This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Is there a popular race you never want to run? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
My last race was the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon last year. I am not sure if I will run any races this year, but hopefully in the Fall I can race again. While I am itching to run a race, there are a few races that I would never want to run. Does that make me boring? 🙂
🚫 The Barkley Marathons – “The Barkley Marathons is an ultramarathon trail race held in Frozen Head State Park near Wartburg, Tennessee. If runners complete 60 miles this is known as a “fun run.” The full course is about 100 miles. The race is limited to a 60-hour period, and takes place in late March or early April of each year.” 100 miles? No thanks.
🚫 The Color Run – “The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5K on the Planet, is a unique event that celebrates healthiness, happiness, and individuality. Now the largest running series in the world, The Color Run has been experienced by over 8 million runners worldwide in 50+ countries.” I know these are fun races but they’re not for me. I want a finish time. I want to do better than my previous race. I want a PR. And if I don’t get one then I will keep on trying.
🚫 Cupid’s Undie Run – Run in just my underwear? A big NO! 🤣 🤣
🚫 Races that cost an arm and leg to get there – Well, honestly I cannot say that I will never run them. I’ve done one in MT because there aren’t that many races in MT and I had to run it for my Race in the 50 States goal. I paid more than $500 for my flight. The hotel was either $200 or $300 and it wasn’t even close to the start line. It was a great course but honestly don’t think it was worth all of the money I paid. I have a few more states (WY, SD, ND, and ID) to run that will probably cost the same so I need to suck it up. 🙂
What about you? Are any of these races on your list too?