Category: Three Things Thursday

Three Things Thursday, May 30, 2013

1.  I signed up for another challenge, the Runner’s World Summer Run Streak.  The plan is to run at least one mile from Memorial Day through Independence Day (39 days).  So far I’ve been running for four days, three loops around the school in front of my house.  I have to change up the route because I am getting dizzy from running the same loops.

2. This Sunday is my race in San Diego.  So that means not one but two medals!

Three Things Thursday, May 30, 2013

3.  Another perk of running the race on Sunday is an invitation-only to the upcoming new movie “Spirit of the Marathon II”.  Very excited about it!  Are you planning to see the movie?  I know it will be showed at various theaters on Wednesday, June 12.

Three Things Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just Keep Running!

Three Things Thursday, May 23, 2013

1.  10 days to go till summer break.  My plans this summer are to run, eat, and drink.  Also, to relax and not think about work at all.  I’m looking forward to spending more time with my 10 year old nephew as well.  He is the cutest little thing and I just adore him!  We already have a list of things to do this summer.

2.  I signed up for the Disney Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge, January 11-12, 2014.  The challenge is a half marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday.  Yes, I am goofy.  I have not run a marathon since the Rock ‘n’ Roll New Orleans Marathon, March 4, 2012.  Time to dust off that marathon training plan.  If you’ve done this challenge, please send me your thoughts and advice.

3.  Do you like Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter?  Then you will LOVE MaraNatha Dark Chocolate Almond Spread.  They’re both delicious and the nutrition values in both are very similar.  The biggest difference is that MaraNatha has less sodium than Justin’s. Try it and let me know what you think.

Three Things Thursday, May 23, 2013
Three Things Thursday, May 23, 2013
Just Keep Running!

Three Things Thursday, May 16, 2013

  1.  This past weekend I went to Fleet Feet Chicago and bought a Garmin Forerunner 10.  It’s supposed to be a simple watch.  When I run I only want to know distance, time, and pace.  And this watch will give me just what I need.  Plus, I fell in love with the color!

2.  On Saturday I am off to Portland to run in state #18.  It is supposed to rain and check out the elevation map.

I received this email below on Tuesday.  Yay!

Three Things Thursday, May 16, 2013

3.  I finally took the plunge and took my first bikram yoga class!  I can cross it off this list.  I have a headache which is probably from the heat.  I did like the class but I am not used to the heat.  I bought a new student monthly pass so I can go as many times as I want till June 16.  Definitely will take advantage of it!!

Just Keep Running!

Three Things Thursday-May 9, 2013

1.  I got my latest medal from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Series.

2.  I am participating in two challenges-squats and planks.  The planks are not so bad but the squats are BRUTAL.  I may or may not sign up for another squat challenge anytime soon.  Ask me in a couple of months.


3.  I registered today for the L.A.T.E. Ride on June 29th-30th.  It is a 25 mile bike ride that goes through various Chicago neighborhoods.  Finally another item to cross off this list.

Just Keep Running!

Three Things Thursday-May 2, 2013

1.  I received the email below.  The half marathon in Pittsburg was cancelled.  Dang, that would have been my race in PA.  Luckily, there is another race in Philadelphia in September so I registered for that race.

2.  To top it off I also found out that the Cleveland race has been moved from Saturday, October 5th to Sunday, October 6th.  What else is Rock ‘n’ Roll going to change?  I don’t mind it too much because now I can leave for Cleveland on Saturday and not take a day off on Friday.  When I found out I changed my airline and hotel reservation.  I had to pay a little bit more for my return flight to Chicago but got a hotel closer to the start/finish line.

3.  I’ve read great reviews about the Eugene Marathon that took place last weekend.  I wished I would have ran it this year but now I am determined to make my way over there next year.  For a great race recap read Kim’s at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls.

Just Keep Running!