 18 envelopes. One of my kids received it yesterday and the mom sent me a picture thanking me.
Marcia and I are doing The Great Run Across Illinois. We signed up for the 210 miles challenge and each of us is planning to 105 miles. I am happy to report that I have run 92.88 miles since May 1st. I need 12.12 miles, but of course will continue running to complete the challenge with Marcia. I know virtual races isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it wasn’t mine either. However, they have motivated me to keep running.
I also signed up for the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge. This challenge offers different distances – 100, 250, 400, or 500 miles and you have 3 months to complete it. I am doing 250 miles. Run Local will donate 5% of every registration fee to Team No Kid Hungry. Make sure to sign up!
Remember how last week I wrote about how great one of my runs went? I did 3×5 minutes and not only did I ran them without stopping but they were all negative splits. I did the run again yesterday and while it didn’t go as well like last week, I am still proud and happy with how it went. This time I did stop a couple of times. 🙂
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.