Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: Races I never want to run

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Is there a popular race you never want to run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

My last race was the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon last year.  I am not sure if I will run any races this year, but hopefully in the Fall I can race again.  While I am itching to run a race, there are a few races that I would never want to run.  Does that make me boring?  🙂

🚫 The Barkley Marathons – “The Barkley Marathons is an ultramarathon trail race held in Frozen Head State Park near Wartburg, Tennessee. If runners complete 60 miles this is known as a “fun run.” The full course is about 100 miles. The race is limited to a 60-hour period, and takes place in late March or early April of each year.”  100 miles?  No thanks.

🚫 The Color Run – “The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5K on the Planet, is a unique event that celebrates healthiness, happiness, and individuality.  Now the largest running series in the world, The Color Run has been experienced by over 8 million runners worldwide in 50+ countries.”  I know these are fun races but they’re not for me.  I want a finish time.  I want to do better than my previous race.  I want a PR.  And if I don’t get one then I will keep on trying.    

🚫 Cupid’s Undie Run – Run in just my underwear?  A big NO! 🤣 🤣

🚫 Races that cost an arm and leg to get there – Well, honestly I cannot say that I will never run them.  I’ve done one in MT because there aren’t that many races in MT and I had to run it for my Race in the 50 States goal.  I paid more than $500 for my flight.  The hotel was either $200 or $300 and it wasn’t even close to the start line.  It was a great course but honestly don’t think it was worth all of the money I paid.  I have a few more states (WY, SD, ND, and ID) to run that will probably cost the same so I need to suck it up. 🙂

What about you?  Are any of these races on your list too?

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Best things I’ve seen on a run

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What are some of the best things you’ve seen at a race or a run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

How is it Tuesday already?  I had parent/teacher conferences yesterday and it was EXHAUSTING.  I had 13 appointments with parents and 11 showed up.  I got home after 7pm and I didn’t have any wine and I was too tired to make a martini.  🙂

Anyway, back to this post.  As you already know I enjoy taking pictures.  Read along to see some of the fun things I saw on my run.  Nothing really specific but a few pictures of things that made me smile.

Two weeks ago I mentioned how now that the snow is melting, I’ve been seeing so much garbage out there.  I took these pictures of an area that literally made me stop and stare.  I could not believe it.  

On Saturday I ran by there again and stopped.  There were workers cleaning up the area.  I don’t know where exactly they were from but I stopped to talk to one of them.  He also could not believe how much trash there was.  I also thanked him.  He told me that they were going to several other places to clean it up. 

It looks much better.

Then I saw this.  I used to play this a lot when I was a kid.  

Saw this yesterday.  I love seeing kids’ artwork on the sidewalk.  

No pictures here but on Saturday’s run I got to the corner and almost bumped into a woman walking two dogs.  We were both freaked out.  However, not one of the dogs barked at me.  Usually whenever I see dogs while out running, they bark at me.  Then I saw a couple walking their dog and I crossed the street to avoid having the dog bark at me.  The man stopped walking and told me that he had the number of a place where I could go get vaccinated.  I smiled.  I thanked him and told him that I was already vaccinated.  I do appreciate him helping others (total strangers) to get the vaccine.

This was from yesterday’s run.  It reminds me of a friends that still have their Christmas tree inside their house but decorate it according to the season or holiday.

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Yes or no to makeup while running?

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Yes or no to makeup while running?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I don’t wear a lot of makeup.  All I wear is translucent loose powder.  Sometimes I use mascara.  Sometimes I wear lipstick.  The lipstick makes me feel good.  My favorite is the MAC PatentPolish in Ruby.  Unfortunately, it’s discontinued but you bet I stocked up.  I had to get most of them from a store in San Francisco.

However, while running I don’t wear any makeup at all.  Well, if you count chapstick then, yes, I do.  Will I judge anyone that does wear makeup?  Nope.  NOT AT ALL.  

I may not wear makeup while running.  It isn’t for me.  But you bet I like to splurge on running clothes.  Thanks to Oiselle I have quite a collection to use throughout the various seasons in Chicago.  Yep, if feels like we do have more than 4 seasons.  Last week I received 6 new pairs of shorts.  Do I need more?  Definitely not but I want them.  Let’s not forget my shoes.  I have various new pairs waiting in boxes to be used.

Wearing makeup while running is a personal choice.  If someone wants to wear makeup then who am I to say anything about it?

One thing I know I need to get better at is wearing sunscreen.  I know, I know.  I wear it mostly during the Summer but I do know I need to use it year round.  I usually use the spray on version for my legs and arms but like the stick for my face.  My favorite one is Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Non-Greasy Sunscreen Stick for Face & Body, Broad Spectrum SPF 70It may not feel like Summer yet but it is sunny already.  

Any other suggestions for a face sunscreen?  Thoughts on wearing makeup while running?

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Thoughts from my last run

Hello March!!!  Thanks to Casimir Pulaski I had the day off yesterday.  It was nice to be off but still not caught up on the things I had to do.  

