This week’s Tuesday Topic: Favorite Instagram Pictures/Memories. You can write about this topic or post any running-related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
It is always fun to come across pictures of memories. Some make me laugh and some make me sad. Others make me anxious but overall I enjoy looking at the pictures. As much as I like Instagram more than Facebook, I like Facebook memories more. Plus, they are easier to capture.
Here are a couple of a few I managed to download a few days ago.
On a cruise ship going to Vancouver. I had been in Alaska that week and it was time to get back home.
Now I am over 600 runs. Oh, how I loved those Brooks Levitate shoes!
A very pretty pair of Brooks Ghost running shoes.
Lola, my beautiful and loyal cat, waiting for me to get home.
One of the reasons I dislike my name. It isn’t easy to spell.
The topic for next week: Favorite Facebook Pictures/Memories. Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!