Category: Ultimate Coffee Date

Fit Five Friday and January 2023 Ultimate Coffee Date

Yay for 2023 and for the first edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me!  Let’s get started, shall we?

I am excited about this year.  I have a new word for 2023.  I will be traveling to NYC and Washington, DC for two races.  Once I have more information about another summer school program, I will make plans to travel to Mexico.  Finally, a project that I listed in DonorsChoose got funded at the end of December.  

There is more to tell.  So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I am a bit sad that today is my last day of Winter Break.  I enjoyed it.  I wrote a post of things I was looking forward to and I did all but 1 (to write a few blog posts).  However, Kim and I finalized our topics for Tuesday Topics and the Fit Five Friday team also put together a list of topics.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that even though I just mentioned I am sad about Winter Break being over, I am looking forward to getting back to my school routine.  A teeny tiny part of me also missed my 2nd graders.  We have a bunch of assessments to do in January so it will be a busy month for us.  I will have snacks and words of support and encouragement for them.  It is all about the food.  🤣

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I signed up for my third race this year – the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8k.  You know it is one of my favorite races.  I took it as a sign to finally sign up when I received an email encouraging me to sign up for $45.  It was $5 less than the regular price but still that was my sign.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that my mom turns 80 this year and we are planning a BIG celebration for her in September.  She has a big family so it will be fun to have many family members together and celebrate.  It won’t be a surprise party since she was at the kitchen table when a few of us were talking about it.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I finished reading “Landslide” and “Come Fly the World”.  I liked the latter much more than the first one.  My next book is “Crying in H Mart”.  I love to read.  Like running, reading is my alone and me time.  It saddens me to see that many kids do not know how to read or don’t like to read. 

Topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 things that motivate you.  Feel free to write about this topic or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!


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Fit Five Friday and December 2022 Ultimate Coffee Date

Wow, how is it already December?  And that 2022 is almost over?!?  Right now the countdown is for December 22nd, the last day of school before Winter Break.  It may be December but I feel like this school year is dragging.  This is only the 15th week of school.  How?  On a positive note, I’m starting off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that during Thanksgiving Break I relaxed but also worked.  I was observed on Wednesday and I had to work on my portfolio.  Yeah, as much as I don’t like to procrastinate, I did drop the ball and had to get it done last week.  I had to review my lesson, answer some questions about it, and upload a bunch of artifacts.  I will be observed every 3 years so if I am planning to retire in 10-11 years, then I am looking at 3 or 4 more observations.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that last week I got both the shingles and covid vaccine and felt awful the next day.  I was very tired and had a fever.  I spent most of Wednesday in bed and on the sofa reading and watching TV.  I only got up to eat and go to the bathroom.  But I felt like a new woman on Thursday!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I got my free birthday cake/slice from Portillo’s.  I enjoyed it as a lunch meal when I was sick last week.  No shame.  Remember that one time I had mashed potatoes and wine for dinner?

Let me add that while Starbucks did gift me a free drink, I could have sworn that the expiration date was 11/21.  When I used the app to order the drink, the offer was no longer available.  I ended up using my stars for it.  I know I didn’t have to get the drink but I wanted it anyway.

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you if you’ve watched the “Wednesday” series on Netflix.  I didn’t think I was going to like it but I did.  It is so good!  I loved it and cannot wait for season 2.  My favorite scene was the dance scene.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you after years of entering the lottery, I will finally get the chance to run the NYC Half Marathon!  I am happy and excited about it.  Two of my nephews live in NYC so I am looking forward to seeing them too.  Plus, I hope one of them will let me stay at their place. 

Now I need to start running again and train for it.  I have no finish time goal.  I just want to finish so I will be using Hal Higdon’s Novice 2 training plan.  Soon I will be looking into flights but the “only” bad thing is that I have parent/teacher conferences on the 20th.  The question now is do I come back Sunday night or Monday morning?  I don’t have to be at work till 11:30am.

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.  I am also linking up with Running with Perseverance and Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

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Fit Five Friday and October 2022 Ultimate Coffee Date

Wow, how is it already October?  I feel like September went by slow and fast at the same time.  I was very busy with work which made the days go fast but it still felt like a long month.  I know it is already October but I feel like I’ve been in school more than 7 weeks.  On a positive note, I’m starting off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I cannot wait to spectate the Chicago Marathon on Sunday!  It is definitely one of my favorite days!!

 If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that we have a new teacher contract.  There were many great new things and perks added to it.  There is a salary increase.  However, an extra 30 minutes will be added to the school day beginning in August 2023.  I am not really crazy about it but we knew that one day the state was going to require us to extend the day.  Another great thing is that we can wear jeans and gym shoes as long as we wear them with spirit wear (school shirt). 

