Category: Weekly Recap

Thoughts on Hansons Marathon Method


If you read my marathon training weekly recaps then you know I used the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day.  

This was my first time using this method for the marathon.  I was fortunate to be off this summer (I am a teacher) so I knew I would be able to handle running 6 days a week.  However, going back to work did not go well.  Please note that I am NOT saying that if you are not off this summer that you will not be able to handle it.  This girl has a job and always made time to get her runs before going to work.  

  • This plan is HARD.  However, I am not saying that it isn’t doable.  It is but you need to make sure you can run 6 days a week with only 1 day to rest.
  • Tempo runs freaked me out.  I ran all of them on the treadmill and they weren’t bad after all.  I managed to run them at the specified pace and that was a confidence booster.
  • Plan to run high mileage.  I was not used to running so many miles in one week.  The Advanced Plan had me running over 40, 50, or 60 miles in one week.  
  • I was constantly tired.  Oh my goodness.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt as tired as I did this summer.  Again, I was fortunate that I did not have to get up early to go to work.
  • Sleep was my best friend.  See point above.  I slept and napped like a baby.
  • Wednesday was the best day of the week.  Remember that one rest day mentioned above?  Yep, that is on Wednesday.  Each week I looked forward to this day.
  • No strength training for me.  In the beginning I did a few TRX sessions before my runs but stopped once I realized I could not wake up in time for the class.  <<Excuses, I could have taken the class in the afternoon or evening.  See points 4 and 5.
  • You can choose from 3 different plans.  In the book you’ll find plans for “Just Want to Finish”, “Beginner”, and “Advanced”.  I chose the latter because, well, this was my 8th marathon so I knew it would be perfect for me.
  • Read the whole book; a few times if necessary.  I didn’t and ended up asking many, many questions that could have been answered if I had read the whole book.

Going back to work was challenging.  I was fine the first two weeks and then BAM it was a struggle.  I had to stay late most days and found it hard to run after work.  I am not making any excuses.  I know everyone has a job and finds a way to make it work but I just could not find a balance nor get back to a different routine.  That left me worried and frustrated and various times I thought about giving up.


Now that the Chicago Marathon is over (read my recap here), I’ve asked myself if I would use it again for another marathon.  At this point I have NO desire to run another marathon.  However, if I were to run another one then I might use the Hansons Marathon Method again.  I am already familiar with it.  I know it is doable.  However, I would run my speed/strength and tempo runs outside instead of the treadmill.  Or at least alternate a bit so as not to do all of them on the treadmill.  And I will make sure I do not skip so many runs. 

I do wonder if my marathon experience would have been better if I had followed the plan exactly as stated.  However, I know that there are no guaranteed and anything can happen on marathon day.  I mean, I was ready for my marathon but somehow my hip decided to be a jerk that day.  I did get a PR and I am definitely happy about it!


I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!


2016 Chicago Marathon

On Sunday, October 9th, I ran the Chicago Marathon (my 8th one and my last one for a while). This one was special to me.  It was 10 years ago when I ran my first one.  I remember my feet hurting a lot,  I was cold and wanted to quit.  I told myself I would never do another one again. Yeah, right.

I took it easy the days prior to the marathon.  I went to the expo on Friday and stayed home most of Saturday.  I was excited, nervous, but looking forward to running 26.2 miles around Chicago.

Saturday night I went to bed at 8pm since I had a 4am wakeup call.  I took a sleeping pill and fell asleep right away.  However, Sunday morning I woke up at 2:30 and could not go back to sleep. Finally at 4 I got up, ate a peanut butter sandwich with coffee, and got ready.  

Perfect running weather, right?


I picked up a friend, drove to the train station, and then boarded the train to get downtown.  We had access to a “resort area” offered by Chicago Endurance Endurance.  There was lots of food and plenty of bathrooms.  I had a banana with peanut butter and tried to relax.  I did get a little emotional just like last year but quickly got my act together.


Finally it was time to walk to my corral.  Let’s do this!  I met up with two other pacers and decided to run with them for as long as I could.  I was in wave 2 and it took us 10 minutes to cross the start line.  However, we had been in line waiting for almost an hour.


I knew that the satellite signals were going to be wonky so I turned off the auto lap and opted to press the lap button at every mile marker.

