This week’s Tuesday Topic: If you had a free entry to any of the World Major Marathons, which one would you pick? You can write about this topic or post any running-related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and me! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
There is so much excitement right now with the Boston Marathon taking place next week. I cannot wait to watch it again with my students. However, I do wish I were going to Boston to spectate. I think I said last year that I wanted to go this year to do that. Next year?
I’ve only run one of the World Major Marathons – the Chicago Marathon. And I’ve run it 5 times! So which one would be the next one if given free entry to another World Major Marathon? Read more to find out!
There are 3 that I would like to run and have listed them in order. The last 2 are those that I’m not that interested in but could run if given an entry.
➡️ Boston Marathon. This one is on top of the list because I know that I will never get a chance to run it because I will never qualify for it. I know there is a charity route but I really don’t want to do that.
➡️ New York City Marathon. I know many people that have run it have raved about it. Just running the NYC Half Marathon was so much fun and that was half the fun. I am sure the marathon will be a blast.
➡️ London Marathon. One day I would like to go to London. It will be fun to see the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace. I know there are other things to see but those two stand out to me the most.
➡️ Berlin Marathon.
➡️ Tokyo Marathon.
The topic for next: A Day in Your Life. Feel free to write about this topic or any running-related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!