Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: My favorite running brands and a birthday giveaway!


This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  What are some of your favorite running brands?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

This is a fun topics to write about!  Sometimes I like to try new brands but for the most part am very loyal and stick to the brands I like and trust.  Here is a list of my favorite running brands.

🟣 BrooksBy now you all know my love for my Brooks shoes.  Yep, that is all I wear for running.  Currently I am running in the Ghost 12 and have a few new pairs in boxes along with the Launch.  Based on the boxes I have I am estimating that I have enough pairs to wear in 2021.  

🟣 Oiselle – All of my running clothes except my sports bra and socks are from Oiselle.  I will admit they’re not cheap but there have been some sales take place where I take advantage and buy what I want or want.  :-). I am a huge fan of the long roga shorts and the lightening layer.

🟣 Smartwool, Balega, and Lily Trotters – These are the socks I wear for running and even during the day.  I also like to wear Lily Trotters with shorts.  

🟣 Koala Clip – I’ve been using this for over a year on every single run to carry my phone.  Sometimes I add my keys in there when there are no pockets in the tights I am wearing.  Check out Kim’s post for a review.  

🟣 Garmin – I have the 225 and get data such as heart rate, average pace, distance, pace, and time.  That is all I need.  Lately I feel like it isn’t correctly properly anymore and yesterday I ordered the 235.  It should arrive on Wednesday and I am excited about it.  The photo below is from 2015.  Check out that pace!

 I also had the 305.  Ha!  I think I still have it somewhere.

🟣 Headsweats – I first heard about them from Marcia.  Thanks, friend!  I wear these hats a lot during the Summer.  They keep the sun and sweat out of my eyes and I love the fun and variety designs.

Now let’s talk about the giveaway.  My birthday is Friday.  There will be one prize for a $48 gift card to one of the following stores: Zappos, Dunkin’ Donuts, Running Warehouse, Amazon, or Starbucks.

Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter.  This giveaway will run until November 24 at 11:59 pm.  The winner will be selected on November 25th. The giveaway is open to US residents only.  All entries are verified, so please be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected.  GOOD LUCK!!!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Worst fitness advice I’ve received

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  What’s the worst fitness advice you’ve ever received?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I think over the years I have received mostly good fitness advice.  Ha, now do I always listen to or do what I am supposed to do?  Not all of the time.  🙂

Here is a list of the worst advice I have received.  Thank goodness I don’t not listen to it anymore.

√ A weight scale shows whether you’ve made progress or not.  Definitely not.  I do have one but now am wondering why I even have it anymore.  Once my pants are too tight then I know I need to do something about it.  The number on the scale is higher compared to 10-15 years ago but I am still wearing the same pant size.

√ Exercise alone is the only way to lose weight.  It is a combination of exercise and eating healthy/good eating habits.  I do watch what I eat but sometimes I do indulgence and have wine and mashed potatoes for dinner.  Talk about stressful times!  

√ If you can talk while running then you are not running hard/fast enough.  Run faster!  Over the last year or so I’ve really learned to understand and love my easy runs.  There’s no pressure and the pace is supposed to be slower anyway.  

√ You need to carbo load the night before a race.  Pasta and more pasta was always the key to a successful race/run.  Now I eat what I want but am careful NOT to eat too much or anything that I know will not sit well the next day.  I know too much spicy food is definitely not good for me.

√ Running is bad for your knees.  Definitely not.  Yes I have had some issues with my knees but it’s been because I needed to strengthen other parts of my body (i.e., hips and glutes).

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Getting back on the fitness wagon

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  How did you get back on the fitness wagon?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

It is tough to be motivated at a time when there are no races.  There have been a few but not to the extend of how it was before.  During the first couple of months of the year I was not motivated to run or workout.  In late April I got a coach and it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made this year.  To me now is the perfect time to get fit and train for next year.  

Here are some tips that have helped me get back into a fitness routine:

Set goals

I have a few goals for next year.  Well, my goals were for this year but, well, we know what happened.  I am seeing many improvements in my running and it gets me excited for when we start racing again.  Many times I feel like it is too good to be true.

