Category: Weekly Run Down

Weekly Run Down: Goodbye January and Hello February

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Doesn’t it seem like January dragged?  I know it was a long month and I was on Winter Break the first week, but still.   I started off the new month with a cold.  Then once I felt better enough to run, I fell.  I took a few weeks off to recover and recently started running again but on the treadmill.  

Mateo couldn’t understand why I was up so early.  He is funny.  


I ordered some new Oiselle shorts and couldn’t wait to wear them.  Aren’t they cute?  They’re my favorite shorts for running.  I started watching the Aaron Hernandez series while running and it is so good.  


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This time I did the Lady Gaga Ride.  Just what I needed after a stressful day at work.

Again at the gym to run 3 miles.  The plan was to run on Thursday and rest on Friday.  My legs were sore from Wednesday’s run so I didn’t run.  I know last week I “complained” about not having a treadmill at home, but now it isn’t THAT bad.  A few people reminded me that at least I have access to a treadmill.  So true.  I am getting the hang of it.  I make sure I have all of my stuff for running and for work since I shower, get ready at the gym, and then go to work.  Oh, I also need to take my breakfast and lunch with me too.

I finished the month with 20.50 miles.  January was not a kind month but I am still pleased with my mileage.

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I couldn’t run in the morning because my sister had a training to go to downtown and I had to stay with my mother.  I caught up on reading blog posts (so sorry for responding so late).  I finally headed out to the gym around 4pm.  A friend suggested I watch “Money Heist”.  I did and I like it.  For now there are 3 episodes and I watched half of them.

This made me laugh.  I didn’t even notice it until someone made a comment on Strava.  I was on the treadmill the whole time.


How was your week?  Any other shows to watch on Netflix?  Someone suggested Grace and Frankie.  I am looking forward to the new season of Narcos Mexico which will be available on February 13.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Treadmill running and I want to buy a treadmill

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Happy Sunday!  How is it that another week went by?  Hard to believe that it is already the last week of January.

This week was all about getting back to running.  Ha, it wasn’t easy.  I’ve mentioned how well I’ve been sleeping and waking up in the morning hasn’t been easy for me.  Yes, I could go after school, but sometimes I am either tired, have a meeting, or running errands and seriously running is the last thing I want to do.  I know, excuses.  Also, left knee still does not feel 100% better.

Cody is the man!  I love him!  The music was all 80s pop which is fantastic and makes the time go by faster.

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I went to Blink after school.  It is about 1/2 mile from my house so it is perfect.  It was going well until I got some discomfort in my left knee.  It doesn’t hurt throughout the day so I am not sure what is going on.

Went in the morning before work.  Goal was to run longer than the day before.  Took a few walking breaks and felt good too.  We got more snow too!


Went to Planet Fitness today.  The treadmills there are the ones that also have a scale.  So weird.  I alternated between 4.5 and 5.0 on the treadmill while running 3 and 4 minutes.  Felt good and overall was pleased with my run.


I know I should be happy that I have access to a treadmill at the gym, but I hate having to haul my stuff to shower and get ready there to go to work.  I want to be able to get up, change, drink some coffee, and start my run.  Many times I wished I had one at home but realistically I have no room for it.  My sister told me that I can move the sofa to make room for it, but I live on the 2nd floor and the constant pounding will be a major headache.  I used to live on the 3rd floor in a condo and I had a treadmill for about a week.  Every time I would run, it seems like everything there was shaking.  I am sure the building shook too!  I took it back.  For sure adding that to my list of things to buy when I move.

How was your week?  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Almost 100% recovered and still no running

How did this week go by fast?  I thought I was ready to run last week (I even signed up at another gym) but could not wake up on time.  Then my left knee was hurting a little so I guess it was a sign that I wasn’t ready yet.

Let me explain about the gym.  I have Blue Cross Blue Shield.  They have a Fitness Program in which I pay $25 per month and I can sign up at various gyms in the network.  There are gym like Blink, Charter Fitness, and Planet Fitness.  Now I have another gym I can go to.  I’ve heard good things about Blink and was looking forward to going there.  

I don’t think I’ve ever linked up with Kim and Deborah in which there was no running during the week.  A few times I ran maybe once or twice but never not running.  Oh well, there is always a first time.

