This week’s Tuesday Topic: How do you maintain your running motivation? You can write about this topic or post any running-related blog post. Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
This is the perfect topic for me to write about because right now I am lacking motivation to go running. My last run was yesterday and prior to that it was February 14.
Below are a few tips I am following to get motivated:
• Sign up for a race. I have a few races that I am signed up for. Since I am no longer running the NYC Half Marathon, I want to sign up for a half marathon in Chicago. There are plenty of those here, but this time I want to make sure I train for it.
• Buy new gear. One of my favorite reasons for running. I ordered a pair of the Brooks Run Lucky Launch 10 and two luxe short sleeve tops.
• Go outside. It is warmer outside. I love that it is light outside much earlier now. The sunshine and warmer weather always makes me feel good.
• Set a goal and keep track. In my case, it is to remember my goals. I still want to run/walk 2,204 miles and that won’t happen by itself. I like the RTE Tracker to see how I am doing. The bibs I get for meeting set goals are a bonus.
• Run one mile at a time. Right now I am not training for anything (though I need to for my upcoming 8k in a few weeks) so I will run for whatever time/miles I want to. This way I am not pressured and most likely will look forward to my run.
The topic for next week – How do you organize your running gear? Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!