Category: Weekly Recap

RnR NOLA Week 4

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!



*Week #4, December 28-January 3


  • PLAN – 6 miles all easy effort
  • ACTUAL – Skipped.


It was gross outside.  No way was I going to run outside and risk falling.  🙂  I could have gone to the gym but still no.  I did this workout on Tuesday.


  • PLAN – Cycle Zone and Body Works Plus Abs
  • ACTUAL –Skipped both classes but did run 8 miles @10:37 average pace

I skipped my workouts to do the one from yesterday.  I alternated 2 minutes/3 minutes @10:00; 10:21; and 10:43.  Took a break after mile 5 to get more water and to move to another treadmill because these two women next to me were constantly talking and annoying.  I gave them dirty looks but they must not have been dirty enough because they kept talking.  Go figure that I ran into them later in the locker room.  I ran 2 extra miles to finish the month with 80 miles. That’s what I get for skipping workouts.


  • PLAN –2 miles warm up (10:00-10:45), 2 minutes around 8:30 with 3 minutes recovery and repeat until you get 2 miles, 1 mile cool down @ 9:00-9:30
  • ACTUAL – 5 miles @10:46 average pace


My last run of 2015.  Miles 1 and 2 were done @10:43.  2 minutes were done at 8:27; 8:20; 8:20; 8:20; and 8:20 pace while recoveries were done walking @17:08 pace.  Last mile I alternated 2 minutes/3 minutes @8:57; 9:05; and 9:14.

The 8:20 did not feel too hard.  I could have gone faster to 8:13 but legs were tired from yesterday.  Next time I’ll try it.  I did stop to walk for a few seconds during the last mile.




  • PLAN – OFF


I went out for a walk.  It wasn’t too cold.  I stopped at Target and ended up buying about $40 worth of stuff.  I actually get bored walking (would rather run) but I actually enjoyed this walk.  


  • PLAN- 10 miles
  • ACTUAL- 9.02 @10:39 average pace


Another cold day but not too windy.  Some ice on the path which made us take it a little slower. About 15 seconds slower than last week but felt much better today.  Again, the last mile was tough but I pushed through to finish my run.  Overall, still very pleased with this run.  Splits are:
Mile 1-10:41
Mile 2-10:32
Mile 3-11:00
Mile 4-10:19
Mile 5-10:23
Mile 6-10:56
Mile 7-10:41
MIle 8-10:27
Mile 9-10:48

Later that evening I did some stretches and foam rolled.  My coach reminded me that I need to do this every single day.  🙂  Lola loves to keep me accompany.



  • PLAN- Yoga
  • ACTUAL- Did not make to class.

Don’t forget to enter my two giveaways.  Click on the pictures to go to the sites.

Giveaway9 Giveaway10

Back to work tomorrow.  It’s been a fun and relaxing two weeks at home but I am looking forward to getting back to my routine.  Today I made some meals for this week, oatmeal for breakfast and quinoa with corn and chickpeas for lunch.  Now the countdown starts for Spring Break in April!

RnR NOLA Week 2 and 3

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap.

Hoping everyone had a good week!


My first week of training went well.  Weeks 2 & 3 went OK.


*Week #2, December 14-20


  • PLAN – 5 miles all easy effort
  • ACTUAL – 5.02 miles @10:13 average pace

This run was so much better than last week.  I went to a meeting after school and when I went outside, I saw these ominous looking clouds and decided to skip my run and go home.  Well, once at home I felt guilty about missing my run and then just went for it.  It was a great run!  It always happens that my best runs are usually the ones I want to skip.  Splits are:
Mile 1-10:16
Mile 2-10:27
Mile 3-10:20
Mile 4-9:48
Mile 5-10:16

So weird to start and end at the same pace.



  • PLAN – Cycle Zone and Body Works Plus Abs
  • ACTUAL –Skipped both classes.

My alarm did not go off in the morning so I did not make it to spinning.  Then I stayed after school to volunteer for Ornament Night.  It was a fun night and I enjoyed seeing the parents with their children having a good time.

I did win two M80 Roller from Carlee’s 12 days of Christmas Giveaways!  I had been sending so many tweets hoping to win one of the prizes.  All of that tweeting definitely paid off!



  • PLAN –2 miles warm up (10:00-10:45), 2 minutes around 8:30 with 3 minutes recovery and repeat until you get 2 miles, then 1 mile cool down
  • ACTUAL – 5 miles @11:42 average pace

This was the same workout from last week.  2 miles warm up @10:55.  2 minutes run were @8:32, 8:39, 8:39, 8:39, 8:39.  3 minutes recovery were at walking pace.  As for cooldown, .50 was @10:55 and .50 @10:32.


  • PLAN- 4 miles negative splits
  • ACTUAL- Did not run.

I met a friend for dinner and it was nice to catch up.  I had some delicious deep dish pizza and a chocolate martini.  I am a big fan of the apple martinis but this chocolate one was DELICIOUS.



  • PLAN – OFF

Last day before winter winter.  Had a great day at school with the kiddos and received lots of presents from them.  I do not expect any presents from them but just to show up ready to learn.




  • PLAN- 8 miles
  • ACTUAL- Did not run.


I kind of wanted to do my run but my body did not.  I slept in which felt great and woke up at 8:30.  However, I stayed in bed for a few more hours.  Lola was tired too.  Eventually I did get up to go to a family holiday party.


  • PLAN- Yoga
  • ACTUAL- Did not make to class.

Week #3, December 21-27


  • PLAN – 6 miles all easy
  • ACTUAL – 4.02 miles @12:04 average pace


First day of winter break.  Just wasn’t into it.  Run sucked. It was wet, cold, and windy.  Splits are:

Mile 1-10:36
Mile 2-12:16
Mile 3-11:56
Mile 4-13:30


  • PLAN – Cycle Zone and Body Works Plus Abs
  • ACTUAL –30 minutes spinning and 4 miles @10:24 average pace

My alarm went off and I turned it off and went back to bed.  Then I quickly jumped up because I knew I had to go since a sub 2 half marathon is not going to happen if I keep missing my workouts.  I made it in time to class but the instructor did not show up.  I did my own for 30 minutes then ran 4 miles on the treadmill.  I cannot remember the pace I ran for miles 1 and 2 but I did alternate (2 minutes/3 minutes) between 10:43, 10:21, and 10:00 for miles 3 and 4.

I had dinner plans at Wildfire in the evening so I missed the body works class.  For dinner I had the medallion trio and the signature martini flight (Cosmopolitan, Green Apple, Wild Raspberry Trio, and Stormy Night).



  • PLAN –2 miles warm up (10:00-10:45), 2 minutes around 8:30 with 3 minutes recovery and repeat until you get 2 miles, then 1 mile @9:00-9:30
  • ACTUAL – 5 miles @10:48 average pace

I did not set the treadmill at 1% like I normally do.  Miles 1 and 2 were done @10:43.  2 minutes were done at 8:27; 8:27; 8:27; 8:27; and 8:27 pace while recoveries were done walking @17:08 pace.  Last mile I alternated 2 minutes/3 minutes @9:05; 9:14; and 9:23.  This run felt a little easier but that’s because I had the treadmill set at zero incline.


  • PLAN- 3 miles easy
  • ACTUAL- 3.02 miles @9:58 average pace

Run went much better than Monday’s .  It was still cold and windy.  I wanted to run more but was too cold.  I got negative splits so that made me very happy!!  Splits are:
Mile 1-10:12
Mile 2-10:01
Mile 3-9:42



  • PLAN – OFF


  • PLAN- 8 miles
  • ACTUAL- 9:02 miles @10:37 average pace

A cold and windy morning in Chicago!  There were two of us in our group and our first mile was too fast. The last 2 miles were difficult for me so I stopped and walked a bit.  Overall, I am very pleased with my pace for miles 1-7.  Splits are:
Mile 1-9:33
Mile 2-10:39
Mile 3-10:35
Mile 4-10:28
Mile 5-10:21
Mile 6-10:23
Mile 7-10:35
Mile 8-11:09
MIle 9-11:50



  • PLAN- Yoga
  • ACTUAL- Did not make it to class.

Heads up!  I will have 5 days of giveaways beginning Saturday, January 2nd.  Don’t miss it!


Weekly Recap #6

*February 9-15, 2015


  • PLAN- 3 miles @easy, conversational pace with 5 strides at the end of the run plus 30 minutes of cross training
  • ACTUAL- 3 miles @10:55

Great workout with 3 miles followed by 5 strides at the end for total 3.44 miles @average pace of 10:41.  Then 30 minutes on the bike.


  • PLAN-5 miles @easy, conversational pace with 6 X 2 minutes fartleks with 2 minutes recovery
  • ACTUAL-2.5 miles@10:55, 6 fartleks, 2.5 miles @various paces

Another great workout today.  2.5 miles @10:55.  3 x 2 minutes fartleks @8:32 but that pace was still hard to keep up so I did 2 more @8:39.  The last fartlek I was determined to do @8:32 but only managed 1 minute and 30 seconds.  I walked the last 30 seconds.  I did not want to run the last 2.5 miles but after going back and forth with my coach, she actually convinced me to complete my run.  I set a timer for 2 minutes followed by 1 minute and then alternated with paces of 11:44, 11:18, and 10:55.  Finally finished 6.92 miles @average pace of 11:25.  Below is the text conversation I had with my coach.




  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


  • PLAN- 1/2 mile warm up, 1/2 mile @10:30, 1/2 mile @10:00, 1/2 mile cool down.  
  • ACTUAL- 2 miles done @various paces

Loved this workout!  1/2 mile @10:55, 1/2 mile @10:32, 1/2 mile @9:52, 1/2 mile @10:55.  Total 2 miles @average 10:45.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


  • PLAN- 8 miles @11:30  +/- 10-15 seconds with 8 strides at the end of the run
  • ACTUAL- Did not run.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Ran 8 miles.

I did not run on Saturday but instead did so on Sunday.  I slept in till 8:30 yesterday and it felt really good.  I then got really lazy and came up with every excuse not to make it to the gym. Obviously I was not proud of my decision but I was not motivated.


Fast forward a few hours later and I met a friend to watch “50 Shades of Grey”.  I did like the movie and am not sure why people are complaining about it.

So today I made my way to the gym.  I watched a few episodes of “Parenthood”.  Man, that show is really good.  Total is 8 miles @average pace 12:14.  Definitely slower than I wanted to but I know that soon I will see progress (faster times).  I guess I must have been so glad to step off the treadmill that I forgot to do the strides.

*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • I am tired of this cold weather.  I know I shouldn’t complain about it because at least we are not getting storm after storm like the east coast.
  • I know once summer is here and it is really hot I will be complaining about the weather too.
  • No school tomorrow.  Time to relax.  I also have an appointment for a 6 months follow-up mammogram/ultrasound.  Hopefully I’ll get good news.
  • I have two cross training workouts (Monday and Thursday).  Have I mentioned how much I dislike the elliptical?

Elliptical or treadmill?

Weekly Recap #5

*February 2-8, 2015


  • PLAN- 3 miles @easy, conversational pace plus 30 minutes of cross training
  • ACTUAL- Did not run.

Another snow day for us.  No way could I leave my house.

My view on Sunday night.


Monday morning.


Perfect day to build a snowman.



  • PLAN-5 miles @easy, conversational pace with 6 X 1 minute fartlek with 2 minutes recovery
  • ACTUAL- Did not run.

I was all set and ready to run at the gym.  However, throughout the day I was not feeling good. I was really tired and had a headache that just would not go away.


  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day


  • PLAN- 5 miles at easy, conversational pace with 5 X 1 minute fartlek with 1 minute recovery, 10 minutes of core work
  • ACTUAL- 2.5 miles @10:55 pace and 2.5 miles with various pace of 10:55, 11:18, and 11:44

Felt tired the last 2.5 miles so I took a few breaks.  Fartleks @7:59 felt hard but yet manageable. It made a big difference between 2 minutes and 1 minute recovery.  I think I could have handled doing one more.

Yeah, gotta work on core work.  One minute planks are hard for me.  Baby steps for me.


  • PLAN- Swim class
  • ACTUAL- Did not swim.

There was a confusion at the gym so I was not able to take my swimming class.


  • PLAN- 7 miles @11:30  +/- 10-15 seconds with 8 strides at the end of the run
  • ACTUAL- 7.56 @11:50 average pace

A beautiful day for a run.  Ran nice and slow along the lakefront.  Walked a lot since the weather was really nice and I was thinking about my week in school.

Splits are:





  • PLAN- Rest day
  • ACTUAL- Rest day

It is a rest day for me but I also go to a local restaurant where I eat breakfast and grade papers.  Last week I was there for breakfast and lunch.


*Runs on treadmill are done on 1% incline.


  • I am loving fartleks and strides.  And I love even more that they will help me get faster.
  • It is almost that time to look into new running shoes.  Currently I run in the Saucony Ride 7 but am looking at the Brooks Ghost 7 and Brooks Launch 2.  I’ve always been a fan of Brooks shoes but had to switch to other brands because I wanted to run in something new and different.  Well, back to Brooks it is and I cannot decide between the two.



  • I am going through race withdrawal.  My next one isn’t till March but I want to run one this month.
  • I know many people don’t normally drink water when running anything less than 5 or 6 miles. I do.  I cannot drink too much water throughout the day at school so I find myself drinking in the evening.  Yes, even for that 3 mile run.  🙂
  • Not running related but I see so many selfies of people sticking out their tongue.  My question is “Why?”  I just don’t understand it.  I know what a tongue looks like and I really do not want to see yours.

Which shoes do you currently run in now?  Help me decide, Ghost 7 or Launch 2?