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I think I am a good driver.  I rarely speed and always stop at the stop signs.  One day I was driving to work and was waiting in the left lane for the light to change so I could turn left.  The light changed and I began to turn.  Then I saw a young boy/teenager about to cross the street.  It was too late for me to stop and let him go.  Then I looked up my mirror and saw that the car behind me had stopped to let him go.  I then wondered if I should have stopped too but I realized that I had the signal to turn.  Plus, the boy should learn how to cross the street!  😆

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you if you have recommendations for comfortable shoes.  I love wearing jeans and gym shoes.  However, there are days when I want to look nicer.  You know I love my Tieks.  However, I am STILL dealing with plantar fasciitis (I don’t know why since I am rarely running) and my feet hurt when I wear them.  Yesterday morning I ordered two pairs of Allbirds Women’s Tree Breezers (wasn’t sure about size) so we’ll see how those work out.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that the later sunrise makes me sad.  I am not liking how dark it is at 6am.  I know I’ve said before that I enjoy running in the dark.  I haven’t been running much anyway so there is nothing pleasant about the darkness.  🤣 🤣

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.  I am also linking up with Running with Perseverance and Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

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Fit Five Friday and August 2022 Ultimate Coffee Date

Wow, how is it already August?  This Summer Break sure is going by fast.  Just a few more weeks and it is back to work.  My first day is the 18th and then the students start on the 22nd.  I’m starting off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that school starting in a few weeks makes me nervous and excited.  What’s not to like about a new school year, new school, new coworkers, and a new boss?  It is making it through those first few weeks/months that worry me.  The unpacking will take me a long time too.  But I have done it before and will get it done, right?  I know I have my blogger friends to listen to me complain and to give me advice.  Remember how two years ago when I was so tired one day that I ate mashed potatoes and wine for dinner?

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that next week my coworker and I will be going to Starbucks Reserve Roastery Chicago.  I’ve been there once with my mom but this time time it will be a different experience.  My coworker is a Starbucks Rewards Member (she has almost 10,000 points!) and we will actually have a tour guide and other surprises.  The little things that make me excited!

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you which shampoo you use.  I have straight hair but still the humidity is not my friend.  Actually, humidity has no friends at all.  I’ve tried Prose, Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Monat, etc.  I used to wash my hair everyday but now do it 3 times a week.  I rinse it when I do not wash it.  The thought of sweaty hair grosses me out.  Did you know that I used to have curly hair when I was a kid?  The left photo is from my passport and the one on the right is from 1st grade.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that my dentist left me.  He retired sometime in March.  I’ve been going to him since about 1997/1998.  I remember I found him through 1-800-DENTIST.  One of the reasons I went with him is because of his evening hours.  This was before I was a teacher and would get off work really late so I needed someone that would accommodate me.  He was a great dentist and while I am happy for him, I will miss him.  He left his clients to another dentist that was in the same building (which I never noticed, can you believe it?) and have an appointment on Tuesday.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I bought my first Lululemon item!  Nope, not clothes but instead I bought a bag – Clean Lines Belt Bag.  Originally I wanted the Everywhere Belt Bag but it’s been sold out for a long time.  I love it so much that I want to get another bag.  I do not need it but still want it.

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.  I am also linking up with Running with Perseverance and Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

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Fit Five Friday and July 2022 Ultimate Coffee Date

Hello July!  We are half way done with the year 2022.  And what a year it has been.  I’m starting off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you to ask me how many gifts I received from my students are the end of the school year.  Now, I don’t do this job for the gifts but it is nice to get them.  Go ahead, ask me.  0.  NOLLA. ZERO. NULA.  NUL.  I have been teaching for 13 years and every year (except 2020 and we know why) I have received gifts from students.  I went out for drinks with my coworker that day and even she was shocked.  Her husband and other friend that joined us were also shocked.  I did receive a few thank you on Remind from parents, but still.  Update: Receiving gifts is not an expectation.  I was just surprised that is all.  I am not trying to sound ungrateful.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that Summer School went better than expected.  I started off with 22 students on my roster and ended up with 14.  We took one field trip to the Adler Planetarium.  They made me smile but no one made me cry.  Teaching in all English isn’t that bad.  

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that my yesterday my mom and I went to Walgreens to get our 2nd booster shot.  Crossing my fingers we don’t have any side effects from it.  Our first one was in October so it was time for this one.  

If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you if you rate a Peloton class based on the instructor’s playlist.  I know I can check out the playlist before deciding to take the class, but sometimes I forget and then wonder how the heck they picked that song or songs.  On Sunday I took a 90s Run and I only recognized the first two.  I was so annoyed towards the end and was glad it was only 20 minutes.  On Tuesday I took an 80s Run class.  I’ve listened to plenty of 80s songs but only recognized one.  🤔

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I am noticing more gray hair.  They’re mostly baby hairs on the top right.  I know I am at that point when I will be seeing them more often.  I am just not ready for them.  

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.  I am also linking up with Running with Perseverance and Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

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