Category: Weekly Recap

Burpees challenge, a peek in my room, and some running.

I don’t like burpees.  Who does?

Still, my nephew and I decided to do a burpees challenge.  I like the fact that he is enjoying doing something with me.  He will be 15 years old in a few weeks and I cherish whatever moment he wants to spend with me.  Today, Sunday, will be day 7 which means 25 burpees.  I can do 5 in a row and then I start to get tired.  It does get easier, right?

Burpees Challenge

On Thursday and Friday mornings I went to my school to check out my room.  Thursday was the first day that the teachers could start setting up their room.  I went for about 45 minutes because I had to leave.  I am part of another committee and was meeting that week from 8:30 am-3:00 pm.  I didn’t go on Monday but did go Tuesday-Friday. Exhausting work but also rewarding.

I will be going back on Monday to start and finish setting up my room.  My goal is to have it ready by Monday, August 21, but if I don’t have it done then for sure by Wednesday, August 23.  <<First day of school for the kids.

It feels overwhelming because I have so many boxes.

Classroom 3

As mentioned last week, I am no longer training for a marathon so I haven’t been running much.  

On Saturday I went running but with no specific goal.  I just wanted to run as fast and as slow as I could.  I ran 2 miles then saw some friends heading back to Fleet Feet and ended up running back with them.  Total 4.02 miles.

Garmin 8.12.17

I did the same thing on Sunday.  Total 5.02 miles.  Total for the week is 9.02 miles.

Thanks to Facebook for reminding me of my love for the Brooks Launch (from 2015).

Brooks Launch 2

And another reminder of my first half marathon in 2006.  

Distance Classic Half Marathon

The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie.  I’ve watched it various time and have also seen the musical version, maybe 3 times?  I saw that the movie was again at the theater so yesterday I went with my nephews and niece.  Actually it was a sing-a-long so my niece and I were singing some of the songs.  Love it!

 What is your favorite Disney movie?  Want to do the burpees challenge too?

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.  This week’s host is Michelle @ Running With Attitude.  Please stop by her blog and show her some love!

Hoping everyone had a good week!


Road to BQ Week #18

As mentioned in this post, I’m attempting to get my own BQ.  I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles.  I purchased a new Hansons Method Marathon Plan and now will be running 5 days (instead of 6) a week. 

Week #18, July 24-30

M Ran 3.01 Miles
T Did not run
TH Did not run
S Did not run
S Ran 4.02 Miles

Still in Alaska.   I’ve created a page specifically for this trip.

On Monday we did a 4 Mile “Amazing Race” in Skagway.  We got a map and a list of places to find.  Each was worth 1 point and a few others 2,3 and 5 points.

Meghan and I got 13 points.  We did not win but definitely had fun.

I went kayaking (first and probably last time).  It was fun for about 15 minutes.  Then I got tired.   I will admit that I was terrified of the kayak tipping over.

Our last run was in Ketchikan where we did a 5k.  There was an option for a 10k too.

Meghann and I did an excursion in Ketchikan where we saw a bunch of totem poles. Pretty cool.

The ship arrived in Vancouver on Friday morning and we stayed an extra day to tour the city.

Ever been kayaking?  If so, will you do it again?

Total mileage for the week: 7.03 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  438.15 miles
Total mileage for the year: 486.34 miles

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.  This week’s host is Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner.  Please stop by her blog and show her some love!   I am also linking up with Courtney for her Training Recap Link Up!

Hoping everyone had a good week!

Road to BQ Week #17

As mentioned in this post, I’m attempting to get my own BQ.  I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles.  I purchased a new Hansons Method Marathon Plan and now will be running 5 days (instead of 6) a week. 

Week #17, July 17-23

M Ran 5.02 Miles
T Did not run
TH Ran 3.26 miles
S Did not run
S Ran 13.57 Miles

I realized today that somehow I had the comments off feature in my post about the Chicago Half and 5k.  Not sure how that happened but I fixed it and you can now comment on that post.


I did not keep up with my training while in Alaska.  I tried.  It was hard.  

I will post a few pictures from my trip here but will include more in separate posts.  I’ve created a page specifically for this trip.

I left Wednesday morning to begin my trip to Alaska.

First stop was Seattle where I shared two flights with my nephew.

The next stop was Anchorage.  That evening there was a 5k.  It was fun!