As you’ll see from the picture below, I was doing really good for 11 miles.  I set my watch to only show the current time and I would only look at it after pressing the lap button.  I was shocked but happy and proud of myself to see the numbers after each mile.  I began to feel pain in my left hip around mile 9.  I remember I was a few feet behind my friends but managed to catch up to them.  By mile 11 I knew I could not stay with them any longer.  I decided to wait till the halfway point to see how I was feeling and to decide whether to stop or continue running.  


At mile 13 I saw Wendy and Marcia.  I remember smiling and saying Hi to them and kept on going.  I was still hurting but decided to see how much longer I could hold on.  I mean, I was already halfway done so just keep running, right?  I remember that when I saw the sign for Mile 16 I realized that I only had 10 miles to go.   I was more than half way there and now more than ever I had to keep going.  Shortly after that I saw a coworker with her family and stopped for a few seconds to talk to her. She asked me how I was doing and I mentioned my hip and how I wanted to quit.  She told me not to quit and to keep on going.

At mile 17 I saw a some Oiselle team members.   They motivated and encouraged me to keep going.  My favorite area was Pilsen.  Wow, so many people.  It was one big party with loud music and people cheering for us.  


I don’t know if I hit the wall but miles 21-25 were difficult for me.  The sun felt strong and I was tired of running.  I kept telling myself that I was almost done.  At mile 21 my time was 4:09 and knew that I could get a PR.  That was my motivation.  I would push myself to get through each mile.  I saw the 1 mile to go marker and I was in tears.  So close to the finish line.  Then the 800m sign and then the 400m sign.  I couldn’t believe it.  Just a little bit more to go.  I walked most of the small incline on Roosevelt (cursing again why this was before the finish line) before making one final left turn and seeing the finish line.  I ran as fast as I could.  Finish time is 5:12:59.  Yep, it was a 4 minutes PR set in 2012 in New Orleans and I bettered my time by 40 minutes from 10 years ago.  I was very happy to finish but even more happy that I did not quit or give up.




Overall, it was a great race.  Lots of wonderful volunteers and so many people cheering for us.  AMAZING!!  And great course! 

I may not have gotten a huge PR and I am a little disappointed in myself.  I trained hard this summer.  OK, so I did miss a few runs and the last 3 weeks I hardly ran at all.  I am glad I was able to finish but I know I could have done better.  I was hoping to finish under 5 hours.  Sigh. Maybe I should just stop here, let it go, and move on.  Another marathon in the books and call it a day.

Who is signing up for next year?  Applications for guaranteed entries will be available on October 25 and those with non-guaranteed entries will open November 1st.

Did you read the article about the Chicago Marathon medals showing up on eBay?  Would you sell your medal?    I really dislike this year’s medal and the one from last year is even worse.


I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!


2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 18

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Last week training for the Chicago Marathon.  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method. In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #18, October 3-9


  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL –6.02 miles @10:28 average pace

Great evening for a run!  Ran faster than I wanted to but overall felt great.

Below is a picture of this year’s medal.  Not sure how I feel about it.  I don’t love it but I find it to be plain and boring.  It features an engraving of the original starting line of the marathon, which once began next to the Picasso statute located in front of the Richard J. Daley Civic Center.


Here is the one from last year.



  • PLAN –5 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 5.02 miles @10:41 average pace

Took it slow today and ran perfect negative splits!!! 




  • PLAN – OFF

After our building meeting I went back to the podiatrist for another cortisone shot.  It was painful but my foot feels better.  I went back because the bunion area in my foot was bothering me.

Major carbo load begins today.  I tried this new cream cheese and it is delicious!



  • PLAN –6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

The group I run with had everyone’s name written on a wall.  So cool to see my name.



  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

I went to the expo to get my bib.  I walked away with a bunch of cool stuff.  I also went to the KT Tape booth to get taped up.

Love this shirt!


Love this medal for this year’s Rock Little Marathon!


I saw Bart Yasso again.  I purchased a Runner’s World calendar and he signed it for me.


  • PLAN – OFF


  • PLAN – 26.2 miles
  • ACTUAL – 26.94 miles

Chicago Marathon is done!  Recap coming soon.  Spoiler alert: I got a PR and bettered my time from my first marathon 10 years ago.

Total mileage for the week: 37.98 miles <<Including Chicago Marathon

Total mileage for this training cycle: 643.68 miles

Total mileage for the year: 1,126.74 miles 

2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 17

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #17, September 26-October 2


  • PLAN – 8 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL –Did not run.

