Category: Weekly Recap

Weekly Run Down: Week #7 of training for a 10k and Inauguration Day!

I thought I could handle the cold weather but I realized that I cannot.  Brrr, too many cold mornings and I just wanted to stay inside in my warm apartment.  But I still got out there even if it was just one mile.  

I remember this day but cannot remember if I took an Uber to my car or ran back to it.  I must have been about 3-4 miles from it.

It is quite an adventure running these days with the ice on the sidewalk and the potholes on the street.  Ran 4.21 miles on Monday and did not rush to get back home since I was off.

I love how it is getting lighter earlier. 

More snow on Wednesday.  I did not care.  I was too excited that day.  

I watched the Inauguration with my students.  There were many tears from me.  My students are not back in the classroom.  I had to present it via Google Meet on my computer.


During my lunch break I realized that I was saying Vice President Kamala’s name incorrectly.  How embarrassing.  Then my students laughed at me when I told them I was saying her name wrong.  I told them that the First Lady is a teacher and one girl said “wow”.  They had no idea.

I know Kim will have more Bernie memes but I just had to include these two.  Chicago is known for calling “dibs” on a parking spot.  Yep, Bernie is saving a spot.  

This weekend I watched “The Trial of the Chicago 7” on Netflix.  Has anyone watched it?  OMG, if you have let’s set up a Zoom call to discuss it.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Week #6 of training for a 10k and back to work in the classroom

Happy Sunday!  Another week that goes by fast when you are having fun. Right?

This week started off good but then we got snow and well you know how I do with snow.  No bueno.  I went back to working from my classroom so I had to get outside earlier since I needed to be at work by 8:30am.  No more coming into the house at 8:15am.  🙂

I did not do all of my workouts the way I was supposed to but I tried.  Either I ran out of time (now I know that if I am back home by 7:30 then I can make it to work on time) or the weather was an issue.  I have no idea when I will run my 10k but I think my coach will have to add a few more weeks to the training cycle.

Thursday evening I had some pizza and wine.  Then I noticed that “Sex and the City: The Movie” was on Netflix so I watched it.  And then drank more wine.  I got really emotional watching it.  Then I watched the other “Sex and the City” movie.  And drank more wine.  Well, it was not a good idea because it was hard to get up on Friday.  No time to run either.  I then went out in the evening to run but it felt so hard.  It wasn’t cold but my chest was hurting.  Ran 1.02 miles and that was good enough.

Woke up Saturday morning to snow.  Looked so pretty.  Took is nice and slow and made the best of it.  Not all days will be perfect.  I am grateful that it has been a very mild Winter.  The temperature then went up to almost 40 and most of the snow had melted.

But then of course more snow on Sunday.  It wasn’t a lot but enough to make me nervous for fear of falling.  I made the best of it again while listening to music.  Stayed closed to my house since I knew I was not going to run far nor long.  I felt really good and actually enjoyed it.

This was Lola last Sunday evening.  She was not happy when I told her that I was not going to be working from home anymore.  Mateo didn’t care.  All is want is food in the morning and evening and he is a happy cat.

My room was set up already so I just had to move a couple of things to make it more comfortable.  I got a bigger desk to put in front of my Prometheum Board to have another computer and bigger screen.  I only leave my room to go to the bathroom and to check in on my coworker.  I didn’t want to go to the teacher’s lounge anymore so I bought a little crockpot to heat up my lunch.

This picture is from before I put a bigger desk.  You can see the difference between the screen size of my work laptop and the Prometheum Board.

The date to have kids back in the classroom has been changed again.  It was supposed to be January 25th and now it is February 1st.  Parents should just keep them at home.  Students will be doing the same thing in the classroom as if they were at home.  All of their learning will still be online.  There will be no interaction with the teacher, no small groups, and no manipulatives to work with during Math.  Basically I will be babysitting them from 8:30am-12:00pm.  Ha, I need a raise!

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Week #5 of training for a 10k and 21.99 miles

I went back to work on Monday.  Honestly, I did not want to go back.  Everyone was tired and it was tough.  Looking forward to Spring Break!  🙂

We got a little bit of snow on Monday but no way was I going to run 5 miles.  I know it isn’t a lot but I didn’t have enough time either. 

During the week the rest of the snow and ice melted.  I hate going out in the dark while there is still snow/ice for fear of slipping.  I wait till it isn’t dark anymore but then sometimes run out of time.  Once I got back at 8:15 and was ready by 8:30am.  🙂

Saturday morning I had to run 7 miles but I was very tired and slept in till 7.  Then I couldn’t run because I had to take my mother to the doctor.  But I did get out later in the evening.  Felt good being out there.  I did not feel cold at all.  But I did not run 7 miles either.  Some miles is better than no miles at all.

