A great week! Ran 6 days for a total of 20.91 miles. The last time I ran 6 days was in March after the Atlanta Half Marathon. I did feel tired (need to go to sleep earlier) but luckily most of my runs were at an easy pace.
I tried a new product. The taste isn’t that great (I have lemonade). It is a combination of carbohydrates, electrolytes and BCAAs to help with rehydration and muscle building after long and/or intense workouts. Has anyone else tried it?
The highlights of my week was my workout on Thursday and my long run on the Lakefront. Last week one of my workouts was 2 sets of 3 minute intervals. The first set was positive splits but the second set was negative splits. I did the same workout on Thursday and all intervals were negative splits. I could not believe it when I saw my splits. I remember that I felt tired that morning and did not want to get up. 🙂
Saturday morning I got up at 4:45 am to get ready for my long run. I was excited because I was going to the lakefront. Ugh, it was so humid. I ran but also walked when needed. I stopped a few times to take pictures. I was just happy to be there. Average pace was 12:33 with 11:56 being my fastest mile. Overall I am pleased with how it went.
Does GU go bad? I took one yesterday and afterwards I realized that it didn’t taste good. I know it doesn’t taste that good anyway. I could not find an expiration date and honestly cannot remember how long I’ve had it.
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.