Rely on support from others

YOU all inspire me.  We’re all going through a rough time right now but yet I know I can count on you for support and guidance.  Your posts make me smile and let me know that things will be OK.  We will get through all of this.  I love reading about your tips, new workout classes, and new gear to try out. <<I trust you more than any other influencer out there.  🙂

Make it fun

I’ve always made a point by saying that running should be fun.  NO pressure.  It is not our job, just a hobby.  Right now for me it is a way to start off the day.  I enjoy the solitude and the silence to clear my head.  Also, it doesn’t have to be just running.  I love reading about Kim’s Orangetheory workouts, Deborah’s Peloton classes, Darlene’s trail walking, and Wendy’s Crossfit/strength workouts, etc.  The common theme is that they’re all making it fun.

Tuesday Topics


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Tuesday Topics: October 2020 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I know October is not over yet.  We still have a few more days left.  Things are going well in the running department and I am trying to stay positive and taking it day by day in the work department.

It’s been 7 months since everything changed in this world.  Still cannot believe it’s been that long.  Two more months and 2020 will be over.  Will next year be the same?  Or maybe a little better?  I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 

Mileage:  As of this morning I’ve run 87.54 miles.  For sure I will make it to 100 this month.   July has been my highest with 103.54 miles.  It looks like I will pass that amount and it makes me excited.

My highest mileage ever was 186.27 miles in July 2016.  Crazy, huh?

Highest Mileage Week:  24.57.  It was this past week and it took me 4:58:47 hours.  

Current Challenge:  None.  Anything good out there?  I am doing a running streak.  Today is day #60.  So far so good.

Current Book:  None but I need to pick up “Truths I Never Told You” from the library.  I also have requested the following books:

In the Dream House
Once I was You
Notorious RBG
The Vanishing Half
The Lies That Bind
Saving Ruby King

I know I can get these faster as an e-book but seriously the last thing I want to do after being on the computer for a few hours is stare at another gadget to read.  I want to sit down with my book and a glass of wine.

Bitmoji Image

Current Song:  Wind of Change.  I don’t listen to it while running.  For some reason it relaxes me so I play it during breaks throughout the day.

Current Shoes:  Brooks Ghost 20th x Ghost 12.  I have way too many pairs (currently 6 pairs in boxes).  My plan is to replace my shoes every 3 months which is about 300+ miles per pair.  

Favorite new item:  Spiral Hair Ties.  I love that they prevent tangling and hair damage.

What am I looking forward to next month?  My birthday!  Actually, there are few of us that link up here and/or on Sunday that also have a November birthday.  Time to celebrate!  I am also looking forward to a few days off for Thanksgiving.  I know things will be different but hanging out with my siblings will be a great time.

How often do you replace your running shoes?
Tuesday Topics


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Tuesday Topics: To run anywhere in the world

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  If you could run anywhere in the world, where would you run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

This is a FUN topic!  I cannot wait till it is “safe” to travel again.  My last trip was in late February to Atlanta to run the Atlanta Half Marathon.  Hard to believe that was almost 8 months ago.

Let’s see, if I could run anywhere in the world, where would I run?

globe Hawaii-I’ve always wanted to vacation there too.  I was planning to run the Kona Half Marathon this year.  I almost signed up for it.  Glad I didn’t because, well, it was cancelled.

globeGreece-Everything there looks so beautiful.  It is on my bucket list of places to travel.  Why not run there too?  

globeNew York-Maybe one day I will run the NYC Marathon?  I’ve heard great things about this race.  Everyone that has run it highly recommends it.  Yesterday I did a Peloton 45 minute NYC Marathon Simulation Run and it was exciting to listen to Robin describe the course.  There were a few times I stopped because I was actually envisioning myself running the race and was savoring the moment.  

globeParis-Another place I’ve been wanting to visit to see the Eiffel Tower.  I know there are other things to see but that is the first place I want to visit.

globeAfrica-I want to run with elephants, zebras, and giraffes.  I know it cannot be done but in a way that sounds like fun.  Have I told you my favorite Disney movie is “The Lion King”?  

globeItaly-I’ve been there once during a cruise but did not run there at all.  Time to go back there!  I would probably eat all of the wonderful food there too.

Tuesday Topics


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