This week I used the Peloton 4 times.  That’s the most in one week!  Cody is my favorite instructor.  He is so fun and I enjoy all of his classes.  Today’s class was all 80s music and I liked all of the songs except one.

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Mateo keeping me company.


On Monday I had to take  my car for an emissions test (it passed) and then bought my license plate sticker (I paid over $150 for it).  I couldn’t buy said sticker until the emissions test.  Then I went to the dentist.  I’ve been going to the same dentist for over 20 years!

I know I shouldn’t be complaining about the weather but it is cold today.  We even got snow on Friday.

I went out this morning to do laundry and to stop at Target.  I am not planning to leave my house till tomorrow.  I tried this new to me soap after reading Wendy’s post.  Anyone else uses it?

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Better, right?

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Any Peloton users?  Follow me at RunningTeacher1.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: A fall and taking a break

WARNING: I fell so you will see some not so pleasant photos.  

This week was very low mileage.  I cannot use the excuse that I was tired or that it was too cold, what happened is that I fell.  It was a bad fall.  

I went running on Tuesday.  I was looking forward to my run because the last time I ran was a week ago on New Years Day.  My run was “only” 3 miles.  Not too much and it was an easy run.  I had finished 2 miles when I tripped and fell.  I landed on the left side of my face.

I couldn’t believe it.  The last time I fell was sometime last year in July.  It hurt and I cried as I walked back home.  I used my phone to check the damage and was horrified.  It did look better once I got home and showered.  I thought the dark area on the cheek was a bruise but it was actually dirt.

This was after I showered.  Doesn’t look that bad, right?

Throughout the week I made sure to use ointment and bandages to cover the cuts.  However, I am totally convinced that from now on, VapoRub is the only thing to use.  My bruise is healing and doesn’t look as bad.  It does sting a little when I put it on my face but then it actually feels good.

So no, I haven’t run.  I haven’t run because of my knees and I am afraid to fall…again.  I know eventually I have to get over the fear but for now I am taking a break to wait for my knees to heal.  Once I start running again, most likely I will run on the treadmill.  For longer runs I will go to the trail.  If I fall, then at least I won’t land on the concrete.  I stopped my training with my coach.  I have a race in Atlanta on March 1, and while I still want to go and run, deep down inside I know I won’t be ready?  Or will I?

I am annoyed that I fell again.  However, I am grateful I didn’t break anything.  It was a hard fall (worse than the previous ones) as seen from the pictures, but I am doing much better.  I believe things happen for a reason, but have NO idea why this happened.  Maybe to stop running?

I hope you had a great week!  Hopefully yours was better than mine!  🙂  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Happy New Year and sick with a cold

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Happy New Year and Hello January!

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This past week was very different from last week.  I ran 2 days and spent the rest of the week at home with a cold.  I did go out a few times for errands and to meet friends, but I was feeling so tired and no energy to run.  

Monday was a cloudy day but still went out to run 3 miles.  Then it was off to do laundry and cuddle with the cats.  🙂


That night it started to snow and we woke up with a white New Year’s Eve.  Ugh, I hate the snow!  I had to run 4 miles but the snow and ice made it difficult.  Plus, I was getting very tired.  My throat was already hurting.  <<That is the first sign that I am about to get sick.

I stayed home that evening (went to bed before midnight) and stayed home the next couple of days.  🙁  I felt horrible.  I was sneezing and coughing so much that my stomach started to hurt. 

It warmed up on Wednesday and the snow melted.  Still no running for me.  I kept busy by reading “The Whistler” and I finished it on Friday.  I also watched 3 seasons of “El Chapo”.  Haha, so good and I couldn’t stop watching it.

Even my babies knew I wasn’t feeling well and they cuddled with me.

Each night before going to bed I took cold medicine with Emergen-C.  My mom told me that a cold usually lasts about 3 days.  Sure enough by Saturday I felt so much better.  No coughing or sneezing, but I was still congested. 


Back to work tomorrow and I am not ready.  🙂  I did have some grading to do over break and finished it last night.  I told myself that I was not going to go to sleep until I finished it and I did.  I was up till 1 am.  

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I already let my coach know that I am feeling better and he is having me run 3 miles tomorrow.  I told him that I hope I wake up on time because I am so used to sleeping in these past 2 weeks.  

I hope you had a great week!  What medicine do you recommend to take for a cold?  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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