Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: More running/race pet peeves

How is everyone doing with this crazy weather?  I saw on the news yesterday that over 40 states are under a Winter weather alert. At least here in Chicago we get snow and are “ready and prepared” for it.  States like GA or TX are not and, well, they are struggling.  Stay safe and be careful.

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What are some of your running pet peeves?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Here is what I wrote in a previous post 

• Runners that post their pace all of the time (Garmin, Strava, and RunKeeper, etc.) 

• Walkers that start in the front of a race.

• Runners that make sudden stops.

• Runners that take up the whole path.

• Dog owners that don’t leash their dogs. 

• Runners that blast their music.

• Runners that talk non stop during  a race. 

Today I am adding a few more.

• Long lines at the port-a-potties.

• Running out of food or swag.

• People that honk or catcall while I’m out running.  

• Races that start late.

• People that spit.

• Shoe companies that think they are making their product better, but really they’re not.  Don’t change anything!

• Chafing and not realizing till taking a shower.

• An ugly shirt or one that does not fit properly.

• People that do not throw their water cups in the trash can.  Stop being lazy.  

• Races that do not have a refund or deferral option.

• Spectators with signs saying that I am almost there.  No I’m not.  Don’t lie to me.

• When I want to hit the pause button on my Garmin and instead hit the lap button.

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Tuesday Topics: Five words to describe me

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Five words to describe yourself.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I began writing this post on Sunday.  Not that I don’t spend time writing my posts for my other topics, but this one took me longer to write.  I am not saying that I had so many words and it was hard to narrow it down to 5, but it was hard to actually come up with 5 words.  Why is it easier to come up with 5 words for someone else than it is for us?   

This is what I came up with:

I am a social introvert.  You might not believe this but I am a shy person.  For the most part I am a quiet person too.  I am comfortable in a group of 2-6 people.  More than that and I’ll probably take a raincheck.  I like being alone but sometimes do want the company of other people.  

I think this comes from being independent.  I don’t like to wait around for something to happen.  If I can get it done, then I will do it.  Many times then I will become overwhelmed because I want to do it all.  I also know that sometimes it is because I want it to be done MY way.

I love this about me.  There is nothing wrong with having someone there with you or helping you, but for the most part I do many things on my own.  I remember being a sophomore in high school and knew I wanted to go away for college.  I was not the first one in my family to go to college, but I was the first one to go away.  Man, that was one of the best things I ever did!  More than 20 years later and I am still very independent.  

I word hard.  I have a strong work ethic.  I remember spending hours and weekends on various  projects when I worked at the bar association in Chicago.  Then I became a teacher and you know how that is going.  Many more hours and weekends working on lesson plans and activities for my students.  Then this pandemic made it even more interesting when I had to come up with a different way of teaching.  It is never ending and no matter what I do, work will always be there.  Yes, I am hardworking but I also find a balance to relax and have fun.

This one was hard to write!  I am not referring to it as what I look on the outside, but instead on the inside.  This word sums it all up.  🙂 I hope everyone that wrote about this topic also picked this word.  You are all beautiful!

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Tuesday Topics: My best running views from around the world

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Share your best running views from around the world.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Last month I shared with you my some of my running views.  Today I will share with you some of my best running views from around the world.  

🌎 Mexico 

🌎 Ecuador 

🌎 Peru

This was a walking trek to Machu Picchu but still gorgeous views for running.

🌎 Alaska

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Tuesday Topics: My six favorites of 2020

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Your six favorites of 2020You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Oh, 2020.  We will never stop talking about it.  It wasn’t all that bad.  Here are some of my six favorite things of 2020.

Favorite Day.  It was September 9th.  That day we celebrated my mother’s birthday.  A few weeks ago she had tested positive for Covid.  She got tested again and on the 8th her results came back negative.  Happy she was able to celebrate another birthday.

Favorite Group Run.  We did not run together but we all ran at the same time in different locations.  It was a HOT day too in Chicago!

Favorite Cat Photo.  This was hard to pick.  I have so many photos of them but chose this one because they’re both being nice to each other and enjoying life in the balcony.  I love my balcony.  As you know last year my mother and I spent hours there since we couldn’t go anywhere.  I felt bad for her because at least I could go outside to run and to the store for errands but not her.  She only left the house to go back and forth to my sister’s condo and my apartment.

Favorite Run.  For 9 weeks I trained for a 5k.  I had many great and not so great runs.  Then in December everything came together.  My coach had picked the date for this race but I did it before.  I was out for a run and I was feeling good.  The weather was perfect too and I went for it.  

Favorite Purchase.  I love Picky Bars but this Drizzle is AMAZING.  It can be eaten with apples, oatmeal, yogurt, bread, etc.  I have eaten it straight from the jar too.   If you can interested in joining the Picky Club, click on this link to get $10 off.

Favorite Thing I Found while Decluttering.  Can you find me in this magazine?  The photo is from when I ran my first marathon, The Chicago Marathon, in 2006.  I remember submitting it but didn’t think it would be selected for the magazine.  It was published in “Chicago Athlete” in March 2007.

This was another fun topic.  It was great going through my photos and remembering that not everything in 2020 was horrible.  One of the most difficult things was finding ways to make eLearning/Remote Learning work.  Months later I think I figured it out.  40 kids in my classroom?  Sure, why not?  Haha, JK.

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Tuesday Topics: What I learned during the pandemic

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  What did you learn about yourself during the pandemic?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Last year was a shock.  Sometimes I think about the things I did last year during January and February and then to think that everything changed in March.  

These past couple of months were an eye opener.  It was hard but I tried to stay positive and make the best of it.  Here are a few things I learned during this time:

😷 The importance of family.  A bunch of us would get together on a regular basis.  We would gather around the kitchen table to talk, eat, and drink.  Then in March we couldn’t do that anymore.  We had a few Zooms calls but it still wasn’t the same.  Now we text each other all of the time.  We check in on one another.  We make each other laugh.  If anyone needs anything, we are there to help that person.

😷 My mother is a strong woman.  I know I have mentioned it before but she is a tough person.  I loved listening to stories of when she was growing up in Mexico.  I also love listening to how life was when she emigrated from Mexico.  She and my dad worked long and hard hours to give their 7 children everything they could not do in Mexico.  My mother and I would spend hours on the balcony talking and listening to music.  Now it is my turn to take care of her and give her everything she needs.

😷 Life is short.  I think this applies even without a pandemic.  We really don’t know what is going to happen.  Treat yourself to that extra cup of coffee.  Enjoy that piece of cake.  Buy yourself those shoes.  I had a hard time justifying buying a new car but then I realized that I work hard and deserve to treat myself to it.  Now I love my car!

😷 Patience.  As a 2nd grade teacher I already am a patient person.  During remote learning I had to be even more patient with my students.  I struggled a lot because I knew they were struggling and going through a lot but so was I.  Many times I had to put a smile and pretend that things were OK.  Running and crying is what helped me get through some really rough moments.

😷 Everyone was going through the same thing.  It was so easy to feel sorry for myself thinking that no one would understand.  That was not true.  Everyone was struggling.  Many were even in worse situations.  Many people were getting sick.  Many were dying.  Many also lost their jobs.

😷 I really am a lucky person.  I did not get sick and I did not lose my job.  I am still standing and moving forward.

Tuesday Topics

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