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What did you think about on your last run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I will write about my thoughts from yesterday’s run.  It was my first workout working again with my coach.  Even though I was off, I had to be back in time to shower, eat breakfast, and head out by 9am to take my mother to get her vaccine. 

I started my run at 7:17 and ran 2.5 miles.  It took me 30:29 with an average pace of 12:12.  It was definitely faster than I was planning but overall no complaints.  I had forgotten to download a 30 minute Peloton workout and didn’t have time to do so and instead listened to music from one of my playlists.

Here is what I thought about on my run:

➡️ This articleI read it on Sunday but obviously I was still upset about it.  The Superintendent said “It is not an ideal model, but I think it’s better than doing nothing with our kids.”  It is a slap in the face because he has NO idea how hard teachers have been working during the pandemic.

➡️ The snow is melting which is great but now there is so much garbage.  Some people are just gross.  I saw lots of empty bottles (some with yellow liquid??), plastic bags, masks, etc.  

➡️ It’s been over a month since I’ve run on side streets and could not remember if they were this bad.  There were so many holes and cracks.  I thought for sure I was going to trip and fall again.

➡️ It was colder than I thought.  I felt underdressed and wished I would have worn a long sleeve top instead of a short sleeve under my jacket.  

➡️ I love songs by The Temptations. 

➡️ Are any parents going to contact me asking why I was not logged in today?  On Friday the District sent a reminder and I did too but there is always one parent.

➡️ The snow is melting.  Why do people still have their stuff for dibs out on the street and sidewalk?  The city is supposed to go through the streets picking up leftover items.  

➡️ I am hungry.  What am I going to eat for breakfast?

➡️ Will I make it back in time for a class with Cody?  

So many thoughts in 30 minutes.  It isn’t like that for every run.  Sometimes I just zone out and listen to music while also paying attention to my breathing and my pace.

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: A few things you may not know about me

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Thanks to everyone that linked up with us two weeks ago.  It was interesting and fun to read everyone’s 5 words they picked to describe themselves.  It was also interesting to read that quite a few said they were introverted.  Today I will be sharing more and writing about a few things you may not know about me.  

I’ve never been hospitalized
I’ve been to the ER when I broke a glass with my arm and had to get stitches.  I spent a few nights with my mother in her room when she was hospitalized after her stroke.  Nope, nothing for me.

I was engaged 
We had our hall, church, and date picked out.  Things fell through.  I remember the day I was supposed to get married, it RAINED!  Do I see myself getting married in the future?  Definitely not.  Nothing wrong with it.  I am just used to it being me, myself, and I (with my cats too) and I am perfectly fine with it.  However, I do wonder what my life would be like if I had gotten married.

I eat A LOT when I get stressed out
Food relaxes me.  Sometimes I like to get a Big Mac with fries and a Coke with no ice from McDonald’s.  Who doesn’t like fries from McDonald’s?

There are 7 in my family and I am the 2nd youngest
There are 3 girls, one boy, and then 3 more girls.  All of us are about 2 years apart.  That is how I can remember the ages.  The oldest is 10 years older than me.  Rumor is that I was named after my grandmother (my dad’s mom) because I was supposed to be the last one. 

I cannot stand the taste or smell of whiskey
Just thinking and writing about it makes me queasy.  Let’s go back to 1993.  I was in college for summer school.  I was at a party and we were playing “Quarters”.   You know where I am getting at, right?  Yep.  I had too many shots that night.  

I was born in Mexico but emigrated to the US when I was 5
I still remember that day.  My mom and my siblings arrived on July 4, 1978.  We were supposed to arrive the day before but we missed our flight.  Well, that is the story my siblings tell me.  I have some vague memory of being in the airport and being outside.  I also remember being in a car and seeing the Sears Tower and the lake.  Now that I am older I know that was the Kennedy Expressway (I-90).  I have some memories of living in Mexico, but sometimes I do wonder if they’re real.

I wore braces and glasses in high school
High school is already awkward.  I got braces at the end of my freshman year and wore them till the beginning of my senior year.  The glasses I got at the beginning of my senior year too.  I was already a quiet and shy girl so it didn’t really bother me.  As a matter of fact, I had a great time in high school!  I was not a social butterfly but I still had many great friends.  

I have 3 tattoos
I have a panther, a butterfly, and a sun.  I would like to get another one but am not sure.  The last one (the sun) is on my ankle and that was painful.

I wasn’t always a teacher
After college I worked at The Lodge for 3 months.  It was a company owned by McDonalds’s.  Then I worked several years and different positions at the American Bar Association.  It was there that I received an email to attend an orientation for people wanting to make a career change.  I went because another friend of mine was going too.  I remember someone there telling us not to go into teaching just for the money.  A few months later I had an interview.  Then did a few years of graduate school.  As much as it is tough to be a teacher, I do not regret it one bit.  It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

My dad passed away when I was 18 years old
It was at the end of my freshman year of college.  I was never close to him.  He was a quiet man and we rarely talked.  I remember before leaving for college, he asked me a question.  I don’t recall what it was but I responded with “yes”.  He then told me to take care of myself.  

Tuesday Topics

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