Category: Weekly Recap

Weekly Run Down: Race week and almost 400 miles

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Brooks Shoes-17Did you see these new shoes?  They’re a beauty!  I definitely do not need them.  🙂  Right?  I have a similar pair, Ghost 11, that I bought last year.  I love those!  I use Garmin Connect to track the mileage on my shoes.  Right now I have 5 shoes that I am tracking.  A few weeks ago I decided to just run in the Ghost 11 till I get to 400 miles.  Then the next shoes I will run in are the Launch 5 and the Levitate 1.  I know it is a crazy system.  I also have 3 new pairs in boxes.  Yikes!  Update: My Ghost 11 now have 289.40 miles after today’s race.  🙂

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I am so excited to run the Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Half Marathon.  But I will say that I am not ready for it.  I think this is the first time I haven’t felt ready for a race.  Well, I think many of us have those feelings, but in my case I really am not ready.  If you’ve been reading my blog, the training hasn’t been there.  I had (have) plantar fasciitis and at one point took 3 weeks off to recover.  But my goal is to have fun and finish it!  Oh and maybe finish in less than 3:18:01 which is my worst finish time from when I ran the Walt Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon.

I ran only 2 days (one was race day).  The rest of the days I slept in.  I don’t know what is going on but I have been feeling very tired.  I wake up just in time to get ready and leave for work. 

Sad Family Time GIF by Lifetime - Find & Share on GIPHY

The photo below is from Monday, the day after the Chicago Marathon.  It was cold and windy the day of the marathon.  On Monday I ran 4 miles and enjoyed the sunshine and beautiful fall colors.


I received my two Koala Clips on Thursday.  Love using these on my runs!

Saturday morning I finished getting my stuff ready.  Then I had breakfast and left for the airport.  My flight left at 11:15 and I arrived in Detroit at 1:00.  Once there I took an Uber to the hotel to check in and left for the expo.  The expo was fun!  There were so many vendors and I was actually impressed with it.  Normally I don’t buy anything anymore but this time I bought 3 pairs of Balega socks (it was buy 3 pairs and get one free) and an R3 foot roller.

In the evening I had dinner and watched TV.  One of the workers from the hotel offered to take me downtown so I could see the start line.  It turns out it it close to TCF Center where the expo was held.

When I got back I got my stuff ready for the race and went to sleep.

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The race was fun!  But my foot did bother me and I ended up walking a lot.  I enjoyed this race and would definitely do it again.  Oh, and I finished in 2:45:41.  


Have you run a race where you did not train well for it or were not prepared?  How did it go?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Chicago Marathon weekend and a Model PLC School

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No, I did not run the Chicago Marathon and definitely did not feel like I was missing out.  The last time I ran this race was 3 years ago.  It was in the mid 50s.  I ran the first half faster than the second half.  However, I did manage to get a PR and bettered my time by 40 minutes from 10 years ago (my first marathon).

I did however felt left out when I saw everyone’s post from the expo.  I usually go every year and love it.  From the pictures I saw that Joan Samuelson, Paula Radcliffe, and Deena Kastor were there.  I’ve only met Deena and have seen Joan on the running path.

I ran 3 days this week for a total of 11.65 miles. I missed my run on Wednesday and Saturday.  I was out late at a concert on Friday and slept in.  The rest of the day was just busy and then we went to a family dinner.  No time to run.

Wednesday evening I went to a Board Meeting because my school was recognized as a Model PLC School.  Earlier in the day during our after school meeting, the Superintendent and various Directors showed up to congratulate us.  Everything we do we do it for the kids.  It feels great to be recognized and I know we will continue to do great things.

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Early this morning I went to spectate the Chicago Marathon.  It is so much fun to spectate!  One of my best friends was running her first marathon.  The tracking app was acting funky and I missed her a few times.  In the end I did see her and ran with her for about 5 miles.

It was cold Sunday morning.  The sun came out a few times and it did warm up but then it got cold again.  I wore shorts with a singlet, a long sleeve underneath, and a light jacket on top.  I also wore pants and took them off a bit before I started to run.

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Another busy and hectic week.  Next week is my half marathon.  Am I ready?  No.  My goal is to have fun and enjoy it.

Have you spectated a marathon before? Have you run the Chicago Marathon?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Low month and still wearing shorts

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I love that I was able to do all of my workouts this week.  So many different weather changes this week.  I was hot on Tuesday and then cold by Saturday.

September 2019 Mileage

I ended the month with 29.46 miles.  It was my second lowest after February which was 21.52 miles.

I had a committee meeting on Tuesday and didn’t have to be at work till 8:30.  I got up to run since I thought I had a longer workout but then realized I had to run 3 miles.  I kept putting it off thinking I had time, since it was “only” 3 miles, but then lost track of time and did not run.  I did run later in the evening but it was 90 degrees.  Man it was tough!

