Weekly Runs: March 11-17
M 3 miles
T Did not run
W Did not run
TH 4.83 miles
F 4 miles
S 4 miles
S Did not run
I am jealous of everyone running the NYC Half Marathon today. 🙂 But I am also happy.
Remember how last week I wrote about the Glycerin 17? I ordered another pair and those fit much better. I ran 4 miles in them yesterday. They are very soft and feel comfortable. Anyone else running in these shoes?
I also received 2 pairs of Tieks. Aren’t they gorgeous? Love them. I know they’re pricey but I am on my feet most of the day and these are comfortable for me.
I was sick (again) early in the week. I did my runs on different days than I was supposed to, but I got them done. I also stayed home from work on Wednesday. Going back on Thursday I did feel better, but not 100 percent better. Today I feel much better.
This week was 3 easy runs and 1 speed workout. Monday morning I had no problem waking up after the time change, but I did pay for it later. I was EXHAUSTED! I did see the most beautiful sunrise on my way to work.
I was supposed to do my speed workout on Tuesday but did it on Thursday. It was warm enough that I wore shorts! Love that I was able to hit the required paces. Plus, I got negative splits on the intervals!!
On Saturday the plan was to run 6 miles with the last 2 being my fastest. I ended up doing 4 with the last 2 being the fastest. Still counts, right?
On Friday the 2nd graders did leprechaun traps. They brought all of the materials from home (boxes, paper towel rolls, glitter, etc.). One of the teachers did a rotation schedule and every 20 minutes there were 2 different set of kids working on their trap. They had a blast! At the end of the day I asked them if they thought they would catch a leprechaun. They responded “Yes”! We’ll find out tomorrow. 🙂
Two more weeks of school and then Spring Break!!
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.