This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic. Feel free to post any running-related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
Yay February is over! It has been a mild Winter with not too much snow but some windy days. It has rained a couple of times but overall still a great Winter.
Just like not all runs will be great, the same thing for days/weeks/months. February was an OK month for me but I survived.
I can now add myself to the list of Covid victims. Yep, I finally got it. It was very mild with a lot of coughing. I stayed in bed for 5 days, resting and reading. I finished one book in two days! But after 5 days of being home, I was ready to return to work.
Let me tell you about how February went for me:
Mileage: It was a very low mileage for me with 18.78 running miles and .98 walking miles. I hope this is the only low month this year. It is warming up and that motivates me to keep on running. But that means then I will be complaining that it is too hot. 😆 😆
Current Book: I have finished reading 5 books and am currently reading “The Paper Place”. My goal is to read 12 books and I am almost halfway done.

Current Shoes: Still running in the Brooks Ghost. These are perfect because they’re NYC-themed!

2023 Running Goal: My goal this year is to run 800 miles. It is about 67 miles per month. I ran way less this month but I know I can make it up in the upcoming months. As long as I stay healthy and injury free, I am confident I will reach my goal.
Injuries: None but sometimes my hip hurts because I do not stretch as I should. Sometimes I do wonder if it is something else.
Blog: I fell off the wagon with posting on Sundays. That is OK because I still want to post on Tuesday and Friday consistently.
School: I have my good days and my bad days like everyone else. We have 3 months left of this school year. Next year we will have a new Reading Curriculum and I am actually looking forward to it. Something new. But that also means more work with this new curriculum. I am not complaining about the curriculum. My complaint is that not enough time is given to us to learn and implement it.
Health: I have no complaints about my health. I have noticed that now I am getting more hot flashes during the day and at night. I wonder if this is because of Covid or premenopause or both.
February was OK. Hopefully, March is better. I am signed up for two races and am excited about them. I will admit that I am NOT ready for my race in NYC next month. I haven’t been training like I wanted to. But I don’t care. I am still going because I know I won’t have another chance to run the half marathon. My goal isn’t to PR anyway. I want to run the race and finish it.
The topic for next week – Tomorrow is International Women’s Day. Who are the female athletes you admire? Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!