Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: Running with music

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Today is World Day of Music. If you run with music, share your perfect playlist!  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

🎵 I listen to music in the shower, in my car, and in my classroom.  I mainly use Pandora but also have some great songs on Amazon.  I have a specific playlist for my mother on Amazon that we listen to in the car or out in the balcony.  She gets excited when she remembers a song that she likes and asks me to add it to the playlist.

🎵 So what do I listen to?  I love 80s music.  That is what I usually look for on the Peloton app.  I also like 90s pop music.  I don’t care too much for anything in the 2000s but may recognize a song here and there.  I also like Spanish music.  I have a great playlist on Pandora.  It’s taken me years to get the songs I like.  Sometimes Pandora will suggest a song in English and I make a face wondering how the heck that happened.  The only song I will listen to is “Tennessee Whiskey”.  I am obsessed with that song. 😀

🎵 A class with a great playlist on the Peloton app is one I took with Chase.  Now I know he is no longer with Peloton and his class isn’t available anymore.  But I did find a class from 2019 that is still available so I am not sure what the deal is.  When instructors leave, does Peloton remove the classes?

🎵 Another great class I’ve taken multiple times is the 30 min All For One Run.  The music and the energy is perfect!

🎵 I also listen to cumbia and salsa.  I love Selena and wish there was a Peloton class with her songs.  Sadly I began to listen to her music after she died.  I did know about her before but didn’t pay too much attention to her.  One of my favorites are these two songs that she performed at the Houston Astrodome a month before she died (I think it was her last concert).

🎵 Danza Kuduro also gets me in a good and dancing mood!  This is the clean version we were allowed to play in the classroom when there was a competition (similar to March Madness) to find the best song.  It did not win.  “We Don’t Talk about Bruno” won.  So maybe not everyone likes Danza Kuduro but there were others much better than the one about Bruno.  🤣 🤣

🎵 Not running related but I love “We Are The World”.  On Saturday I heard the song which included pictures of the children that were killed in Uvalde.  I was in the Sam’s Club parking lot when I searched for the song and I listened to it again.  I began crying.  I could not stop crying.  I thought about those kids and their family.  I also thought about my kids and how difficult it had been for them and everyone else these past 2 years.  

Topic for next week – FREE Topic!  Feel free to write about any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My Summer fitness goals

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What are your Summer fitness goals??  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Today is second day of Summer School.  There were 22 students on my roster, but 13 showed up yesterday.  However, yesterday evening I checked again and 3 students had been dropped from my class.  I met a few parents which is nice.  We use the app “Remind” and I sent a message to get chaperones for our field trip on Thursday.  We are going to the Adler Planetarium which we are excited about!

Let’s talk about a few of my Summer fitness goals:

✨ Continue to drink water.  Now that I will be home most of the day, I can drink more water.  I am close to a bathroom.  I have a small bladder and constantly have to go.  I don’t drink as much coffee anymore but sometimes I get the urge to have a cup in the afternoon or evening.

East more fruit and vegetables.  I am really bad when it comes to it.  I like grapes, strawberries, and watermelon.  I also want to eat more salads and prefer spinach instead of lettuce.

Reduce fat intake.  I got my InsideTracker results and cholesterol is higher than it was three months ago.  I know I do a lot of cooking with my mother (and we use a lot of oil) but I need to be careful of what I eat or not use too much of it.  My next blood work is in September and I want the number to go down and not up.

✨ Less TV time.  I don’t have a TV anymore in my room which is nice.  I have a long list of books I want to read and am excited about it.  I still want to watch “The Golden Girls” and can do it on my computer or phone.  I also want to reduce my computer time and limit it to my blog and work stuff (and to watch “The Golden Girls” 😀).

 Sleep more.  My ferritin and hemoglobin levels are still low which leaves me tired during the day.  I do enjoy my nap with my cats.  I’ve been leaving my phone in another room and it is nice not checking it before going to bed or as soon as I wake up.  The reason I would leave it in my room is in case something happens to my mother and my sister needed to get a hold of me.  What I am planning to do is leave it in another area of my room and not right next to me.

Topic for next week – Today is World Day of Music.  If you run with music, share your perfect playlist!  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My Summer bucket list

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What’s on your Summer bucket list?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Today is my last week of school!  I have plans to go out for drinks with my coworkers.  Time to cross off some drinks from the martini list.  I am still planning to teach Summer School but still do not know the curriculum or when I am supposed to go set up.  🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤦🏽‍♀️ Bitmoji ImageI am planning to enjoy my Summer Break and hopefully check off a few things off this list.

☀️ Declutter and organize.  I did a big one two years ago but need to do it again.  It will make packing so much easier when it is time to move.  Packing up my classroom gave me anxiety and I could not believe how much stuff I had after being in the same school for 13 years.

☀️ Not get sick/Covid.  I got sick a few weeks ago (cold and fever) but not Covid.  I am debating on whether or not to get my 2nd booster shot.  My mother keeps asking when I will take her for her booster shot.

☀️ Take a mini vacation.  I am overdue for it.  I’d rather not fly AA but remember I still have those credits.  What I would also love to do is be a tourist in Chicago.  I want to stay in a hotel downtown and do touristy things.  Have you done that before?

bon voyage

☀️ Continue to use the Peloton bike.  I am way overdue here.  One of my goals this year is to do 300 Peloton rides.  I’ve taken 266 leaving me with 34 more to go.  Doable, right?

