Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: Five Tuesday Prompts, Part 3

Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers! 

Here is another post with some interesting prompts in the Jetpack app.  Ready?

Name the most expensive personal item you’ve ever purchased (not your home or car).  Years ago a friend and I went to NY.  Somehow we ended up at the Coach store and purchased a bag/purse.  I don’t remember why I thought I needed it.  I think I spent close to $500 for it.  I still have it but have no need for it, but don’t want to get rid of it either.

•  If you didn’t need sleep, what would you do with the extra time?  Right now I would use the extra time to train for my race and pack/declutter to move.  Just thinking about the packing stresses me out.  I told my sister that I will need to tackle one room at a time so that it isn’t overwhelming.  But the extra time would help too.

• Is your life today what you pictured a year ago?  Yes and no.  I finally bought a house and last year I was still looking for one.  I am still at my job, taking care of my elderly mother, and living with my sister.  

• What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?  Personally, this isn’t something I wouldn’t want to do.  The thought of living over 80, 90, or 100 doesn’t sound appealing to me.  Maybe if I didn’t have any health issues it might be something I would like to do.  But then I remember where this country is headed and it brings me back to reality.  

• What do you complain about the most?  My job.  I try not to because it doesn’t help me and it makes me more unhappy, but I cannot help it.  If I didn’t have to work, I would travel around the world, and volunteer at a school.  I know teachers could use the extra help.  I would also read.  I have a long list of books that I want to read.

The topic for next week – How to fall in love or fall back in love with running.  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: January 2025 in Review

Happy Tuesday!  This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and ZenaidaVisit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Let me tell you how January went for me:

Mileage:  In January I ran 4.02 and walked .68 miles.  I started off the new year on a good note and ran on the 1st and 2nd of January, but then stopped.  I went back to work, was stressed about the closing for my new house, and then it got cold.

Remember how a few years ago when I did my run streak, the cold or the snow didn’t stop me from running outside?

Run the Year 2025:  I signed up to run and walk 2,025 miles this year.  So far I have completed 4.07 miles (per the RTE Tracker).  I know I have a lot of work to do here.  This year I am determined to meet this goal.

Current Book:  I am currently reading “Honor”.  I know Wendy has read this book, but anyone else?  I like it, but reading about the mistreatment of women makes me angry.

Injuries:  Nothing new.  Some days I have less plantar fasciitis pain than other days.  Sometimes I wake up feeling stiff and walk like a penguin when I go to the bathroom.  I haven’t been to the chiropractor or have gotten a massage since November.  I had to stop because my mom was in the hospital, then the rehab center, and then at home.  I do plan to go back again.  

Races:  None.

Health:  For the most part I am feeling OK.  I rarely get any hot flashes.  They are worse and more frequent in the Summer.  

I don’t bring work home like I used to.  And if I do bring it home, there is no guarantee that I will do it.  I spend my days after school either setting up things in the new house, reading, and watching TV.  Currently, I am watching “The Blacklist” and am liking it.  

School:  It is the same song here.  I have OK days, bad days, and awful days.  Yesterday was our 100th day in school.  I cannot wait to be done with this school year.

What I am looking forward to next month:  Move to my new house!  I bought a kitchen table and living room furniture.  Both will be delivered on Saturday.  I bought many new things (plates, cups, silverware, etc.) and have been setting it up slowly.  Moving is quite a task.  I haven’t even started to pack up my stuff in the apartment.

The topic for next week – Ways that running helps the Winter blues.  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: My word for 2025

Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers! 

I FINALLY have my word for 2025!  It took a bit longer than I expected.  I had a few in mind that I kept going back and forth until I realized that they were similar. 

For 2025 I decided my word to be “Happiness”

It has been rough for me these past few years.  Taking care of an elderly mom and living with a sister with a mental disease takes a toll on me.  Work has been good and bad.  I struggled a lot in my personal and professional life.  I tried to be positive and happy but many times it was hard.  There were many times that I felt resentful and unhappy.  I know that no one is happy ALL OF THE TIME, but I was more unhappy than happy.  I am tired of being unhappy.

There are many things I am happy about.  I am healthy.  I have a job.  I have a place to live.

I want to be happier/find more happiness in life.  I want to smile and laugh more.  The other day I was watching “Good Times”.  Anyone remember that show?  I was laughing while watching it.  I want to laugh more with my coworkers and my students.  I want to laugh more with my family.  I can do that if I can find more happiness in life and if I can be happier.

Below are the words I’ve had in the past.

2024-Self Care




Next week is a FREE topic.  Feel free to write about any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: My six favorites of 2024

Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers! 

This is always a fun topic to write about.  I love it when I can look back at posts and pictures from previous years to find some happy moments.

⭐ Favorite Day:  My birthday!  I turned 52 and am still fifty and fabulous.  😊 

Another day was my aunt’s 90th birthday party.

⭐ Favorite Race:  I ran two races, Shamrock Shuffle 8k and 4 on the 4th of July.  I love both of them.

⭐ Favorite Book:  I read many great books!  It was hard to pick one but this is my favorite one.

⭐ Favorite Purchase:  I’ve been looking for nonstick cooking pans and I found them.  I love the color.

I also love my lululemon tops and bag.

⭐ Favorite race atmosphere:  I didn’t run the Chicago Marathon but I had fun being a spectator.  Ha, it is much more fun than running it.

⭐ Favorite Cat Photo:  I rarely get a picture of them together because they don’t get along.  But they both love me and want to be with me even if they’re one inch apart.

Next week is a FREE topic.  Feel free to write about any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: Ringing in the New Year

Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers! 

Today is New Year’s Eve!  I do not have any exciting plans.  Actually, I don’t even want to go anymore.  I want to stay home.  I am OK with it.  I will be home with my two cuties.

I’ve had my share of exciting plans for New Year’s Eve.  I’ve been at a club dancing the night away, in Mexico, and celebrating with family.

This is our last Tuesday Topics of 2024.  A HUGE thank you for joining me and Jenn every Tuesday to talk about running and other things not related to running.

The topic for next week – What’s your word for 2025?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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