Category: Weekly Recap

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 10

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #10, January 29-February 4

M Ran 3.89 miles
W Ran 3.02 miles
TH Ran 5.32 miles
S Ran 10.00 miles
S Ran 2.80 miles

This week’s marathon training began on Monday with 3.89 miles.  It was windy and no matter which way I went, the wind was in my face.  I was very cold after my run.

Illinois Marathon-76

Wednesday was the end of the month and I ended January with 86.50 miles.  Dang!  My goal is to run 1,200 miles this year and was hoping to do 100 each month.  I missed it by 14.50 miles.  

Illinois Marathon-77

February began with a bang!  I was unsure on whether to run in the morning or after work.  I did get up to run and am glad I did.  It was about 10 degrees colder after work.  My workout was to run 1.5 mile warmup, 8×2 intervals at 10:02 pace with 1 minute recovery, then 1.5 cooldown.  Fun but tiring.  And I nailed each interval!  It was also so cool to be out there seeing the moon.

Illinois Marathon-80

I knew snow was is the forecast for Sunday so I asked my coach to switch my long run from Sunday to Saturday.  I am so glad I did.  I did wait till 1pm for it to get warmer.  It was 39 degrees by the time I finished my run.  It was cloudy, dreary, and windy.  Somehow I found the energy and motivation to push through the wind.  I was rewarded with tailwind the last 4 miles and those were my fastest miles.

Illinois Marathon-83

It started to snow Saturday night and by Sunday morning there was about 2-3 inches on the ground.  With my tired legs from yesterday and the snow, it was tough.  I was happy it was 35 minutes of easy running.  We are supposed to get more snow this week and I am not looking forward to it all.

Total mileage for the week: 25.03
Total mileage for this training cycle: 183.39
Total mileage for the year: 104.60

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9

How was YOUR week?  Any snow in your hometown?  Did you watch the Super Bowl?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 9

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #9, January 22-28

T Ran 3.76 miles
W Did not run
TH Ran 2.52 miles
F Ran 3.81 miles
S Ran 8.98 miles

Tuesday’s run was done early in the morning.  The temperature was in the low 30s but it didn’t feel too cold.  There was some snow coming down so I was extra careful to as not to fall.

My students were coughing and sneezing early in the week and I ended up with a cold.  On Wednesday I was feeling horrible and couldn’t wait to get home.  Once home I kept taking medicine with Emergen-C and went to bed early.  I missed my quality session workout but did one on Saturday.

I ordered a new headlamp (Black Diamond Storm) from Amazon and received it on Wednesday.  I got a chance to use it during Thursday’s run.  It is bright and I love it!

I had plans after school on Friday so I did my run in the morning.  A 5am wake up call to get this done.  I felt great!  It was in the high 30s and I did get warm on this run.

Illinois Marathon-73

I was a bit nervous about my quality session run on Saturday.  I had to do a 5 mile warmup, 2 x 10 minute intervals @10:45 pace with 3 minutes recovery then 1 x 5 minute interval @10:02 pace and then a 15 minute cooldown.  I was afraid that I wasn’t going to hit the paces.  It was sunny and a perfect day for a run.  I hit all of my paces!  I was so happy (and almost cried) when I saw my stats (10:34; 10:35; 9:47).  I’ve never done a 5 mile warmup and was actually kind of bored with it but I simply took my time and enjoyed the warm weather.  Oh, and I noticed this at the end of my workout but my run ended at 8.98 miles.  If I would have seen this before, I would have kept on running to make it out to an even 9 miles.  

Another great week of marathon training.  My run on Saturday gave me a MAJOR confidence boost and that was exactly was I needed during this marathon training.  I cannot believe that the Illinois Marathon is in 3 months!!

Total mileage for the week: 19.08
Total mileage for this training cycle: 158.36
Total mileage for the year: 79.57

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8

How was YOUR week?  Have you been doing your runs inside or outside?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 8

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #8, January 15-21

T Ran 3.09 miles
W Did not run
TH Ran 3.17 miles
Ran 100 minutes for 8.45 miles
S Ran 3.35 miles

Even with a 4 day work week, it felt like a LONG and exhausting week.  Two tests (MAP) were given this week and my kids were all tired from them.  

We got more snow on Monday so there was plenty of it still on Tuesday.  I took it slow because I did not want to fall and actually enjoyed it.  The sunset was beautiful!!

I had to do a quality session run on Wednesday (1.5 warm up and cooldown and 8×2 minute intervals at 10:02 pace).  I changed clothes at school and made my way to the airport.  I started running and then all of a sudden I got really cold and simply gave up.  I did not want to deal with the cold weather.  I did try to convince myself that it would get better and to just run.  Nope, didn’t work.  I went home.

Lola wondered why I was home early.  She was not pleased with my decision.

Illinois Marathon-63

By Thursday most of the snow had melted.  It made the run a little easier.  I have a Nathan headlamp but cannot find it.  I have an old one I used during Ragnar a few years ago but don’t like it too much because it isn’t as bright like my other one.