☀️ Be consistent with running.  Summer is not my favorite for running but that is when the bulk of training takes place for a Fall race.  I have decided to do the Chicago Lakefront 50/50 on Saturday, October 29.  These past few weeks have been like a roller coaster because I have good days of running and then days when I am too tired to run.  But now just knowing the date makes it official and more exciting!

Topic for next week – What are your Summer fitness goals?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: May 2022 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is How will you celebrate Global Running Day?  It is on June 1st.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I am deviating from this week’s topic to instead do a monthly review.  Global Running Day is on Wednesday and I plan to run that day.  I do not know exactly how long I will be running but I will be out there.

Another month/sheet to rip off from my wall calendar.  With May almost over that means we are almost halfway through the year.  And what a year it has been so far!

As you know I was excited to pack up and finish this school year.  I was moved to the classroom across the hall.  It faces east, bigger, and nicer layout.  I was actually excited about it – even if it meant packing EVERYTHING in my room.  On Friday we found out that the school will be closed for the 2022-2023 school year and I will be going to a different school.  Not only do I have to pack everything, but I need to bring my personal stuff home.  Why?  In case boxes get lost, misplaced, etc.  I have spent a lot of money on school stuff and I would be upset it I don’t see it in my room next year.  The good thing about it is that now we have until June 10th, instead of the 7th, to pack up.  But during that time I also need to set up my room for Summer School.  Sigh.  These next two weeks will be very interesting.

package delivery throne

So let me tell you about how this month is going.

I was doing good in May with my run streak but halfway though the month I got a cold.  Once I was better, I got a fever.  It must have been too much for me because I took a week off to recover.  However, I wasn’t feeling it and took a few days off again.  I don’t think I’ll start a new run streak and I am OK with it.

Mileage:  I finished the month with 55.40 miles.  I am a bit disappointed because last month I ran 68.13 miles.  I know it is lower this month because I missed 10 days of running.  All of my runs have been easy runs with run/walk intervals.  Each day I run for a specific amount of time instead of miles.  No complaints there!

Highest Mileage Week:  18.16.  It was during the first week of May and it took me 3:49:15 hours.  

Current Challenge:  None.   😀  Any other ideas?

Current Book:  Finally reading “Falling”.  So far it is good.  I told my sister she could put the TV I had in my room in her room.  I told her I was planning to read more instead of watching so much TV.  Right now the only show I am watching is “The Golden Girls” and can watch it on my phone or my computer.

Current Shoes:  Still running in the Brooks Launch 7.  So far I’ve run in them 147 miles.

2022 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 1,200 miles.  I am 13% done with 163.80 miles.  Who knows how realistic this goal is.  There are 7 months left this year.  That means on average I would have to run about 148 miles each month.  Doable?

Topic for next week – What’s on your Summer bucket list?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Off Topic Tuesday with a few of my favorite things

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Off Topic Tuesday.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I told Kim I was not going to post today.  Yesterday I was at work till 7:15pm packing up my stuff.  I wasn’t sure where to start and knew I had to start somewhere so I went for it.  Not much organization and hope I don’t regret it.  I did make a list of the boxes I have with the brief description inside them.  There is a chance that my school will be closed for next year and my boxes will be moved to a different building.  Who knows?  With 10 days left, hopefully soon we’ll find out for sure.  Regardless, I still need to pack up my stuff.  

Hopefully it won’t take me too long to respond to your comment and read your post.  Remember, only 10 more days left of school. 😀

Here is a list of some of my favorite things:

Ice Cream Flavor:  Chocolate.  I love anything with chocolate.

Movie: The Lion King.  I think I’ve cried a few times.  The scene with Simba and his dad after he falls gets me every single time.  I’ve also watched the Broadway show a few times and love it as  well.  Next time I go to NYC I want to see it there too.

Place to Shop:  Target!  I live a half mile away from the store and there is another one on the way to work.  I love the convenience of ordering items on the app and picking them up.

Fast Food Restaurant: McDonald’s.  I am a sucker for their fries.  Whenever I am in the mood or really stressed out, I get the Big Mac Deal.  I know it is healthy but I don’t care.  I don’t get it too often anyway.

Color: Blue.  I also go for pink and purple.

Snack: Popcorn or potato chips with buffalo sauce.  There are days when I crave something salty and that combo does the trick.

Alcoholic drink:  I am a martini girl.  The one I prefer is sour apple but like trying different ones.  I have a list of about 100 different martinis that is offered at a bar not too far from work.  I went there during Winter Break and am hoping to go once school is over.  

Food: Pizza.  I prefer cheese only but do like sausage and pepperoni.  

School Subject: Math.  I love teaching it to my students.  I try to make it fun and I smile whenever I see their their faces when they understand what I am teaching.

Day of the Week:  Friday!  The end of the week plus we can wear jeans at work.  Every other Friday is payday too.  Perfect, right?

Breakfast Food: Over hard eggs, bacon, hash browns, and greek toast.  Add in some Cholula or Louisiana hot sauce and I could eat this everyday but I don’t.

Beverage:  Coffee.  I drink a cup in the morning while reading my email and blog posts.  Sometimes I will have another cup at work.  I also drink a lot of water. 

Hot Dog Topping: I know this is weird but I eat them with only mayonnaise and hot peppers.  Definitely NOT Chicago style.  

Topic for next week – How will you celebrate Global Running Day? It is on June 1st.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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