I ran 7 miles this morning.  I had to run the last two miles between 11:00-11:15.  Both miles were done in 11:17 and 11:19.  So close and both are positive splits.  I still win because 7 miles is a lot to run.  I am pleased with how I did because the last time I did this workout was on December 26th and those last 2 miles were done in 11:48 and 11:12.

I laughed when I saw my total mileage for the week.  Oh gosh!  How did I let that happen?  It does bother me but it isn’t the end of the world.  I need to pay more attention.

Tomorrow is the day that teachers are going back to the classroom.  I keep changing my mind about whether or not to go.  I have my substitute lesson plans ready just in case.  I will know for sure tomorrow morning.  This year is clearly one of my worst years of teaching.  I do not feel like I am appreciated nor respected.  I hate that our Board of Education does not have any parents or teachers to voice their opinion and make decisions.  How is it that non teachers are making decisions for us?  They really have NO idea what we are doing or dealing with this year.

A NEW link up – Fit Five Friday

It’s time for a brand-new Friday Five, and I am excited to be a part of the Fit Five Friday Link-Up!

Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With Attitude, Runs with PugsRun Laugh Eat Pie and me, every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Who’s ready for some fun?

Here are the guidelines: Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)  Please link back to your hosts!  It’s the right thing to do!  Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!  Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media!  Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!  And let’s go! We can’t wait!

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Week #4 of training for a 10k and what defines a run streak?

Happy New Year!  How is everyone doing?  We had another low key New Year’s Eve.  My sister and nephew came over.  We ate and played lotería and then they left.  The rest of us ended up going to bed at 9pm. 

I got off on the right foot this week but then towards the end it all went down.  We got snow and it made it tricky to run outside.  

On Wednesday I went to the gym but could not stand being there.  The treadmill was shaking so much and the pace was way off between the treadmill and my watch.  I ran 2 miles and left.  

I went out the next day but then more snow was coming down.  It got slippery and I didn’t want to run too long.  Friday was the same.  Ugh!  I hate this weather.  I hate even more that I don’t have a treadmill at home.  The reason I went to the gym is because I got a free one week trial but it was very uncomfortable there.

I retired the Brooks Ghost 12 and am now running in the Launch 5.  

I am sad Winter Break is over.  I wished I had another week.  These 2 weeks sure went by too fast.  I spent time watching “Criminal Minds” and relaxing with the cats.

What exactly defines a run streak?  I was hoping to do at least one mile but this weather is not being friendly and sometimes one mile is not possible.  My streak, my rules, right?  🙂

I know I can stop any time I want but I realized that this run streak is not about doing said streak.  To me it is about being able to run outside.  Like everyone else I am so tired of being indoors.  I look forward to running outside every day even if it is just half a mile.  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Week #3 of training for a 10k and Winter Break Week #1

Hey there!  How is everyone doing?  Did you all have a nice Christmas?  It was low key here again.  I made mole with my mother and it turned out good.  It needed a bit more chicken flavor so we spiced it up the next day and now it is even better.  Mole always tastes better the next day.

It was nice to be off this week.  I did relax and finished watching The West Wing.  I wasn’t too crazy about Season 7 but overall enjoyed the show.  It was so sad about Leo but it made me happy to see a Latino president.  One day.  One day.  🙂

I ate leftover pozole from my cousin.

Relaxed with the cats.

Wednesday morning was a “fun” run.  I had to do 5 set of intervals (5 minutes/6 minutes) at different paces.  It was windy that morning and didn’t think I would complete the workout.  Once I was out there I realized it wan’t that bad.  I did better than expected.  My coach likes to remind me that I am tougher than I think and that I can do more than I think I can.  🙂

Thursday and Friday was COLD.  I had to run 3 miles on Thursday but instead ran 20 minutes.  Since I didn’t run the 3 miles on Thursday, I knew I had to do it on Friday.  Ha, had to?  No way.  I talked myself into doing only 1 mile to continue with the streak.  Today is day #121.  I was this close to ending my running streak because of how cold it was.

Saturday’s run was 7 miles.  I woke up very early and was out the door at 6am.  It was 19 degrees but I had two tops, two pants, and gloves and felt comfortable.  I felt tired but also good after my run.  Such a weird combination.

Tuesday morning my coworker and I delivered presents for our students.  It took us almost 3 hours to deliver 44 presents.  I met a few of my students and almost cried because I was so happy to see them.  I gave them a notebook, pencils, markers/color pencils, crayons, and highlighters.  Students are supposed to go back to the classroom on January 25th but I don’t know at the moment how many of those will be my students.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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