Hello July! We are half way done with the year 2022. And what a year it has been. I’m starting off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!
If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you to ask me how many gifts I received from my students are the end of the school year. Now, I don’t do this job for the gifts but it is nice to get them. Go ahead, ask me. 0. NOLLA. ZERO. NULA. NUL. I have been teaching for 13 years and every year (except 2020 and we know why) I have received gifts from students. I went out for drinks with my coworker that day and even she was shocked. Her husband and other friend that joined us were also shocked. I did receive a few thank you on Remind from parents, but still. Update: Receiving gifts is not an expectation. I was just surprised that is all. I am not trying to sound ungrateful.
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that Summer School went better than expected. I started off with 22 students on my roster and ended up with 14. We took one field trip to the Adler Planetarium. They made me smile but no one made me cry. Teaching in all English isn’t that bad.
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that my yesterday my mom and I went to Walgreens to get our 2nd booster shot. Crossing my fingers we don’t have any side effects from it. Our first one was in October so it was time for this one.
If we were having coffee…
I’d ask you if you rate a Peloton class based on the instructor’s playlist. I know I can check out the playlist before deciding to take the class, but sometimes I forget and then wonder how the heck they picked that song or songs. On Sunday I took a 90s Run and I only recognized the first two. I was so annoyed towards the end and was glad it was only 20 minutes. On Tuesday I took an 80s Run class. I’ve listened to plenty of 80s songs but only recognized one. 🤔
If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I am noticing more gray hair. They’re mostly baby hairs on the top right. I know I am at that point when I will be seeing them more often. I am just not ready for them.
Thanks for linking up with us again this week! We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites! Join hosts My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please add your link below. I am also linking up with Running with Perseverance and Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date.