I actually enjoyed my workout on Wednesday (2 mile warmup, 1×8 minute intervals with 2 minutes recovery, and 1 mile warmup).  I was out by 5am and it was nice to be out in the dark and quiet.  I have been struggling to be out there running in the morning but once I am there, it is kind of relaxing.  I feel like I am in my own world with no worries.

I was cold Friday morning to run 3 miles.  But I still wore shorts.  🙂  During my run I thought about my kids.  I have 16 total but only 3 are reading at grade level.  A few are close to grade level and the rest are reading at the beginning of 1st grade level.  Every year it is worse and we don’t understand why these kids aren’t reading at grade level.  Is it a language issue or a learning disability?  I have an interventionist coming in to work with these kids but only 1 (maybe 2, still need to get confirmation) will be pulled out for additional support.  Why aren’t the other students receiving more support?  Who knows?  But I do know that some interventionists are also working with some 5th graders.  Huh?

I procrastinated on Saturday for my long run.  I don’t like doing that because then things happen and then I don’t end up doing what I intended to do.  I went out at 11am to run 6 miles.  It was sunny but not too cold.  I wore shorts again.  It is beginning to look like Fall!


I am glad I did all of my runs this week.  My plantar fasciitis is definitely much better and I am happy about it.  Two weeks to go till the Detroit Free Press/TCF Half Marathon!

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Fall is here and Open House

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Fall!  I LOVE it!  It is my favorite season.  I ran on Monday morning which felt GREAT.  However, I did not took one single picture which is weird because I take a picture at almost every run.  But I swear I did run.  🙂

I stayed late at work on Tuesday but still did a 45 minute workout on the Peloton.  I finished just in time to shower and watch “NCIS”.  Anyone a fan?  Did you see Ziva?  

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Wednesday was a half day at school and our Open House.  I had planned to run in the morning but woke up too late.  The day dragged with meetings.  The last meeting was the worst and we were happy when it was finally 4pm.  Then we had to go back to school to finish setting up for our Open House.

I was very disappointed with that evening.  I have 16 students.  Many reminders were sent to parents.  Yet, only 3 of them showed up.  One showed up at 8pm just as I was turning off my Promethean board and the Principal was making an announcement that Open House was over.  The mom told me that they had been at the school earlier but her son did not tell her his classroom number.  Umm, what?!?!?  I was very ANNOYED.

Despicable Me Reaction GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I was exhausted Thursday and Friday.  Yeah, no time to run in the morning either.  I did not stay late after school either and left right at 3.  I did feel better by Friday evening and was in bed by 9:30pm.

Saturday morning I woke up early to catch up on blogs and Instagram.  But my little guy had a different idea.  


Then they both went back to sleep. 


I went out to run 3 miles.  I did get a little cold and had to go back inside for a long sleeve.  Luckily it has stopped raining but it was drizzling just a little bit.  I found a penny!

In the afternoon I watched “Rocketman” and “Yesterday”.  I enjoyed “Rocketman”!  It was a great movie.  I didn’t know anything about Elton John (except that he had some great songs).  I would love to see him in concert.

Sunday morning I ran 6 miles.  I struggled during this run but got it done.  Hard to believe that my half marathon is in 3 weeks.  Yikes!  I had another Garmin record but do not see it in the summary from today’s run.

Have you seen Elton John in concert?  If not, let’s take a road trip.  Even if you have, let’s go!

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Mateo and Hamilton

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I decided to name my kitten Mateo.  I love that name!  My mom calls him Teo as a nickname.  He is a wild kitten with so much energy.  Lola is beginning to like him and she does not hiss as much anymore.  I took Mateo to the vet on Tuesday and while he is healthy (so far), he has fleas.  🙁  The vet gave him a dosage of Revolution and also gave me some for Lola.  I am supposed to go back in 3 weeks for another check up and for more additional shots for Mateo.

My coach updated my training calendar for my upcoming race on October 20th.  This week I ran 3 days and it felt great being out there.  I cleared all of my records again (hopefully I won’t have to do it again for a while) and this week have some new records.


My plantar fasciitis is a bit better.  I bought a Strassburg sock but ended up returning it since it was uncomfortable at night.  I bought a sleeve to wear during the day and at night, some inserts for my running shoes and my Tieks.  The Tieks are even more comfortable to wear and don’t hurt my feet as much anymore.  I requested a note from my doctor to “let” me wear gym shoes at school.  Now I just need a note to wear jeans during the week.  🙂

For months I’ve been trying to win tickets for Hamilton using an appI finally won and went on Wednesday.  It is sad to say that I did not like it.  I got bored.  I’ve seen The Lion King, Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Rock of Ages, Aida, Miss Saigon, and The Color Purple and have loved each one.  I LOVE musicals and was looking forward to it.  I did not like that the whole musical was all singing and/or rap.  I left at the intermission so I only watched half of it.  Still I am glad I went and got it out of my system.  

Have you seen “Hamilton”?  Did you like it or were disappointed like me?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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