This is at 9pm in Anchorage and it was bright and sunny.  😳

The next day was a trip to Seward.  This is a view from the train ride.  I saw a moose, a bear, and a couple of eagles.

Finally in Seward and before boarding the ship.

It was beautiful and cold at Hubbard Glacier.

Our first stop was Juneau where I ran a half marathon for state #38.

Ever been on a cruise?  Where did you go?

Total mileage for the week: 21.85 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  431.12 miles
Total mileage for the year: 479.31 miles

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.  This week’s host is Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner.  Please stop by her blog and show her some love!   I am also linking up with Courtney for her Training Recap Link Up!

Hoping everyone had a good week!

Road to BQ Week #16

As mentioned in this post, I’m attempting to get my own BQ.  I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles.  I purchased a new Hansons Method Marathon Plan and now will be running 5 days (instead of 6) a week. 

Week #16, July 10-16

M Ran 5.02 Miles
T Ran 3.89 Miles
TH Ran 6.02 Miles
S Ran 4.31 Miles
S Ran 13.42 Miles

Another great week of running!  Took it nice and slow on Monday and rocked my speed workout on Tuesday and tempo run on Thursday.  On Friday I went to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon expo and then ran the race on Sunday.  The weather was great but I bonked at the last half of the race.  I plan to have a recap on Tuesday.  


I was disappointed with the expo.  I’ve been to quite a few of them and they’re filled with lots of vendors.  This one?  Not so much.  I was done in about 45 minutes.  I kept walking thinking that maybe I might have missed a few vendors but kept seeing the same ones.  


Surprised RnR still uses D-TAG for timing purposes.  My fear is removing it from my bib and forgetting to place it on my shoe.


Medals from RnR races in other countries.  My favorite is the one with the skulls which I think is from Merida (Mexico).

I got taped up.  This brand lasts longer than KT tape.


Got a FREE Brooks hat because I am #BrooksEndorsed.  🙂


I bought 3 things: running belt from Fusion Belts  (love that it is waterproof), RockTape, and BottleBand.  As always, the race shirts are ugly.  I’ve run so many of their races and have never liked their shirts.  

My favorite race photo <FREE from Charlyn.  The medal is cute in the shape of Cloud Gate or “The Bean.

I was supposed to run 16 miles today and was hoping to run 3 more after the race.  My feet and legs were hurting and there was no way I was going to run more miles.

Total mileage for the week: 32.66 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  409.27 miles
Total mileage for the year: 457.46 miles

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.  This week’s host is Janelle at Run With No Regrets.  Please stop by her blog and show her some love!   I am also linking up with Courtney for her Training Recap Link Up!

Hoping everyone had a good week!

Road to BQ Week #15

As mentioned in this post, I’m attempting to get my own BQ.  I am excited to be training using again the Hansons Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles.  I purchased a new Hansons Method Marathon Plan and now will be running 5 days (instead of 6) a week. 

Week #15, July 3-9

M Ran 5.02 Miles
T Ran 4.03 Miles
TH Ran 6.00 Miles
S Ran 5.02 Miles
S Ran 12.02 Miles

Monday’s run felt good.  My legs were still sore from Sunday’s long run.  I love it when I have an “easy” run.  I even managed to get negative splits.

On Tuesday I ran one of my favorite races – the Elmhurst Running Club 4 on the 4th.  You can read my recap HERE.  It was lots of fun.  Then in the afternoon my sisters and I headed over to my cousin’s house to eat, talk, laugh, and have a good time.

The rest of the week went pretty fast too.  I did my tempo run on Thursday and felt pretty good.  Well, it was done on the treadmill so I’m not really sure how accurate it is.  

On Friday I met up with a friend to finalize our plans for Alaska.  We leave on the 19th!! We talked about how we booked this trip in August of last year and now it is almost time for us to leave.


Saturday morning was another gorgeous day for a run.  It was sunny but in the low 70s. Perfect!


Sunday was back at Waterfall Glen for 12 miles.  Can I tell how how happy I was that it was “only” 12 miles?  The night before I filled up my hydration vest with water and left it in the fridge.  In the morning I added 2 packets of Tailwind.  I figured that was enough for my run.  It was.  I still had some water left over when I was done.

Total mileage for the week: 32.09 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  376.61 miles
Total mileage for the year: 424.80 miles

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.  This week’s host is Christine at Into the Glimmer.  Please stop by her blog and show her some love!   I am also linking up with Courtney for her Training Recap Link Up!

Hoping everyone had a good week!