Happy Tuesday! Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics. Remember to link up with us! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Don’t forget to come back for later linkers!
Here is another post with some interesting prompts in the Jetpack app. Ready?
• Name the most expensive personal item you’ve ever purchased (not your home or car). Years ago a friend and I went to NY. Somehow we ended up at the Coach store and purchased a bag/purse. I don’t remember why I thought I needed it. I think I spent close to $500 for it. I still have it but have no need for it, but don’t want to get rid of it either.
• If you didn’t need sleep, what would you do with the extra time? Right now I would use the extra time to train for my race and pack/declutter to move. Just thinking about the packing stresses me out. I told my sister that I will need to tackle one room at a time so that it isn’t overwhelming. But the extra time would help too.
• Is your life today what you pictured a year ago? Yes and no. I finally bought a house and last year I was still looking for one. I am still at my job, taking care of my elderly mother, and living with my sister.
• What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life? Personally, this isn’t something I wouldn’t want to do. The thought of living over 80, 90, or 100 doesn’t sound appealing to me. Maybe if I didn’t have any health issues it might be something I would like to do. But then I remember where this country is headed and it brings me back to reality.
• What do you complain about the most? My job. I try not to because it doesn’t help me and it makes me more unhappy, but I cannot help it. If I didn’t have to work, I would travel around the world, and volunteer at a school. I know teachers could use the extra help. I would also read. I have a long list of books that I want to read.
The topic for next week – How to fall in love or fall back in love with running. Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!