Category: Weekly Recap

Weekly Run Down: A new kitten and still no running

Still no running but my foot does feel better.  This week I did 4 workouts on the Peloton bike.  My bottom does not hurt as much but still get a little sore.  I do have a seat cover but maybe I need cycling shorts?

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I enjoy the classes that have various resistance levels.  Yesterday’s was tough!  I don’t know if you can see in the picture but this class had a 90-100% resistance.  Yeah, I didn’t last that long but I still enjoyed it.

Doing good in my challenge.

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My brother found a kitten and brought him/her on Sunday.  It is adorable!!!  We first thought it was a girl but now I think it is a boy.  I am 99% sure it is a boy.  We have a vet appointment on Tuesday for a checkup and we’ll then find out for sure.  

Lola is spoiled and is NOT happy with the kitten.  She spends her time hissing at the poor kitty.  We kept the kitten in my sister’s room this week.  However, yesterday he was able to roam around the apartment and simply would not stop.  He has so much energy!!  I had a name in mind (Luca) but now I am not so sure.  Now I am thinking Mateo?

Yesterday the kitten was enjoying Lola’s scratcher so I put it in my sister’s room because I know Lola wouldn’t want to use it anymore. (Lola hissed at me when she smelled the new kitten smell on me and for a few hours wanted nothing with me).  At Target I found the cutest scratcher that they can both use.  I mean eventually they would have to get along, right?  Haha, to them it is more of a toy.

Friday was an interesting day.  Well with it being Friday the 13th and a full moon, I was expecting the worst.  Not really.  It went better than expected.  My kids had to take a MAP test in Math and we were done in about 1 hour and 20 minutes.  Then we spent the rest of the day taking more tests (spelling, reading, and math), some fun time, and then watched part of a movie.  

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With the new TV I also purchased a new DVD player.  Earlier this morning I watched “La Llorona” and even though I was scared, I liked it!  I remember as a kid my sister telling me the story.  Next we are going to watch “Aladdin”.  

Not so much an exciting week.  🙂  I am going to try running tomorrow and see how it goes.  I have a half marathon next month!  How was your week?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: A fun week and plantar fasciitis pain is back

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I felt much better this week and wan’t as tired like last week.  One of my students didn’t show up this week so that left me with a total of 14.  However, I got a new student on Thursday and another one on Friday.  Now I have 16 which is still a good number of students to have.

I did not run much this week but at least it was 4.05 miles.  🙂  This time it wasn’t because I didn’t want to, it was because I couldn’t.  On Monday morning I set out to run 6 miles.  I noticed a slight pain in my left foot but didn’t think too much of it.  At mile 3 is when the pain started to get unbearable.  I stopped at 4.05 miles and walked the rest of the way home.  I was almost in tears because my foot was hurting so bad.  I knew it was because of the plantar fasciitis.  My foot had been feeling fine the past couple of weeks.  It would feel tight in the morning but then felt better later on in the day.

In the afternoon I got together with my cousins for some gorditas.  They were so good.  I ate 3 and then kind of regretted it.  Definitely not the healthiest thing to eat but definitely yummy.

No running so I got on the Peloton.  I had some great and challenging workouts.  The classes were mostly 15 or 20 minutes.  I know, not much but it was all I could handle for now.  Soon I will increase the minutes.  I would start sweating as soon as I increased the resistance but overall I felt so good after each class.  My favorite was the one with the 80s music!  I also enjoyed biking in Hawaii.

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I am so glad I bought cycling shoes instead of toe cages to use with my running shoes.  Oh, and my bottom would get sore so I bought a seat cover and now it is much better.  🙂

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I’ve heard so many great things about the OOFOS Recovery Sandals and thanks to BibRave got a pair to review.  Wow!  They’re amazing and I did not want to take them off.  I’ve been wearing them every single day when I get home from work.

Check out the ones coming soon!  I am not running the Chicago Marathon this year but do love the sandals and the design.


I love it when Staley Da Bear visits our school to promote the Tales to Tackle Program (geared towards reading and learning).  The kids love him.  The announcer asked the students why he had the number 100 on his shirt and they responded that it was because it was the 100th day of school.  That made me laugh!  It was the 7th day of school but sure felt like 100th.  🙂

I am jealous of everyone running.  More now because we had some nice fall weather which was perfect for running.  I am hoping I can run again this week.  How was your week?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: What a week and I am T-I-R-E-D

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I don’t remember the last time I was this tired.  Maybe the end of school?  Or this summer?  Well, this back to school tired is different.  Wednesday was the first day with the kids and I couldn’t wait to get home.  I skipped my runs this week because I didn’t want to get up earlier in the morning and I just wanted to go to bed at the end of the day.

Wednesday morning there were 16 kids in my roster.  There used to be 17 but one was transferred to an English room.  However, only 14 showed up.  Not bad.  Small class..I like it.  Friday morning there were 15 kids in my roster.  One student still hasn’t shown up (must still be on vacation)  🙂  so it was nice to again have 14 students in my class.  Of all of my years of teaching, I’ve never had ONLY 14 students in my room.  OK, maybe during the very cold weather but it was temporary.  Let’s see if next week that other student shows up.  Oh and I have 5 girls and the rest are boys.  I do have 2 that will make the year interesting.  

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I ran 5 miles on Monday and I wore pink.  Monday was an Institute Day full of meetings.  There was also an hour for parents to drop off supplies and to meet the teacher.  Only 1 student showed up which was kind of disappointing. 

Tuesday was another Institute Day but I stayed home with my mother.  I got a haircut and we did some errands.  My last haircut was in April and it felt good to cut off 2 inches.  It was a good day with her.

Thursday night I told myself that for sure I would run Friday morning and got my things ready.  The next morning I did get up and changed into my running clothes.  My stomach was not having it and I was in the bathroom a few more times than normal (for me).  And everything hurt too.  So I went back to bed…in my running clothes.

Saturday morning I woke up at 5am to do my long run but didn’t leave till 5:45.  A few extra times in the bathroom. 🙁  The sunrise was gorgeous!  The weather was wonderful and I felt good on my run.  I wanted to run 9 miles but I had to be back home so my sister could leave to do laundry while I stayed with my mother.  We don’t like to leave her alone for too long of a time.  I had to leave around 9 for a funeral and my sister got home a few minutes later.


I mentioned in a different post that after almost 19 years, I bought a new TV.  🙂  Finally joined the Smart TV Club.  I love it!  So many things to see.   Even Lola likes it.  My sister put a movie for cats and she was all into it.

This morning I struggled to run 3 miles.  A late night and too many tacos will do that to you.  🙂  Plus, Lola wanted to spend extra time with me so I got out a little later than I wanted to.


Overall August was a good month for running.  The goal was to enjoy my runs and not worry about pace.  I ended the month with 66.36 miles.  A little bit more than last month but still not one of my highest.

August 2019 Mileage

How was your week?  What are you most excited for in September?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: 22 miles and goodbye summer break

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I am sure you are tired hearing about the end of my summer break.  This will be my last post about it.  🙂  Honestly, I cannot believe I start work tomorrow.  Now the countdown will be for winter break.  The first day of winter break is December 23rd.  🙂 

Winter Break Image.jpgI had a good week of running.  I ran 4 days for a total of 22 miles.  I had meetings Monday and Tuesday so I was able to run on Monday morning.  It wasn’t too hot and it was cloudy.  Thursday was again 4 miles and that run felt good too.


Saturday morning was 10 miles.  I was hoping to be out and running by 5:30 am but didn’t start till about an hour later.  It was sunny but windy too.  Heading north was fine but then on the way back was tough for me.  I almost stopped running with less than 2 miles to go but didn’t.  Glad I kept going since the last mile was my fastest. 


Sunday was another 4 miles.  Nice and easy without worrying about pace.  Mile splits were 11:49, 11:49, 11:52, and 11:55.  All positive splits!!!  🙂  So far this month I’ve run 55.59 miles.  I won’t make it to 100 but at least I will run more than I did in July (58.72 miles).

How was your week?  Are you kids back in school yet?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Room set up and it is here

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I spent 2 days setting up my classroom and was exhausted!  My classroom is ready.  I just need a few more things to finish up like labeling their lockers, mailbox, job responsibilities, etc., but I will be ready on August 26th.  We have two Institute days and they students’ first day is on the 28th.

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My Peloton bike was delivered on Tuesday afternoon.  Isn’t it beautiful?  Even Lola is checking it out.  I thought the bike would have toe cages like the ones at the gym and I would be able to use my running shoes.  Wrong!  After going back and forth with a few people that also own a bike, they convinced me to get cycling shoes.  Thanks Amazon for the fast delivery!  It took me some time to figure out how to clip in and out.  🙂  

This week I ran 3 days for a total of 11 miles.  Tuesday was a planned rest day but then woke up very tired on Wednesday and Thursday so I decided to rest those days too.  I made a mistake and thought my mother had a doctor appointment on Friday.  Nope, her appointment was on Thursday.  I was angry because I couldn’t believe I made that mistake.  Ugh, the next available time slot isn’t till September 16th.  

The plan on Saturday was to run 8.5 miles.  I had a great run last week and really thought I could have another great one yesterday.  It was humid and I wasn’t feeling it.  I did enjoy running along the lakefront and seeing many friends.

This morning I did my first Peloton ride.  It was 20 minutes Glaciers & Rocks Scenic Ride.  It was fun and I was very sweaty at the end.  I need to buy a small fan to have nearby.

Heat Wave Cat GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

So that was my week.  I didn’t do much running but I am OK with it.  This week should be less hectic so I am hoping to run more days.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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