Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: How I stay motivated to run

This week’s Tuesday Topic is How do you stay motivated to run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Like many runners I’ve had my days when I don’t feel like running.  There are no races taking place so what’s the point of running/training?  Well, I think it is the perfect time.  To me now is when I am training for my training next year (hopefully we’ll be able to race next year).  I have a great coach and get excited when I see my workouts for the week.  What motivates me to run?

🟣  I remember that I don’t HAVE to run but instead I GET to run.  How lucky am I?  Besides the occasional aches and being tired, I am healthy and well.

🟣  Sign up for a challenge.  Recently I completed the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge.  I started doing this at the beginning of June.  I had 3 months so run 250 miles and that was enough motivation to run.  I was upset when I had to stop running and would not finish it.  Lucky me – not only was the deadline extended but I did finish it before Labor Day.

🟣  I set a goal.  My goal is to run 100 miles each month.  I’ve been working with my coach since May and I’ve been able to slowly increase my mileage each month.  I ran 72 miles in May, 84 miles in June, 103 miles in July, and 68 miles in August (it would have been more if I hadn’t stop running).  If all goes well then I am sure I will meet that goal the next couple of months.

Not running related but I know some of you use WordPress for you blog.  Anyone struggling with the new format?  I am.  I noticed it last night and not sure if I like it.  I know change is good but this is too much for me.  🙂

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Tuesday Topics: Best fitness advice I’ve ever received

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This week’s Tuesday Topic is What is the best fitness advice you have received?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

As runners there is always something new to learn.  Whether it is a new gear, fuel, or shoes, it never hurts for us to be in the know of these products.  Throughout the years I’ve learned so much from my running friends and my blogger friends. – THANK YOU!  

Here is a list of best advice I’ve received throughout the years:

Get fitted for shoes.  I think I bought my first pair at Kohl’s.  Don’t know why I went there.  Months later I went to Fleet Feet and got fitted for a pair of Asics Cumulus and ran my first marathon in them.  However, I was in so much pain and don’t know if it was the shoes or simply because I was running longer than I’ve ever had in my entire life.  Probably the latter.

Easy runs should be EASY.  Took me a long time to figure that one out.  Better late than never.  Now I believe that that is how I’ve been able to recover much faster and am rarely sore after a hard workout.  

Do strength training and/or speed workouts.  I was simply lazy and would only run.  I had time but didn’t make time for it.  Now I have a Peloton and have been enjoying it.  It’s been also fun seeing the faster paces in some of my workouts too.

Celebrate each race or run.  They’re not all going to be perfect or turn out the way we want them to.  Still be happy that you ran XX number of miles.  Remember, we don’t HAVE to run but instead we GET to run.

Make sure to rest and sleep.  Umm, yes please.  Life is busy as it is and I rest whenever I can.  I used to sleep better before but now am struggling with it.  Too much stress – don’t like being an adult!  🙂

Have fun.  I’ve mention this a few times in my blog.  Running is a hobby and not our job.  So while we can be competitive, we must still be able to enjoy it.

What would you add to this list?

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge Part 2

Disclaimer:  I received a free entry to the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge as part of being a BibRave Pro.  Learn more about becoming BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find and write race reviews!  

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This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Back in June I wrote about the California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge.   It was 3 months into the quarantine life.  I was looking for something motivating and exciting to do while in quarantine and this looked like the perfect challenge!

This challenge was to run 100, 250, 400 or 500 virtual miles from LA’s Santa Monica Pier to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge along California’s idyllic Highway One.  It began June 8th and ends September 7th.  I signed up for 250 miles which is about 84 miles each month.

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So, as you know from Sunday’s post, I am not running.  Since I began this challenge, I was on track to complete it last week.  My last run was August 15 in which I had run 223.6 miles.  Most likely I won’t complete the challenge.  I have a doctor appointment on Friday (for my yearly exam) and I will double check with her (she told me it was OK to see her).  I want to do the right thing but I am also itching to run outside.

The California Coast 500 Virtual Challenge is a fun and great virtual race.  Let me tell you why:

✅ Weekly email from the race organizers.  Each email came with digital badges and mini challenges to win prizes (i.e. log 24 total miles from Monday 6/29 to Sunday 7/5 or log 50 miles during Week 9 of the California Coast 500).  I didn’t win but it was still fun to enter to win a prize.

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✅ Motivation from my BibRave Pro friends!  I am in awe of those that selected to run 500 miles and finished weeks ago.  There are 6 of us on the team and my coach, Juan, and I are the only ones that close the 250 mile challenge.  I am close to San Luis Obispo.

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✅ Thanks to the team at PWR Lab, there was an interactive map to keep track of the mileage.  It was fun seeing how far along everyone was on the route.  

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✅ Support from Run Local.

California Coast 500 Virtual Race-10This was from an email I received on June 24.  KK Fischer finished in about 2 weeks.  Wow!

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While I am sad that I won’t complete it, I am glad I signed up for it.  I was motivated to get out there and run.  On the days I did not want to run, I reminded myself of this challenge and knew that every mile helped (or .10, .18, etc).  I am not sure what I will do once this is over.  I’m having a great training session with my coach and hope to continue, but don’t think I will sign up for virtual races or challenges.

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My strength training plan

Happy Tuesday and welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics!  Thank you again for join me and Kim each Tuesday to share your tips, advice, support, and experiences.  It is a difficult time right now for everyone but we are trying to make the best of it.  I hope everyone is staying safe and doing well.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What kind of strength training do you do?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I understand the importance of strength training and for years stubbornly did not do it.  I would read various blogs from runners talking about it.  For years my form of exercise was “just” running.

Fast forward a few years and I have a Peloton bike and an assortment of classes thanks to the Peloton app.  A few weeks ago I did the Pelothon 2020 Challenge and did a variety of classes (strength, stretching, walking, and meditation).  To be honest, they’re classes I wouldn’t have thought of taking since I was mainly focused on the cycling classes.  

I am so glad I did the challenge!  Debora, Kim, and Coco have talked about the various classes they take.  I am sure you’ve read all about them.  🙂

My strength workouts are mainly the lower body and upper body classes.  I love that there are many options.  You can select the length, class type, instructor, music, and level of difficulty.


I don’t care too much about the music for these workouts so I select them based on the length and class type.  

I am loving Matty’s 10 minute classes.  So many squats and thankfully I don’t get sore anymore.


I know I can do more but for now it is a start.  Baby steps.  🙂

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Running with a celebrity

Happy Tuesday!  It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Topics. This week we have a fun topic for you!

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  If you could go on a run with any celebrity, who would you go with?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I’ve written before that I am a HUGE fan of Des Linden.  I would love to run with her.  I’ve met her a few times and recently saw her compete in The Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta.  I was so close to her that I could have held out my hand and touched her.  I didn’t.  

There are a few other celebrities I would love to run with one day.  Let me tell you all about them.  I don’t know if any of them are runners so then going out for a walk will do.

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama
I really wished Obama could run again to guide and protect this country.  Would he want to?  I know he can’t.  There is so much going on right now and it is heart breaking.  Yesterday morning I saw the news about the looting that happened in downtown Chicago.  Michelle seems like a down to earth person.  I’ve read her book and watch the documentary on Netflix.  

Dwayne Johnson
What is there not to like about him?  There is just something about him but his smile is what does it for me.  Did you see him perform in Lip Sync Battle?  Watch it now.  🙂

Cody Rigsby and Matty Maggiacomo
They are my favorite Peloton instructors.  Cody does mainly meditation and cycling classes.  The latter are so much fun!  He is funny and has so much energy.  I think that I have laughed in each of his classes.  The first running workout class I took was from Matty.  I was not impressed because I was annoyed that he talked so much.  🙂  Now he is my favorite one.  The talking doesn’t bother me as much because many times he has interesting things (Fun Facts) to say.  I also like his music

Tuesday Topics

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