I had a meeting after school followed by an appointment with the podiatrist.  She looked over my foot and I pointed out the pain and numbness.  She told me I had a pinched nerve and asked me what I wanted to do.  I told her I had a marathon in two weeks and that I could not run with my foot like that. She give me a cortisone shot.  She also used a small blade to shave off more callous (I could not believe how much it was).   My foot feels so much better.

I received my Chicago Marathon confirmation.  Yes!!!  The podiatrist told me to ice my foot when I got home.  Lola likes to take care of me.


  • PLAN – 6x1mile @10:08 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d and 400 recovery) 
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.


  • PLAN – OFF

Sweet mexican bread is my favorite.  I had this with tea and it was delicious.



  • PLAN – 10 tempo @10:18 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d)
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.


  • PLAN – 7 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

I love Fridays but I am always tired by then.


Time to stalk the weather reports for next Sunday.  No rain and no sun either.  Please.  Thank you.


Later that evening I went to my cousin’s house because there was a get together to celebrate his wife’s birthday.  It was fun! There was so much food!  

Tacos and pozole.  Delicious.


  • PLAN –8 long @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6.02 miles @10:52 average pace

Cool weather with a chance of rain.  I had a good pace going.  Kind of too fast for our group but everyone was OK with it till the last mile and that is when we slowed down a bit.  It did rain on our way back but it felt great running in the rain. 


  • PLAN – 8 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

I like this year’s shirt.


Better weather conditions for next week.  But what is up with that sun?


Barely any running this week.  Taper magic, right?  Next week is all easy runs – 6 easy miles on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and 5 on Tuesday.  Piece of cake.

Total mileage for the week: 6.02 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 605.70 miles

Total mileage for the year: 1,088.76 miles 

Here’s how training has gone so far:

2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 16

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #15, September 19-25


  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL –6.02 miles @10:50 average pace

A great evening for a run.  Ran by feel even if it was a bit faster than I was supposed to.

Earlier in the day I got a new pair of shoes…Saucony Kinvara 7.  Aren’t they pretty?



  • PLAN – 4×1.5 miles @10:08 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d and 400 recovery) 
  • ACTUAL –10 miles @10:54 average pace

The first time I did this workout was on 8/23/16 @10:55 average pace.

Today it was w/up and c/d @11:07.  Recovery @13.02.  I alternated a different song with paces of 10:10, 10:00, and 9:50.  Overall, I felt great.  I wore my new shoes and had some discomfort in my right foot.  I did want to stop but I didn’t.  I did this run a little faster than in August and I am surprised my overall pace is just one second faster.  Oh well.  I got it done and I felt great and that is all that matters, right?

I have an appointment with my podiatrist on Monday.  The toes on my right foot get numb when I run. Sometimes they also get numb even when I am not running.  So weird.  I also have bad callus on my right foot and sometimes that makes it painful to run.  I finally bought an electronic foot file from Target.  My feet are smoother and it isn’t painful to run.  My toes still get numb.



  • PLAN – OFF


  • PLAN – 10 tempo @10:18 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d)
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.


  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.


  • PLAN –10 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 10.10 miles @11:14 average pace

I woke up EXHAUSTED.  I did not want to run but I did not want miss another run to pace my group.  It was high 60s so ideally it was perfect weather.  It was also overcast so even better.  We ran slower than our normal pace of 11:00 which was fine with me.  Towards the end I was tired and just wanted to be done with the run so I picked up the pace.  The last 5 miles were at negative splits: 11:34/11:33/11:26/11:17/10:17.


  • PLAN – 10 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

Taper time means stay home and bond with the cat, right?


I went to Fleet Feet for the “Breaking Through the Wall” Marathon Seminar to see Meb, Amy, and Desi. Wow!  It was great listening to them share their experience and advice.  My favorite is Desi.  There is just something about her and I adore her.


Week 15 did not go well because I missed some runs.  However, I am not going to worry/stress about it. It is taper time and there is no madness going on here.  On of the coaches from my running group said it is “Taper Magic”.  Next week I have 6×1 mile repeats and a 10 tempo run.  We’ll see how I do.

Total mileage for the week: 26.12 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 599.68 miles

Total mileage for the year: 1,084.72 miles 

Here’s how training has gone so far: