Category: Weekly Recap

2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 10

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #10, August 8-14


  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6 miles @11:35 average pace

I did not feel well in the morning.  My body ached (not like after a workout ache) and my mother told me I had a fever. Well, that made sense.  I took a Tylenol and a nap and felt much better afterwards. I did this run on the treadmill and alternated a different song with paces of 12:00, 11:32, and 11:07.

I received 3 more Oiselle shirts.  Aren’t they cute?  I wore the black one on my run today.


Thanks to Timehop I was reminded of my long run and ice bath last year.  Lola as always was curious and wanted to know what I was doing.


  • PLAN – 3×1600 @9:04-9:27 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d) 
  • ACTUAL – Total 6.11 @10:33 average pace

W/up and c/d @11:07.  Recovery @13.02.  I did not want to do this run.  I had spent about 5 hours setting up my classroom.  By the time I drove into the gym parking lot, I already had 10,000 steps for the day.  However, it definitely went better than I expected.  I alternated 3/4 minutes with the interval timer with paces of 9:23, 9:14, 9:05.

I need to remember to always believe in myself.


On a sad note, I lost my Ipod Nano.  I remember I had it with me in the locker room and then somehow I could not find it when I was ready to start running.  I went back to look for it and also checked around the treadmill but nothing.  I was hoping that someone would find it and turn it in.  

Before I went to set up my room, I stopped at IHOP for breakfast.  


This was when I walked in my room.

Again, thanks to Timehop, I was reminded of my first post and photo on Facebook from 8 years ago.  It was my coworker who convinced me to open an account.  I remember telling her that I was afraid no one would want to be my friend.  


  • PLAN – OFF

I went to school to finish setting it up.  And I am pleased to say that it is almost ready for my kids.


  • PLAN – 8 tempo @10:18 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d)
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

It was one of those days where my body told me to stay home and rest.  That is what I did.  Well, I did go to Target with my mother for a few things and spent over $100!  I bought an Ipod Nano and look how small it is.  I called the gym that night to find out if someone turned in my other one.  Nope.



  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6.02 miles @11:55 average pace

I wanted to run outside instead of the treadmill but knew it would be hot.  I woke up early to do this run. It was hot but it felt great being outside.  And yes I did see those two chickens on my runs.



  • PLAN – 10 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 9.02 miles @11:09 average pace

Before my run I took Generation UCAN.  I was a little nervous because I am so used to taking gels, chews, or blocks during my run.  With UCAN I mix it with water and then drink it 30 minutes before my run.  The way it works is that it slowly delivers steady energy for the brain and body.  Also, it is a natural and slow releasing carbohydrate that keeps blood sugar stable.  I am experimenting with this product so I only drank plain water throughout my run.


I checked the weather in the morning and saw 75 degrees.  Perfect!  Wrong, it was humid and gross today.  For the most part I felt OK but I did get a headache after mile 6.  Someone asked me if I was hydrating properly and I thought I was but once I was done I drank a lot of water because I was indeed very thirsty.  Overall, I am very pleased with this run.



  • PLAN – 10 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL –10.02 miles @12:12 average pace

I went to the trail for this run and it was great!  It was 70 degrees with lots of shade.  I ran with a friend and while we did take some walk breaks, I am pleased with my overall pace because it isn’t an easy course.  I was soaking wet at the end of my run. Gross. 



Week 10 went well.  I missed my tempo run on Thursday and that is OK.  Beginning next week is when I will start with the strength running portion of my plan.  They’re 10 seconds faster than tempo pace and longer than my speed workouts.  Next week I have 6×1 mile runs on my calendar.  The last time I did this workout was on April 5th and this is what I wrote in Google Calendar for that run “Total 8 miles @11:05 average pace.  I cannot remember the paces I did for the mile repeats but I only managed to do 4.  Legs felt tired and I could not keep going.  I did warm up and cool down plus 800 recovery after each mile repeat. ”  Let’s hope this time I do run all 6 mile repeats. 

Total mileage for the week: 37.17 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 386.82 miles

Total mileage for the year: 869.88 miles

Here’s how training has gone so far:

2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 9

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #9, August 1-7


  • PLAN – 8 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 8 miles @11:34 average pace

I cannot believe I am halfway through my training!!!  Time is definitely going by fast.  Did this run on the treadmill.  Alternated a different song with paces of 12:00, 11:32, and 11:07.

The arch in my left foot was bothering me.  Once I got home and showered, I iced it for a couple of minutes.  It felt better but not great.



  • PLAN – 6×800 @9:04-9:27 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d) 
  • ACTUAL – Total 6.50 @10:16 average pace

W/up and c/d @11:07.  Recovery @13.02.  I was actually excited about this run.  Each interval was done alternating at 9:14 and 9:05. <<A bit faster than last week.  The 9:14 pace felt comfortable and the 9:05 a bit hard but yet manageable.  Overall I am very pleased with this run.

Can you tell I like purple?



  • PLAN – OFF

I had an 80 minutes massage.  I felt so much better after this one.  I mentioned to the masseuse the pain in my foot arch and she told me that it was tight.  The right side was also tight but not as much as the left side.  The chiropractor told me I need to strengthen my feet and suggested a few things to do (walk barefoot around the house and to do toe grip/towel scrunches exercises).  He also told me to make sure I stretch my calves.

After my massage I met a friend for lunch.  I had not seen her for about 15 years.  Wow, we were at the restaurant for 5 hours!!  Obviously we had so much to talk about and catch up.  I am more of a listener than a talker but I think in this case it was 50/50 listening and talking.

Afterwards I took a walk with my nephew to the library to return the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2”.  I loved that movie.  On the way home we stopped to get an “elote en vaso” and “raspado”.  I like my corn with everything, butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice, chile, and cheese.  I know the combination sounds gross but is is so good.



  • PLAN – 8 tempo @10:18 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d)
  • ACTUAL – Total 10 miles @10:23 average pace

W/up and c/d @11:07.  Alternated a different song with paces of 10:21, 10:10, and 10:00.  I was a bit nervous because it was 1 more tempo mile than last week.  But overall felt great and managed to finish the 10 miles at the same average pace as last week.  

As you can see from the photo below I was sweating a lot but not soaking wet.  Still gross.



  • PLAN – 7 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 7.02 miles @12:40 average pace

I did not want to do this run on the treadmill.  I needed a break from it.  I began my run a little after 12. It was cloudy and not too hot but a little humid.  I did good for the first 3 miles and then it went downhill.  I was tired.  I was too hot.  I had no motivation.  It is weird how I could do this run better on the treadmill.  I ran 8 miles on Monday at an 11:34 average pace. Positive splits galore!  Mile splits are:
Mile 1-11:39
Mile 2-11:36
Mile 3-11:49
Mile 4-12:23
Mile 5-12:45
Mile 6-13:40
MIle 7-14:57



  • PLAN – 15 long @10:29-11:05 pace
  • ACTUAL – 12.03 miles @11:06 average pace

Today was one of those runs in which I questioned how in the world I would run 26.2 miles.  It was 70s in the morning which is great running weather.  The first 6 miles went well.  However, it was the next 6 that felt tough.  I did ask my running group to stop once for a quick break before continuing.  Then I stopped again in the last mile because seriously I did not want to continue.  It was hot but not to a point in which it was that tough.  I was happy once I was done with my run. 



  • PLAN – 8 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL –8.02 miles @12:30 average pace

I surprised myself by being able to wake up at 5 for this run.  Lately I’ve been sleeping in till 8 leaving me to do this run on the treadmill.

I did this run at Waterfall Glen.  It was nice and cool in the morning.  I love the smell.  I took it very slow. I could not go faster even if I wanted to.  I ran 3 miles when I realized I had dropped my phone.  I ran back and asked various people along the way if they had seen a phone on the trail.  No one had seen it. I was already thinking of how after my run I had to go to the Sprint store to get a new one.  Another mile or so later I saw it.  I then remembered that it was at that spot that I had taken my last picture when I thought I had put in the pocket of my CamelBak Marathoner Pak.  I was so happy to have found it and continued with my run. 

Week 9 went well.  My tempo run went well (again) and I’m glad I did not miss a workout.  In week 10 I have 3×1600 (which I am excited about) and another 8 mile tempo run on Thursday.

Total mileage for the week: 51.57 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 349.65 miles

Total mileage for the year: 832.71 miles

Here’s how training has gone so far:

2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 8

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #8, July 25-31


  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6 miles @11:33 average pace

Too hot to run outside so did run on the treadmill.  Alternated a different song with paces of 12:00, 11:32, and 11:07. 


  • PLAN – 3×1600 @9:04-9:27 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d) 
  • ACTUAL – Total 6.11 @10:33 average pace

W/up and c/d @11:07.  Recovery @13.02.  I was nervous about this run.  I mean I did run a 1 mile repeat last week but this time I had to run 2 more.  It definitely went better than I expected.  I alternated a different song with paces of 9:23, 9:14, 9:05.  


  • PLAN – OFF

I had an appointment for TSA Precheck.  I was there for about 5 minutes.  I got there at 11am., checked in, used the bathroom, and was sitting down for about 1 minute before my name was called. The agent then asked me to verify some information I had submitted in my application, scanned my passport, and processed my credit card to pay for it ($85).



  • PLAN – 7 tempo @10:18 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d)
  • ACTUAL – Total 9 miles @10:23 average pace

I really had NO desire to do this run.  I kept thinking of every excuse I could think of until I had no excuses.  But I put on a new Oiselle top, colorful Pro Compression socks, and wore new Brooks shoes and got it done.  I had to buy a new pair (size 10) of shoes because the other pair I had were a little tight and were hurting my big toe on my right foot.

W/up and c/d @11:07.  I alternated a different song with paces of 10:21, 10:10, and 10:00. 



  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6 miles @11:34 average pace

Rain and thunder outside?  No thanks.  Ran on the treadmill.  Alternated a different song with paces of 12:00, 11:32, and 11:07.  Oh and a tall iced coffee from Starbucks helped too!



  • PLAN – 10 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 11.02 miles @ 11:03 average pace

Wow, this run was so much better than last week.  It was in the 70s when I left my house in the morning.  It did rain for a little bit (which felt great) and luckily I had my phone in a plastic bag but I was worried about my watch.  I remember last year it rained so much during one of my runs that the built-in heart rate monitor stopped working.


Another pacer had the same shoes but I like the navy blue color more than the white.



  • PLAN – 10 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL –9 miles @11:36 average pace

Another morning to sleep in and I missed my run with Chi City Running Club.  Some were out there at 5:30am.  Me?  I think I was in my second dream or so.

I did order 3 new pairs of shoes for school.  Usually I buy shoes in black because well black goes with everything.  But now I have a pair in taupe and wine and now I love the ones on top.  I mean how pretty is that floral printed pattern?


I did make it to the gym and ran 9 miles.  I was shooting for 10.  Really.  However, then I realized I only needed 8.61 to get to the Black Level on the Nike+ running app.  Then I convinced myself to just do the 10.  Then I remembered that I did 11 yesterday when I only had to do 10.  So by doing 9 today sort of balanced it out, right?  The treadmill stopped at 99 minutes which was 8.55 miles so I started again and ran an additional .45 of a mile.  Done.

Finally at Black Level which means that I need over 6,000 miles to get to Volt Level and it will probably take me a few years to get there. 


Week 8 went well.  My tempo run went well (again) and I’m glad I did not miss a workout.  In week 9 I have 6×800 (which I am excited about) and 8 miles tempo run on Thursday.

Also, this month I ran my highest mileage – 186.27 miles.  


Total mileage for the week: 47.13 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 298.08 miles

Total mileage for the year: 781.14 miles

Here’s how training has gone so far:

2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 7

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #7, July 18-24


  • PLAN – 6 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6 miles @11:10 average pace

Done on the treadmill.  Alternated a different song with paces of 11:32, 11:07, and 10:43. 


  • PLAN – 400-800-1200-1600-1200-800 with 400m jog recovery (with 1 mile w/up and c/d) 
  • ACTUAL – Total 7.37 @10:35 average pace

A fun workout!  W/up and c/d @11:07.  Recovery @13.02.  Each interval was done at a different pace-9:23, 9:14, 9:05.  I will definitely do this one again.

I have about a month left of summer break.  Some days I feel like I am ready to go back to work; a new school year with a new a Assistant Principal and Dean, new students, and new supplies.  But then reality hits and I am not ready to go back.  🙂 Saw this and it made me smile. 




  • PLAN – OFF

I went to get a massage and while it hurt in some parts, it also felt good.  I had some discomfort in my calves, IT band, and iliopsoas (inner hip muscles).  I did not know it (iliopsoas) were hurting till the massage.  Of course all of this is from running and not stretching like I am supposed to after each run.  I am going back in two weeks and she warned me that she is is going to dig in deep and that it will hurt.

Then, of course, I went home to rest with Lola.  No shame.



  • PLAN – 7 tempo @10:18 pace (with 1 mile w/up and c/d)
  • ACTUAL – Total 9 miles @10:25 average pace

W/up and c/d @11:07.  Another run on the treadmill.  I alternated a different song with paces of 10:22, 10:10, and 10:00 and was done 1 second slower that last week.  Not bad.  I did stop after an hour to change my shirt because it was soaking wet.  It was gross!  Even my shorts were wet and my mom told me it looks like I peed on them.


  • PLAN – 7 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 7 miles @11:08 average pace

Done on the treadmill.  Alternated a different song with paces of 11:32, 11:07, and 10:43.  Usually I listen to fast paced music but today was a good day to listen to something not so fast.  Any “Grey’s Anatomy” fans?  This song reminded me of THAT scene and made me cry.



  • PLAN – 14 long @10:29-11:05 pace
  • ACTUAL – 7.02 miles @11:52 average pace

I decided to do Sunday’s run today.  It was a HOT one.  I mean really HOT.  We were told to go 30 seconds slower because of the heat.  It was my first time pacing with the 11:00 group and we kept a good and slow place.  Not bad considering it was HOT<<did I mention that?  Plus, we walked during one of the hills/incline which was nice because I already had goosebumps/feeling chills from dehydration. 

When I got home I drank a protein shake, showered, got ready, and went to see “Ice Age: Collision Course” with my nephew.  Cute movie but this is number 4 and I think I’ve had enough of those movies.  We also picked up “Jurassic World”.  I am late to the party because within the last 2 days I’ve watched movies 1-3 of the Jurassic Park series.  The last one was definitely the best one!


  • PLAN – 8 easy @10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL 14 long @10:46 average pace


I slept in till 7 and then stayed in bed deciding whether to get up or not to run.  The group from Chi City Running Club were meeting at Waterfall Glen and I knew I did not want to run outside because of the heat.  Another HOT one today.  Finally, 4 hours later I went to the gym and did Saturday’s run. I alternated a different song with paces of 11:07, 10:43, and 10:21.  I almost stopped around mile 3 because I felt a little dizzy.  I took a quick break, drank water, and continued.  Then, I wanted to quit (again) after two hours but still had 2.82 miles to go.  I began to wonder if it was worth it to keep on running.  I did continue while reminding myself that it was only 2 miles.

Week 7 went well.  My tempo run went well (again) and I’m glad I did not miss a workout.  In week 8 I have 3 mile repeats which should be interesting and another 7 mile tempo run on Thursday.

Total mileage for the week: 50.39 miles <<The most I’ve run in a week!!

Total mileage for this training cycle: 250.95 miles

Total mileage for the year: 734.01 miles

Here’s how training has gone so far:

2016 Chicago Marathon Training Week 6

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



Chicago Marathon training is here!  I am excited (and nervous) to be training using the Hansons Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue. You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. These plans are 18 weeks and have you running 6 days (easy, speed/strength, tempo, and long runs) a week with one rest day. 

Week #6, July 11-17


  • PLAN – 6 miles easy, 10:15-11:30 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6.02 miles @12:02 average pace

A late start to my run and it was HOT.  Ran slow but faster than Sunday’s run.  Afterwards I took my nephews to see “Finding Dory”.  Have you seen it?  It is a very cute movie.  Yes, sometimes I match my socks with my running outfit.  Don’t you?



  • PLAN – 4×1200, 9:04-9:27 pace
  • ACTUAL – Total 6 miles @10:44 average pace

W/up @12:00 and c/d @11:45.  Recovery @13.02.  Each interval was done at a different pace-9:23, 9:14, 9:05, 8:57.  Pleased with this workout.  I had to go slower with my speed workouts because I had been doing them too fast due to a lofty marathon finish time but now I feel much more comfortable with these paces.


  • PLAN – OFF

We had some crazy weather in the evening; check out my picture below of two rainbows.  I’ve never seen anything like it.



  • PLAN – 7 tempo miles, 10:18 pace
  • ACTUAL – Total 9 miles @10:24 average pace

W/up and c/d @11:07.  I did this run on the treadmill.  I alternated a different song with paces of 10:22, 10:10, and 10:00 and was soaking wet when I was done.


  • PLAN – 6 easy miles, 10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 6.02 miles @11:16 average pace

Ran in the new Brooks Launch 3 shoes.  Love them!  Even Lola thinks they’re cool.


  • PLAN – 10 easy  miles, 10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – 10.31 miles @10:46 average pace

I decided to switch my run and do Sunday’s run today because I knew tomorrow would be an even busier day.  Felt great during most of the run then during last 2 miles I could not keep up with my group. Felt bad because I made a commitment to be a pacer for that specific group and felt like I have failed.  After the run I spoke with one of the coaches and told him how I felt and suggested to move me to the 11:00 group.  He agreed.  I am afraid that as our runs get longer, I will not keep up with my group.  I was a pacer during the fall and winter seasons and did OK but our longest run was 12 miles.

I forgot to stop my watch during our water breaks but overall it was still a great run.

I did a few errands with my mom and stopped at two Office Max to buy pencils for school.  I must have bought about 30 packs. I am obsessed with Ticonderoga pencils.  If you have kids in school, please buy these pencils for them.  Their teacher will thank you.



  • PLAN – 8 easy miles, 10:52-12:16 pace
  • ACTUAL – Did not run.

The plan was to get up early and spectate the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon.  Did not happen.  I slept in till 8 and then did a few things around the house and got things ready for my nephew because he was heading back home to San Antonio.  We were invited to my cousin’s house for his birthday.  We had a great time but had to leave the party early to take my nephew to the airport.  It was 10:00 by the time I got home and I went straight to bed.

Week 6 went well.  My tempo run went well (again) and I missed another workout on Sunday.  Oh well, life happens.  In week 7 I have a ladder workout (400-800-1200-1600-1200-800 with 400m jog recovery) which should be interesting and another 7 mile tempo run on Thursday.

Total mileage for the week: 37.35 miles

Total mileage for this training cycle: 200.56 miles

Total mileage for the year: 683.62 miles

Here’s how training has gone so far: