Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: A few things I am loving

Hard to believe we are at the last week of February.  For being a short month, it sure went by fast!  I am leaving on Friday morning for Atlanta.  The Trials are on Saturday and I am running a half marathon on Sunday.  Should be a fun weekend!  I will have a recap in next week’s linkup.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.

Ritual – It is a multivitamin.  Yes, I can get one pretty much anywhere.  I got these based on another friend’s recommendation.  These vitamins are vegan certified, gluten and allergen free, non-GMO, and no colorants or synthetic fillers.  (Source:  There are 3 options to pick from: Multivitamin 18+, Prenatal Vitamin, and Multivitamin 50+.  Each month you get a bottle with 60 capsules (you take 2 per day).  You also get an email a few days before you get charged and before they’re shipped.  You can then rush or delay an order.  You can also cancel your subscription at any time.  Each pill has 9 key ingredients such as folate, omega-3, vitamins B12, vitamin D3, iron, vitamin K2, boron, vitamin E, and magnesium.  I like that everything is in one pill (versus taking multiple ones) and that they’re delivered to me.  Have I noticed anything different?  Well, lately I have noticed that I am more calm.  Could be from the multivitamin or something else.  If you want to try it out, let me know and I can send you a link to get $15 off your first order.

Billie Razors – I have tried many different kinds of razors and I finally found one that I like a lot.  These razors are inexpensive and leave your legs very smooth.  At sign up you pay $9 and you get a shaver, a magnetic holder, and two 5-blade razor cartridges.  Then for $9, every month or every 2 or 3 months (you select the subscription frequency), you get four replacement blade cartridges sent to your house.  You can also delay an order or cancel your subscription.  I shave once a week and replace my razor every month.  Other products you can purchase are shave cream, body lotion, a travel case, an extra handle and holder, and body wash.  Click HERE to order your razors.

Prose Personalized Hair Care –  Yes, I get my shampoo and conditioner through the mail.  There are questions you answer (consultation) and based on your answers, Prose recommends the items for you to buy.  There are questions such as age, hair texture and length, condition of hair, whether you have dandruff or dry scalp.  They also take into consideration the city you are living in for humidity, pollution, UV rays, and water hardness.  You can also pick if you want vegan, gluten-free, and silicone-free products.  Yes, lots of questions!  Finally, they recommend a fragrance but you can also change it (there is also an option for fragrance-free). 

I received my first order in December.  The bottles are really small.  I was very impressed with the scent.  I don’t wash my hair every day anymore and can say that I really like the shampoo and conditioner.  My scalp doesn’t itch as much and my hair does feel very soft and smells nice.  I also ordered the hair oil but I thought it was too greasy (turns out I was using too much).  I let them know about it and they gave me a refund.  They said I could keep the bottle and now I use it mostly as a deep conditioner.  Other items you can get are leave-in conditioner, dry shampoo, pre-shampoo mask, curl cream, and a boar bristle. 

If you subscribe, you save 20% off your order.  You can change or cancel your subscription at any time.  Even if you don’t subscribe, you can change the formula of your shampoo and conditioner by doing another consultation.  Each bottle of shampoo and conditioner is $25.  I know it isn’t cheap but I really like them and will continue to use them. If you want to try it out, let me know and I can send you a link to get $10 off your first order.

Just curious but how often do you shave your legs?  Are you using any of the products I mentioned?

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: The Olympic Marathon Trials in Atlanta

Happy Tuesday?  Were you off yesterday?  I did a semi long run (7.33 miles), went to see a house (did not like it at all), and did some work for school (got it all done).  Progress report grades are due today.  Five more weeks till the end of the quarter.  The end of the school year will be here soon!

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Who are you rooting for in the Olympic Trials?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I am so excited for my trip to Atlanta!  Not sure if I am more excited to spectate the Trials or to run.  Maybe both?  I am nervous for this race because of the hilly course.  I did not train on hills for this training cycle and I had every intention of doing so.  Oh well.  We will see how it goes.  🙂

What is the Olympic Marathon Trials?  It is a race that will determine the 3 men and women that will go on to compete in and represent the U.S. in the marathon at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Not everyone can run at the Olympic Trials.  There are qualifying standards in order to compete in the Trials.

Oympic Trials Standards-1I couldn’t find a list of the men and competing competing in the Trials but I do know Desi Linden will be there.  And that my friends is who I am rooting for this year in the women’s team.

Desi is pretty amazing.  I’ve met her a few times but have been shy around her so I’ve never said much to her.  One time I did ask her if she spoke Spanish and she said “no”.

She won the women’s race at the 2018 Boston Marathon in the cold and pouring rain.  I watched it with my students and I think I cried when she won.

She is a very humble person.  Doesn’t say much either and is always smiling and looks happy.

Desi made her first Olympic Team in 2012 in Houston.  She finished in 2nd place.  Then in 2016, in Los Angeles, she also finished in 2nd place.

Fun video to watch:  26.2 Questions with Des Linden.

I want this shirt.

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Desi is sponsored by Brooks.  You all know my love for my Brooks shoes.

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Desi is someone I would love to run with one day.  However, I am much, much slower than her so not sure how that will go.  🙂

Will you be in Atlanta?  Let’s go!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My first race

Hey there!  I hope everyone is doing well.  How is it that it is Tuesday again?  Don’t the days go by fast?  I am feeling better which is a good time.  No one has time to get sick, right?  Now let’s continue with our fun topic this week.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What was your first race?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

This topic brought so many fun memories.  I started running in the summer of 2005.  I remember I was downtown and saw a much older man running.  I told myself that if he could run then so could I.  I signed up with CARA for a beginner’s class but somehow did not complete it because I signed up again.  Haha!  I remember the goal was to run for 30 minutes but I “only” made it to 28 minutes.  Still I was pleased with how I did.  The next year is when I signed up for the Chicago Marathon. 

I didn’t know anything about running.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I did it anyway.  A friend from work was also a runner and he would tell me to run too.  I said “No” and that I wouldn’t/couldn’t even run a mile.  Ha, if only he could see me now.  🙂

Anyway, back to the topic.  My first race was the Tinley Turkey Trot 5K on November 12, 2005.  I don’t remember how or why I signed up.  Honestly, I don’t remember this race AT ALL.  When I was writing this post, I thought my first race was a different one and that one I do remember a bit more.  Now I am wondering if I was even there at all.  Athlinks says I was and finished in 39:48.

2005 Tinley Turkey Trot

Since then I’ve run many more 5Ks and many more races.  Each one has been a different experience and I have learned so much throughout the years.  

√ The right pair of shoes make a big difference.

√ Not every race will be a great race not will every run be a great run.

√ The right gear also makes a big difference.

√ It is OK to miss a few runs.  Don’t sweat about it.

√ Sleep is important.  No matter what, you need to sleep and rest.

√ It’s OK to run with no goal in mind.  Just run.

√ Don’t compare yourself to others.

√ Listen to your body.

√ Be flexible.  You can plan, plan, and plan, but sometimes something happens to mess up said plan.

√ Anyone can run a marathon.  I didn’t think I could and I did.  I’ve run 8 of them!  The most difficult thing about training for it is the time commitment

√ Everyone has their own accomplishments.  Of course be happy for others but most importantly be happy with yours.

√ Chafing sucks.  Taking a shower afterwards is just as painful or worse.

√ A cold beer after a race on a hot day tastes delicious.  Not so much on a cold day.

√ Running is a hobby.  Don’t get too serious about it.  If a run or race didn’t go as expected, life goes on.  🙂

What was your first race?  Have you run this race again?

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: How I dealt with an injury that sidelined me

Anyone watched the game on Sunday?  Did your team win?  I had a great time with family members watching the game and commercials and eating all of the food.  And let’s not forget the halftime performance.  While I am not a fan of Shakira nor JLo, I thought they did AMAZING.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Tell us about an injury that sidelined you from running and how you dealt with it.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

It seems like running and injuries go together.  I’ve been running for over 10 years and have had my share of injuries.  Each one has been different, but I’ve been able to recover and run again.

My list of injuries include IT band, calf strain, plantar fasciitis, and runner’s knee.  I feel like there are more but cannot remember.  Oh and let’s not forget my fall last month. 

How do I deal with an injury?

√ Denial/anger
Why me?  Why did this happen to me?

√ Acceptance
An injury happens to a lot of runners.  I remind myself that I am not the only one.  But I still have the same questions “Can I still run?” or “When can I run again?”  Luckily my injuries haven’t been too serious and I’ve been able to run again.

√ Rest
I take advantage of this extra time to recover and heal.  Oh, and sleep more too!  🙂  

√ Do another activity
I catch up on TV shows or read a book.  I use my Peloton to stay active until I can run again.

√ Be patient
Yeah, this is a hard one but very important.  I mean I cannot make an injury go away or make it recover faster.  I have to wait and hope that I don’t get another injury.  🙂

Every runner is different and we all react differently.  Injuries are definitely not a fun thing to have but many times “they just happen”.  I’ve had my share of injuries and have always felt grateful that it wasn’t too serious for me to stop running forever.

How do you deal with an injury?  What is the worst injury you’ve had?

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Tuesday Topics: My favorite book I read last year

I love to read.  I don’t always make time to sit down and read a book, but when I do, I could spend a few hours reading a book.  I also like to read books to my students.  My favorite are the ones from Dr. Seuss!!!

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What was your favorite book you read last year?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

For some reason I am fascinated by John Grisham’s books.  I have a list of all of his books and check it off when I am done reading a book.  I did skip a few that were not about lawyers.  Currently I am reading “The Rooster Bar” and am liking it so far.  

I don’t know exactly how many books I read last year but here are a few that I enjoyed.  They’re listed in no specific order.

1. Becoming
It took me a long time to finish it.  Once I was done, I felt like Michelle was my BFF.  I loved learning about her and her family.  She is someone I would love to meet!

Becoming Book-1

2. I am not your perfect Mexican daughter
I think I read this in 2018 but read it again last year because a few of my cousins were talking about it and wanted to discuss it.  The book made me sad, angry, and happy.  I loved the story but loved even more that I could relate to it. 

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3. Chicken Soup for the Soul-Running For Good
Who doesn’t love these books?  I enjoyed reading the stories from runners talking about their struggles, goals, and accomplishments.  

Chicken Soup for the Soul

4. Living with a SEAL
I read this book in 2018.  Hilarious book.  I would not last one day living and training with a SEAL.

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I love this Dr. Seuss quote.  I always say it to my students.

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What book(s) are you reading?  Any John Grisham fans?

Tuesday Topics

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