Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: An interview of my running buddy

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics!  Today we’re doing an interview of a running buddy.  I picked my friend, Claudia, whom I’ve known for a few years.  I met her through a mutual friend.  She enjoys running like I do and runs in Brooks shoes just like me.  🙂

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Interview one of your running buddies.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Claudia ran her first marathon (Chicago Marathon in 2016) and has run it every year since then.   She asked me yesterday morning if I thought the race would still happen this year.  I said “No”.  I hope I’m wrong.  I know it is scheduled to take place on October 11 but we’ll see what happens.

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July 15, 2017 during a HOT training run in Chicago.

What made you decide to start running?
I started running for fun.  I think I was in my late 20’s and had just moved to Chicago.  It seemed like the thing to do at that time. 

What was your first race? 
My very 1st race was the Shamrock Shuffle 8k in 2003 or 2004.  I can’t remember the year but I remember my cousins worked for a nonprofit that was sponsoring a team.  We all decided to jump in and do it.  I think 3 of us ran it and a few of the others did the walk.  

What was your best or worst race?
My worst race was definitely the Chi-Town Half Marathon in April 2016.  I registered with a girlfriend and thought the weather would be good in April and it would be a good race.  Wrong.  It snowed overnight, and when we woke up there was ice everywhere and a dusting of snow.  When we got to the course, they hadn’t cleaned the snow or salted and did I mention it was COLD!  I think with the wind chill it was about 18 degrees!  We should have just left, but we didn’t.  So off we went, through an ice filled path.  I saw people wipe out on the concrete in front of me.  It was terrible!  Once the sun came out, it warmed up and the snow and ice started to melt which then became puddles and mud. Somewhere around mile 11-12 I developed the worst toe cramp!  It ran from the tip of my toe to the back of my knee!  I had never experienced that type of pain.  Needless to say, I was so glad when it was over.  I didn’t even want the free beer or slice of pizza.  I was over it!  I was so glad to head home to thaw out.

What’s on your Summer bucket list?
Well, due to Corvid-19 everything is on hold.  I typically don’t register for many races in the summer because it is so hot and humid in Chicago.  But since 2016 I have been marathon training in the summer.  So depending on what happens, with Corvid-19, maybe I’ll register for something.  Until then, I will just focus on cross training and running shorter distances.

If you could go on a run with any celebrity, who would you go with?
I would probably say Steve Howie (Kev Ball) from Shameless.  I believe he ran the LA Marathon a few years ago or former President Barack Obama.  I would be chasing them the entire way, but I’m sure both would be fun! Lol 

If you could run anywhere in the world, where would you run?
I really wanted to run the London Marathon this year, but it is nearly impossible to get into.  Besides London, I would like to run in Australia and Mexico City.  I would make a run cation out of my running adventure.

How do you stay motivated to run?
Running has become a lifestyle to me, except in the winter.  I am not a winter warrior! I’m not the most consistent runner if I’m not training for anything.  Thankfully, I have a running group that I run with. Their daily posts remind and motivate me to hit the pavement.  I also really enjoy running on the lakefront path along Lake Michigan so that helps to lace up and get some miles in.  Besides that running has become a great stress reliever, that I recognize when I need to get out.  All these benefits continue to motivate me to run. 

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October 8, 2017 on the course of the Chicago Marathon.
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April 1, 2016 at the Shamrock Shuffle Expo.

I haven’t seen Claudia in months.  Honestly, I cannot remember the last time I saw her.  I miss her.  🙁  

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Running a World Marathon Majors

Happy Tuesday!  Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics.  I know a few Major World Marathons (Boston, and London) were postponed to the Fall.  With the updated schedule it looks like most of them will take place so close to another another.  Do you want to run any of the World Major Marathons?  Let’s discuss!

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Do you want to run any of the World Marathon Majors? Why or Why not?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

This is the schedule of the upcoming marathons.  

  • Boston Marathon: Monday, September 14, 2020
  • BMW Berlin Marathon: Sunday, September 27, 2020
  • Virgin Money London Marathon: Sunday, October 4, 2020
  • Bank of America Chicago Marathon: Sunday, October 11, 2020
  • TCS New York City Marathon: Sunday, November 1, 2020
  • Tokyo Marathon: TBD

From the list above I’ve only run the Chicago Marathon.  If you have not run it, please do so because it really is a GREAT race.  The Chicago Marathon was my first marathon in 2006.  I started running in 2005 and did a few short races before signing up for the marathon.  I don’t remember how the idea came to me to run it but I do remember having doubts and talking to a friend about it.  I said to her “Do you think I can do it?”  She replied “Yes, you can do it”.  This was Memorial Day Weekend and I signed up that weekend.  

This year I entered the lottery for the New York City Marathon but was not selected.  I’ve heard so many great things about this race and hopefully I’ll get a chance to run it.  Even if I’m not selected, I would love to spectate it. 

Another race on the list that I would like to run is the Boston Marathon.  However, the thing is that I would have to qualify for it.  In a few more years I will be entering a new age group and will need a 3:55 finish time.  But even that finish time still won’t guarantee me a spot.  Would I run it if I got a free bib?  ABSOLUTELY!!  Most likely I will never qualify so if I get a chance to run then I will take that opportunity given to me.

The other races don’t interest me that much.  I think it is because of the International travel.  I know it is petty.  But maybe in a few years that might change.  Once I finish my goal of running a half marathon in each state, I will be looking for a new goal. 

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What about you?  Would you like to run any of the World Marathon Majors?  

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Tuesday Topics: What I do with my race medals

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics.  This week we’re talking about what do you do with your race medals.  I am excited to learn what you all do with them because mine are in a box.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What do you do with your race medals?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I’ve run 168 races and I’ve received a medal for almost every race.  I am sure I have over 100 medals.  There are a few races that in the beginning no medal was given (Shamrock Shuffle).  Nowadays even a 5k gets you a medal!

Right now the majority of them are in a box.  A few years ago (June 2013) I began making some holders.

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Over the years I accumulated more medals but didn’t make more holders for them.  That is why I put them in a box.  I know I could have bought holders but told myself to wait till I had more room/wall to hang them.  I am still waiting for that day.  🙂

Marcia recently posted a picture of her medals.  I would love to do something similar.  Of course I need room to do something similar.

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I would probably organize them by group/theme.  Below are the ones from the RnR races and the RunDisney races.

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I would even organize them by state.  I like this holder.  Photo from Etsy.

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I may even donate some to Medals4Mettle.  There is no need to keep all of them, right?


For now I will leave them in a box.  When I do move and have more space, I will decide what to do with them.

Do you keep your medals?  Do you give them away?  

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Tuesday Topics: The reason I started running

Happy Tuesday!  Spring Break is going well.  Slept in a little bit yesterday and then watched “Cheers”.  Today I will spend some time calling the parents of my students.  I’ve been using “Remind” but have not touched based with everyone.  My principal asked us to now call them  Honestly, I wasn’t going to but who knows when I will see them again since our return date is still up in the air.

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics.  This week we’re talking about what made you decide to start running.  Let’s discuss!

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What made you decide to start running?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I started running in 2005.  I know this sounds silly right now but I did not know how to run.  Just writing it make me laugh.  I signed up for a Beginners Class with CARA.  I don’t think I finished the class because I ended up signing up again.  🙂

I know many people start to run for health reasons.  Not me.  I started running because I saw a much older man running along the lakefront.  If he could do it, so could I.  And I did.

Now I continue to run because I like it.  I don’t love it, I just like it.  I’ve had my moments in which I felt burned out and did not want to run anymore.  A break was all I needed in order to enjoy running again.

Other reasons I continue to run are:

♥ To feel good about myself
♥ Improve my health
♥ Improve my energy levels
♥ Train for a specific goal
♥ Gives me time to think and get ready for the day

Thanks to Wendy for letting me know about the Un-Canceled Project.  Click HERE to sign up.  It is FREE and it starts tomorrow.

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How about you?  What made you decide to start running?

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Tuesday Topics: My Spring bucket list

Disclaimer:  I received a free entry to the Fargo Half Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro.  Learn more about becoming BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find and write race reviews!  

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics.  This week we’re talking about your Spring bucket list.  I know many races have been cancelled (3 of mine).   For now there is no actual training for me.  No worries.  I won’t stop running.  I am following a plan but my main goal is to run mostly for fun and not worry about pace or distance.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What’s on your Spring bucket listYou can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I started writing this post early this month.  This was before the situation came to be the way it is now and before any race cancellations.  I was scheduled to run the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle (March 22), Garmin Oz Half Marathon (April 18), and the Fargo Half Marathon (May 8).  The last 2 were in two new states for me.  Actually the Fargo Half Marathon was rescheduled for August 29 and I am not sure if I will make it to ND.  The race will be right after the first week of school and I would have to take off on Friday (Wednesday is the first day with the students) in order to make it to the race.

With so many race cancellations who knows when my next race will be.  I haven’t signed up yet but I am hoping it will be the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th of July (I know it isn’t a Spring race but just go along with me).  I’ve run this race since 2013.  My PR is 39:39 in 2014.  One of my goals this year is to PR in all race distances.  <

I am also interested in the Wintrust Lakefront 10 Miler/5k.  This was scheduled to take place on April 18 but has been postponed to July 11.  I’ve done the 10 mile race before but racing in July is not something that I like to do.  I might be more inclined to run the 5k but that distance is also difficult.  

For the moment there are no plans to run in a different state.  There are a few I am looking into but won’t make any decisions till maybe this summer.  Hopefully by then things will be better and races will be taking place.

What are you running plans for the Spring?  What are your race plans for the Summer?

Tuesday Topics

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