I was supposed to do my long run on Sunday but asked my coach if I could do it on Saturday because it was supposed to rain on Sunday.  It was GORGEOUS on Saturday!  I wore my Oiselle Wazzie Wool top and a vest.  I was a little afraid because I thought I was going to be cold but I was actually comfortable.  The sun helped too.  

I wore shorts for Sunday’s run!  It wasn’t as warm as yesterday and cloudy but it still felt really good.  Can you tell I love my Brooks Launch 4?  🙂

Illinois Marathon-68

Another great week of marathon training.  The warmer weather makes me happy and made my runs more pleasant.  I am enjoying my easy runs and have managed to stay on pace.  Just less than 14 weeks to go till the Illinois Marathon!

Total mileage for the week: 18.06
Total mileage for this training cycle: 139.28
Total mileage for the year: 60.50

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

How was YOUR week?  Any suggestions for a headlamp?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.

Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 7

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #7, January 8-14

T Ran 3.32 miles
W Did not run
TH Quality Session (1.50 miles warmup, 5 x 3 minute intervals with 2 minutes recovery, 1.50 miles cooldown)
F Ran 2.53 miles
Ran 5 miles
S Ran 100 minutes for 8.46 miles

I went back to work this week and it was tough!  Even my kids struggled.  Lots of coffee helped me get through the school day and my workouts.

Tuesday’s run felt warm compared to the earlier in the week.  It actually felt great out there.

Illinois Marathon-48

I missed Wednesday’s workout (30 minutes).  Somehow I did not see it in my training calendar.  I was focusing and planning for Thursday’s run.  It wasn’t until 9:30pm that I checked my calendar and noticed that I had a run that day.  Ugh!  I actually felt bad for missing it and sent an email to my coach.  It would have been a perfect evening to run because the temperature was in the high 50s.

I had a meeting on Thursday so I knew I didn’t have to get to school early.  I went out for my run and it was awesome!  I did overdress and I could have worn shorts.  The goal for each interval was 10:02 and I nailed each one–even if almost all of them were positive splits!  It was definitely a confidence booster and next week I get to do 8 x 2 minute intervals.

Illinois Marathon-51

Since I missed my workout on Wednesday, I ran on Friday after school.  Cold again.  Thanks goodness it was “only” 30 minutes.

Illinois Marathon-52

Saturday was my last day pacing my group.  It wasn’t too bad.  It was cold and windy and there was one section of the lakefront that was covered in ice.  While it did look pretty, it was very slippery.  I walked very slowly and finally made it to the end of the icy path.  On the way back, I took another route to avoid that path.  

The past few weeks Sunday has been my day off from running.  Today’s plan was to run 90 minutes.  Somehow I made a mistake and saw next week’s run and ran 100 minutes.  The sun was out and with all of my layer I was warm.  I did get cold when I had to wait for the train to go through.  Once home a hot shower and cup of tea warmed me up.

Illinois Marathon-57

Overall, it was a great week.  I am pleased that even with the cold weather (except on Wednesday) I did all of my runs outside.  I participated in the lululemon 40/80 Challenge but managed 63 kilometers.  But let me complain again.  I am tired of this cold weather.  And I am also tired of complaining.  Sigh.  I’ll stop.  🙂

Total mileage for the week: 24.69
Total mileage for this training cycle: 121.22
Total mileage for the year: 42.44

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

How was YOUR week?  What’s the weather like in your city/town?  Did you participate in the lululemon 40/80 Challenge?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 6

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #6, January 1-7

Ran 3.01 miles 
W Ran 4.01 miles
TH Ran 3.01 miles
Ran 90 minutes for 7.72 miles

This week I was excited that most of my runs were “actual” miles instead of minutes.  Started off the week and the New Year with a run on the treadmill.  My gym wasn’t crowded but definitely more people than usual.

Illinois Marathon-41

Tuesday was a rest day but I couldn’t believe that last year there were leaves on the ground!

Illinois Marathon-42

It did warm up a little for Wednesday’s run and I actually enjoyed it!  While I enjoy running along the lakefront, I also like running around Midway Airport.  It is easy to get to, plenty of parking, and one loop is 4 miles.  Earlier that day I made my first batch of Vegetarian Bean Chili.  It wasn’t out of this word but still good.  My mistake was that I added too many beans.  Haha, now I know.  🙂

On Thursday it was sunny and that made the run even more pleasant.  Still cold but better than negative 0 degrees.

Illinois Marathon-45

Saturday morning I woke up cold and tired.  I was supposed to meet up with a few other Oiselle girls at 10:00 for a run but decided not to go.  Then I waited for it to warm up.  I finally went out at 1pm.  I wore 2 pairs of socks, 2 pants, 2 pairs of gloves, 3 tops, and 1 hat.  The sun felt wonderful.  There wasn’t a lot of wind and that definitely helped as well.  At the end of my run I was tired and hungry.  And then I was very cold.

Another great week of running!  Sad that it is my last week of winter break.  However, I enjoyed my two weeks off and am looking forward to seeing my kids tomorrow!

Total mileage for the week: 17.75
Total mileage for this training cycle: 96.53
Total mileage for the year: 17.75

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

How was YOUR week?  What’s the weather like in your city/town?

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon,  half marathon, or any other event.