Category: Weekly Recap

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 15

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #15, March 5-11

M Rest
T 3.36
W 5.21
TH 3.35
F Rest
S Ran 3.00
S Ran 12.01

Tuesday’s run was fantastic!  I received a new pair of the Brooks Launch 5 and ran 40 minutes in them.  I know I’ve raved about the Launch 4 but these new ones are so beautiful and makes me want to keep on running.  

Brooks Launch 5 Shamrock Shoes-1

On Wednesday I had to do 20 minutes warm up, 20 minutes @11:58, and 20 minutes cool down.  Not very exciting but did it anyway.  It was cold/chilly and windy.  I didn’t do my run exactly like I was supposed to.

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By Thursday I was tired.  I didn’t want to run.  I got home and stayed in bed for a little bit.  I think I just needed a quick break because a few minutes later I got up to run 40 minutes.  Cold and windy again.  I did see a gorgeous sunset!

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Saturday morning I got a massage.  The last time I got one was about 5 months ago.  It felt so great!  I could literally feel the tingling from my toes to my fingertips.  I made another appointment for the 24th and cannot wait.

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After my massage I ran 3 miles.  I was supposed to run 35 minutes.  At 35 minutes my watch was showing about 2.97 miles or something like that.  I knew it would drive me crazy if I stopped at that number so I kept running and finished 3 miles at 35:16.  🙂

Congrats to my coaches, Mary and Rochelle!  Mary placed 2nd in the RnR DC 5k and Rochelle placed 1st in the marathon.

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Sunday’s run was 12 miles.  I procrastinated as long as I could and finally went out running around 3:30pm.  The plan was to run them at an easy pace (11:58-13:06).  Usually when I do easy runs I am TIRED and am grateful that it is “just” 30, 40, or 45 minutes.  I was nervous about 12 miles.  But I can say that I felt GREAT during my run.  The sun made it warm and there was a little wind which helped cool me down a bit.  Only 2 miles were done over 12:00 and that made me very happy!

Total mileage for the week: 26.93
Total mileage for this training cycle: 301.04
Total mileage for the year: 222.22

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14

How was YOUR week?  

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon, half marathon, or any other event.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 14

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #14, February 26-March 4

M Rest
T 3.28
W 6.40
TH 2.92
F Rest
S Ran 3.33
S Ran 11.00

Tuesday was warm enough to wear a skirt!  I did my run in the morning and it was 44 degrees.  Perfect!

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I procrastinated on Wednesday to hang out with Lola.  I didn’t want to get out but then remembered it was the end of the month and I wanted to get it more miles to meet my goal.  I didn’t.  I missed it by 8.42 miles.  Bummer.

I actually enjoyed my run and again hit the paces I was supposed to (10:02 for each 3 minute intervals).  I need to work on my recovery since those I am running too slow.

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March began with 35 minutes of easy running.  It was a beautiful evening with a full moon outside.

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I was very tired on Saturday and stayed in bed till about 10.  I watched TV and caught up on a few shows.  I still didn’t go out for my run till about 2pm.  The sun was out and did get warm but I also got cold being in the shade.  Still it was a beautiful afternoon for a run.

I remember how before I would do my long runs on Saturday and would have no trouble getting up in the morning.  Now?  Lately I’ve been struggling.  I still prefer to do my long runs on Saturday so I can recover the rest of the day and if needed, on Sunday too.

Sunday’s run had 2×2 miles @10:45 pace and then repeat.  I was a bit nervous about it.  I’ve been able to hold that pace for 2, 3 or 15 minutes but NOT 2 miles.  It wasn’t easy and unfortunately did have to stop for a few seconds to catch my breath.  The headwind did not help and that just aggravated me even more.  Still pleased with my run.

Illinois Marathon-143

Another great week of marathon training.  March is here and I am hoping that we get warmer weather so I can wear shorts.  🙂  I’ve managed to hit the paces on my workouts but still need to work on pacing for my tempo/longer runs.  I tend to start off too fast and then get burnt out too soon.

Total mileage for the week: 26.93
Total mileage for this training cycle: 274.11
Total mileage for the year: 195.30

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13

How was YOUR week?  How is the weather in your city or town?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon, half marathon, or any other event.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 13

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #13, February 19-25

M Rest
T 3.76
W 2.51
TH 4.91
F Rest
S Ran 3.80
S Ran 11.38

Another great week of training for the Illinois Marathon!  I didn’t miss/skip any of my workouts.  Mother Nature cannot make up her mind about the weather.  It rains one day and then cold the next day.  Hopefully in March we’ll have decent weather.

Tuesday’s run was in the rain.  Well, maybe not exactly rain but more like a mist.  I was still cold but glad it was a 45 minute run.  Lola didn’t care that I was cold.  

It was cold again on Wednesday and honestly I did not want to run.  Sucked it up and did it anyway.

Illinois Marathon-130

I was looking forward to and excited about my run on Thursday (2 mile warmup, 5 minutes @10:45, 5 minutes @10:02, 3 minute rest, repeat and then 1 mile cool down). Pretty cool huh? Well, during the first 5 minute session I was curious to see my pace so instead of pressing the light button, I pressed the lap button.  No! I almost wanted to cry. I know, stupid.🤦🏻‍♀️ It was a long day plus we had a practice lockdown so you can imagine how emotional that was during school.  Anyway, I quickly snapped out of it and continued with my run and it was AWESOME!  Moral of the story: Trust the process and don’t mess with your Garmin.

After cuddling with Lola in the morning I went out for 45 minutes of running.  It was cloudy and not too cold.  I should have done my long run on Saturday instead of Sunday.

Saw these shoes on Running Warehouse and want to get them.

Illinois Marathon-133

I was NOT looking forward to my long run on Sunday.  Total time to run was 2 hours and 2 minutes.  It was cold and windy.  The sun did come out but also decided to hide.  I was very tired towards the end but pleased to get it done.

Total mileage for the week: 26.37
Total mileage for this training cycle: 247.18
Total mileage for the year: 168.37

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12

How was YOUR week?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon, half marathon, or any other event.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 12

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #12, February 12-18

T Ran 3.73
W Ran 6.40 miles
TH Ran 3.20
S Ran 3.36
S Ran 9.72 miles

This week was awesome!!  At the beginning of the week I dealt with some snow on the sidewalk but we also got some warm weather and most of it did melt.

Monday is a rest day.  I went to a funeral for a dear friend’s dad.  It was so sad and I am always at loss at what to say to a grieving family.  As I got out of the car to go inside the funeral home, I saw a beautiful sunset.

Illinois Marathon-104

Tuesday’s run was actually pretty good!  It was sunny with temperatures in the low 30s but I didn’t feel too cold.  The snow wasn’t helping so I went to the local park to run around a couple of times.

I was a bit nervous about Wednesday’s workout (1.5 mile warm up and cool down, 2×1 mile @10:02 and 4×1 minute @9:16 with 2 minutes recovery).  Mile repeats scare me.  It wasn’t easy and I kind of cheated.  I had planned to run each one nonstop but just couldn’t do it.  I stopped a couple of times to catch my breath.  I cannot remember how many times I stopped but at least I got it done.  I still did pretty good!  🙂

Thursday’s run was awesome!  I came home and took a quick nap.  Then I got cold and debated on whether to run or not.  I reminded myself that it was only 40 minutes and it was definitely doable.  After my run I came home to find Lola still napping.

Another 40 minutes of running for Saturday.  Most of the snow had melted already and that made me happy.  However, we got more snow later in the afternoon.  Not a lot like last week but enough for the roads to get slippery.  It did look kind of pretty.

I was excited about Sunday’s workout (5 mile warm up, 15 minutes @10:45, 8 minutes @11:58, 4×25 second strides @9:16 with 60 second recovery, 2 mile cool down).  I waited to run in the afternoon because I knew it was going to warm up (40 degrees) and I had no desire to run in cold weather (it was 19 when I woke up).  Plus, Lola was keeping me company while I watched TV and I just wanted to stay with her.  🙂  Isn’t she cute?

Once I was out running it was WINDY and I got cold.  I had headwind for about 4.5 miles and then I turned around and it was much better.   I was very surprised to hit almost of my paces.  I think my Garmin watch is broken.  🙂   I know, I know.  I need to believe more in myself.

I am very pleased with all of my workouts.  I was a bit nervous for doing them but I actually enjoyed them and am happy with my results.  It is another confidence booster and that is exactly what I need now.  I am freaking out because the Illinois Marathon is in 10 weeks.  I’ve run a marathon before but still get nervous when training for it.

Total mileage for the week: 26.42
Total mileage for this training cycle: 220.81
Total mileage for the year: 142.01

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11

How was YOUR week?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon, half marathon, or any other event.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 11

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #11, February 5-11

T Ran 2.78
W Ran 6.51 miles
TH Did not run
S Ran Did not run
S Ran 1.71 miles

Ugh!  What a week!  I won’t complain that it is too cold.  I will complain that all of this snow is ridiculous.

This was Monday evening.  Luckily it was a day off.

I had a little bit of trouble on Tuesday.  Still a lot of snow on the road.  I ran for a little over a mile and then just went to the local park where I ran a few loops to get in my 35 minutes of running.  

More snow Tuesday night/Wednesday so I knew I could not do my quality session (15 minutes warmup and cooldown, 4 x 4 minutes @ 10:45 with 400 m recovery, 3 x 3 minutes @ 10:02 with 400 m recovery) outside.  After school I went to the gym to get it done.

I love my gym

I skipped my run on Thursday because I wasn’t feeling good.  I have been coughing a lot lately and decided to rest and take it easy.  That evening I found out that school was closed on Friday because of – you guessed it – snow.

The top photo is at 7pm, middle at 11pm, and the bottom at 7:30 the next day.

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My sister and I went to the laundry and then did a few errands.  This is my view from the laundromat around 1pm.  

I had every intention of going on Saturday for a “quick and easy” 30 minutes.  How hard could it be right?  Nope.  I woke up with a headache and had it pretty much all day.  I even took some pain medicine but that didn’t help.  I had plans that evening with a friend to see a film “Tales of Mexico” downtown.  I almost cancelled but decided to go.  It was a great film and it was great being outside even if it was cold.

Illinois Marathon-103

Saturday night MORE SNOW!!!  I really dislike winter and snow.  Sunday morning I went to the gym to do my run but couldn’t do more than 2 miles.  I was frustrated with myself because I let the weather get to me.

I think this has been my WORST week of training.  Am I disappointed?  Absolutely.  But there’s nothing I can do about it.  Let’s hope this week is better.  Hopefully we are done with the snow too.  🙂

Total mileage for the week: 11.00
Total mileage for this training cycle: 194.39
Total mileage for the year: 115.60

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10

How was YOUR week?  Any snow in your hometown?  Isn’t all of this snow simply ridiculous?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.