I ran 20 minutes yesterday. I was up a little before 5am because I wanted to get to the lake early to begin running. Well, I did not know that the lot “officially opens” at 6am. I could have left my car in the lot but you see the wonderful city of Chicago charges its residents to park in the lots by the lake. It is not too expensive but still. I paid for 6 hours which came up to about $3.75.
It was just a WONDERFUL day for running. It was just the kind of weather I would like to have on October 15 for the Hartford Marathon. As usual I started too fast but I still managed to run more than walk. Once I completed 10 miles I turned around and mentally told myself “going home, going home”. It was around mile 14 that my quads were hurting really bad and I had a nasty blister on my right foot. I have to remember to put band-aids or something for my next long run in case I get another blister. I struggled the last 4 miles but managed to keep on running. Overall finish time was 4:12:37 (12:35 pace). Not as fast as I would have liked but still pleased with completing 20 miles. I am planning another 20 mile run in 2 weeks.
Once at home it hurt to go up the stairs. Sigh. Why did I agree to live on the 2nd floor? Since I was too tired to stop at the gas station for ice, I partially filled the tub with cold water and sat there for about 10 minutes. Not too bad. I had my iPad so I caught up on Facebook and email. I told myself that next time no excuses and I will stop at the gas station for ice.
I am happy to say that I am not as sore as I thought I was going to be. Sure my quads are still sore but not too bad. Was it the chocolate milk? The cold bath? Was it all the walking done yesterday? Well, whatever it was simply worked. Hopefully in two weeks I will share a similar or better story…no pain at all!!! Or maybe that is asking too much.
What are your thoughts on ice baths? How soon after a long should you take one? I ask because I want to be ready for when I complete the Hartford Marathon. Obviously the first thing I would want to do is eat, eat, and then eat some more but should I do the ice bath first?