Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: September 2024 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Let me tell you how September went for me:

Mileage:  In September I ran 25.15 and walked 29.67 miles.  

Run the Year 2024:  I signed up to run and walk 2,024 miles this year.  So far I have completed 430.43 miles (per the RTE Tracker) and have 1593 miles to go.  I know I will not reach this goal.  I am curious to see how many I actually do.

Current Book:  I read “To the Gorge: Running, Grief, and Resilience & 460 Miles on the Pacific Crest Trail” and am still reading “What Could Be Saved”.  I LOVED, LOVED the first book.  I enjoyed reading about her experience while running 460 miles.  I honestly cannot imagine running that many miles.  I am curious to know how she trained.  

It was so sad reading about her mom.  I felt like I was there with her and I wanted to comfort her.  Andrea sounds like an amazing woman!

Injuries:  I am doing a better job with stretching and using my massage gun everyday.  That has helped my plantar fasciitis.  

Races:  None.

Health:  I am still dealing struggling with hot flashes.  The number on the scale isn’t going up so I am happy about it.  Now I just need to lose the weight!

School:  I wish I could say it is going better.  I have OK days, bad days, and awful days.  I know I have said it before but I come home mentally exhausted.  I know I do too much for work and I need to stop.  I am always looking for things to help my students, make school more fun, etc.   It is burning me out.  

What I am looking forward to next month:  Spectate The Chicago Marathon and a day off for Indigenous Peoples’ Day.  

The topic for next week:  Share your favorite running item(s) you’ve tried this year.  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: Five Tuesday Prompts, Part 1

TT 5 Tuesday PromptsHappy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers!

Here is another post with some interesting prompts in the Jetpack app.  Ready?

• What advice would you give to your younger self?  Start early to save money for retirement.  I started saving money after college.  A boss told me to and I listened to her.  I am glad I did!  I would also tell my younger self to buy property.  I bought a condo a few years ago and then sold it to move back home.  I shouldn’t have done that.  My plan for when I retire is to live in a condo along the lakefront.  I am hoping that I can still buy a house now and then sell it when I retire.  Maybe prices will be different for senior citizens?  🙂

• What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?  To make it through this school year with the various issues I’ve been having with my students.  I have 24 and half of them are below or well below level in reading.  Everyone except 2 placed in either kindergarten or 1st grade level in Math.  I have 6 newcomers and about half of my students have some kind of behavior issue (they don’t listen, they don’t stop talking, they’re always touching something or someone).  I have separated everyone but grouped the newcomers with another student so that that student can help them.

• What is your favorite drink?  I have a few in the non-alcoholic category – water, coffee, and coke/diet coke.  In the alcoholic category, I like wine and martinis.

• Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  Either being close to retirement or already in retirement.  For the former, I hope I am not a classroom teacher.  It is too stressful and I want to enjoy the last couple of years.  I would like to work as a math interventionist.  We don’t have enough Spanish speaking math interventionists in the District which is surprising because the community is Spanish speaking.  My students are not being serviced/helped because there is no Spanish speaking math interventionist in my school.  How is that fair?

•What jobs have you had?  Explain.  After college, I worked for The Lodge in Oak Brook, IL.  It was an administrative position helping out The Director of Sales and the Sales Managers.  I was there for a few months before moving to The American Bar Association (ABA).  I worked for that company till 2019 when I got my teaching job.  At the ABA I worked in several departments.  I began as an administrative assistant and then worked in Marketing.  I don’t remember my exact titles but thanks to my last position, I traveled to many different states such as CA, NY, GA, TX, and OH. 

I never wanted to be a teacher.  I got tired of working for lawyers and wanted something more challenging.  I was working at the ABA while in school for my teaching degree.  There was a program funded by the State of Illinois which paid the tuition for professionals that wanted to make a career change to teaching.  I took advantage of it and only had to pay for my books.

The topic for next week – Share your favorite running item(s) you’ve tried this year.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My Fall running plans/race schedule

Tuesday Topics-235Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn.  Remember to link up with us.  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers.

This week has been warm here, but I know Fall is around the corner.  I am looking forward to the cooler weather and the colors of the leaves.  My hot flashes aren’t that bad in the Fall so that is another thing to look forward to.

Here are my plans for this Fall.

• Continue walking.  I enjoy my walks.  I want to do a better job of doing my walk in the morning before going to work.  There have been a few times that I skip them due to time constraints and then I have to get it done after work.  After work I want to cuddle with my cats and read my book.

Begin to run again.  I’ve been slacking the past couple of weeks.  I need a goal and a plan.  I need some motivation too, but hopefully I’ll get motivated when I have a goal and a plan.

• Use the Peloton bike.  I’ve been using it again to hold my clothes.  I know, no bueno.

• Run a race.  My last race was July 4th.  But before I run a race, I have to start running again.  

