This week’s Tuesday Topic: What are your goals for 2023? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
I can’t believe 2022 is almost over. And what a year it has been! I know I said this before.
Time to start thinking about next year. Last year I wrote my goals for 2022. I will update you on how I did and then talk about my goals for next year.
❇️ Stay injury free. I was doing good until plantar fasciitis decided to visit. As if that wasn’t enough, hip pain came too. They’ve both overextended their stay and they need to leave.
❇️ Buy a house. I came really close by making an offer but then decided not to move forward.
❇️ Travel. Does it count that I traveled downtown for a race and to the suburbs for another race?
❇️ Continue to be patient at home and at work. I did good here. It wasn’t easy. It also helped that I picked my battles.
❇️ PR in my 50k. I tried twice to run a 50k but it didn’t happen. I guess it never will and I am OK with it.
❇️ Run 1,200 miles. This was not my year of running. I ended up with 481.71 running miles and 7.37 walking miles.
❇️ Complete 300 Peloton rides. Done! I am currently at 359 rides. Is it cheating if I am counting my warmup and cooldown rides? The Peloton instructors tell me I need to take them so I am listening to them.
2023 Goals:
➡️ Complete 500 Peloton rides.
➡️ Run 800 miles.
➡️ Run at least 5 races.
➡️ Do one Peloton activity each day.
➡️ Read 12 books.
And that is our last Tuesday Topics of 2022. A HUGE thank you for joining me and Kim each Tuesday to talk about running and other things not related to running. I love this group of bloggers!
Wishing you an (early) Happy New Year!
Topic for next week – Your word for 2023. Feel free to write about this topic or any running related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!