• Strength train.  It is the same song here.  I am making it more difficult than it is.  I have the tools and the time.  I know I can start with something “easy” (kettlebells, dumbbells, medicine ball, squats, etc).

Next week is a FREE topic.  Feel free to write about any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: The letter J

Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers! 

I wrote a post of things that came to my mind that start with the letter “M”.  Today, it is about the letter “J” because it is the 10th letter of the alphabet and it is the 10th day in September.

• Joy.  I am going through a phase right now and I am looking for joy wherever I go.  I am trying very hard to be positive but sometimes that doesn’t go well.  Please tell Joy to come back!

• Jail.  I have never been to jail..not even to visit anyone.  Based on what I see on TV, it looks like a scary place.

• Jeans.  I love them!  I was so happy when I found out that I can wear jeans everyday to work as long as I have a spirit wear top.  Unfortunately, the pairs I have no longer fit and I refuse to buy new ones.  I will fit back into them.

• Jalapeño.  This is great with salsa, nachos, and on pizza.  I also like jalapeño poppers.

• Journey.  The first thing that came to my mind was the music group.  🙂  But then I started thinking about my journey in life.  I believe that everything happens for a reason so sometimes I think about the things have have happened and the reason they were supposed to happen.  

• Jaws.  This movie FREAKED me out!

• Job.  I am grateful for my job.  It is rewarding but exhausting.  I don’t love it but I don’t hate it either.  This is my 16th year working in the same District.  Hopefully, I can retire from the school I am working at now.

• Jetlag.  One of the worst feelings.  A few years ago I went to Spain with two other friends.  I remember one of them told me not to take a nap but to instead go with them to sightsee.  Nope.  Sleep won.  

• Jealousy.  It is a horrible feeling.  I am not proud but there have been a couple of times in which I’ve felt jealous of other people.

• Jibarito.  It “is a sandwich that uses flattened, fried green plantains instead of bread, and is typically served with meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomato.”  If you ever get a chance to eat one, do it.

The topic for next week – What are your Fall running plans or race schedule?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: August 2024 Review

Monthly Review-August 2024This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I went back to work and let me tell you that I am EXHAUSTED already.  I have 24 students and 6 boys and 2 girls with behavior issues.  The boys are the worst.  Every single day I come mentally tired.  It takes me about 5-10 minutes to line up to leave the classroom (bathroom, lunch, dismissal) because they are constantly talking, touching, etc.  I have separated the boys and put their desk in the back of the classroom (one is next to mine), I have given positive and negative behavior points, and have talked to parents.  Oh, one student cannot write his name and about 6 students CANNOT read.  One mom even told me earlier in the week that her son didn’t learn to read last year in first grade.  I looked at her and wanted to say “So why didn’t you teach him?”

I am doing a lot of work to prepare my Reading and Foundational Skills lessons.  Our reading curriculum from last year is OK but we were never trained.  I got by last year but told myself that this year I would do better.  So far it is going well.  The students are engaged with the stories we’ve read (The Fisherman and His Wife, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Beauty and the Beast, and Paul Bunyan).  The good thing is that I alternate between an English and a Spanish lesson.  Skills I have to teach in English and in Spanish.  I have the English slides that I bought from TpT but need to do my Spanish slides. 

I decided not to run the Chicago Marathon.  It wasn’t an easy decision to make.  I couldn’t finish my long runs.  Running during the week wasn’t happening either.  The main reason was that I was tired.  I would wake up with my alarm and then turn it off.  I am still doing my daily running and/or walking so at least I am doing something for myself.  However, I am enjoying my walks more than my runs even if my runs are shorter runs.

Let me tell you MORE about how August went for me:

Mileage:  To date I’ve run 32.25 and walked 39.50 miles.  Interesting that I have logged more walking miles than running.

Run the Year 2024:  I signed up to run and walk 2,024 miles this year.  So far I have completed 369.51 miles (per the RTE Tracker) and have 1654 miles to go.  I know I will not reach this goal.  I would need to run/walk 13.8703 miles per day to reach my goal in time.

Current Book:  I read “The Bright Side Running Club” and am currently reading “What Could Be Saved”.  I loved The Bright Side Running Club.  That is my 15th book I read this year so I am on target to reach my goal of reading 24 books this year.

Injuries:  I am still dealing with plantar fasciitis.  It is worse in my right foot but I think I have it in my left foot.  I have no one else to blame but myself because I am not doing anything to make this go away.  I have some discomfort/pain in my left knee too.  Sigh.  

Races:  None.

Health:  I am still dealing struggling with hot flashes.  The number on the scale isn’t going up so I am happy about it.  Now I just need to lose the weight!

School:  See my paragraphs above.  🙂 

What I am looking forward to next month:  A day off for Labor Day.  

The topic for next week:  Tell us how your running journey began.  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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