Category: Weekly Run Down

Weekly Run Down: A new running coach and another trip around the sun

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Thank you to everyone that commented about the blog Facebook page.  I decided to just post running stuff on that page.  I may post a few things on my personal page about some of my running adventures, like my 50 states goal, but that’s it.  🙂

This week was my first week training with DWRunning.  Last week I filled out a questionnaire and then had a conference call with my coach, Dan.  We talked about my goals and expectations, injuries, schedule, etc.  I told him that I would like to complete my 50 states goal and to PR in the various distances.  Maybe not all in one year but at least a few of them.


So far my first week went well.  Something very new to me is doing dynamic warm ups before each run.  As you know, I never do any kind of warmup but now I have to.  🙂  I also have a flexibility & mobility workout and a strength workout after each run.  Again, something new to me.  I’ve been able to do the warm ups but then run out of time for the other workouts.  I was told that maybe I can do one during my lunch break and then the other one in the evening.  Regardless, they’re all important for my training and they have to be done.  

These are the dynamic warm ups I need to do:
Joint circles
A Walks & B Walks
A Skips & B Skips
Lunge Matrix
Monster Walks

Monday was 2 miles at an “easy” pace.  Did that then went to the doctor for a breast bilateral ultrasound.  I got a mammogram back in September and because I have very dense breast, it was recommended that I go for an ultrasound.  I had to wait and make sure my insurance would pay for it (they would) and then I had to wait a few weeks for availability.  The test was about 45 minutes and the technician was very nice and she made me feel very comfortable.  I already got my results and it is all good.

Tuesday was movie night at school.  We showed “The Lion King”.  We had a lot of family show up but I was disappointed with how many people were talking.  Also, there were kids running around.  I mean, is that what they do in the movie theatres? 

Wednesday morning was my birthday run.  I ran 4.7 miles.  So much fun doing this.  I think I started doing this about 3 or 4 years ago?

My 2nd grade team ordered lunch and got me a birthday cake.  They also gave me gift cards from Amazon and Starbucks.  My students made cards for me too.  It was a great birthday!

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Lola was shy but I did get a “kiss” from Mateo.


Friday was 2 miles and Saturday was 5 miles.  I am testing a new pair of Turtle Gloves and so far I like them.  They’re a little big but they keep my hands warm.  I will have a review sometime next month.

I had a great week with it being my birthday and some great runs.  I am very excited about this opportunity with a new coach.  I already have my plan for this coming week and I know I will be running 4 days for a total of 16 miles.  Now I need to figure out how and when to do the other required workouts.  🙂

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: 3 day work week and snow

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It was a cold week with snow and ice but I am happy that it will warm up this week!  I ran twice this week compared to 5 last week.  I hate running in the snow and I didn’t feel like going to the gym to run on the treadmill.  

I know many of you have a separate Facebook page for running.  Whatever you post on said page, do you repost /share it on your personal page?  I am finally using my running page (The Running Teacher) and post here and there but am wondering if I should also repost/share on my personal page since I know not everyone follows The Running Teacher.  I hope that made sense!  🙂

I knew snow was in the forecast but I was in denial.  Monday morning I woke up and saw the snow.  I still went out to run and did not make it far.  The snow was coming down fast and it was hard to see.  I ran 2.85 miles which I am surprised I made it that far.  

I was supposed to be off that day but ended up going to work.  Well, not exactly work because it was an Institute Day.  We spent a few hours learning about Standard-Based Grading.  So boring.  Plus, we’ve been hearing about it for about 3-4 years so I am not sure when we will start implementing it.  Waste of time.

Tuesday was parent/teacher conferences and was pleased that 12 out of 16 parents showed up.  One of my coworkers had all 19 parents show up!  I’ve never had all parents show up on parent/teacher conference.  It was cold that day and even I did not want to go.  

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I went to IHOP for breakfast on Tuesday morning and this was the parking lot.  Ugh!

My sister likes to complain that it is cold in San Antonio.  Haha!  We want 40 degrees in December.

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The rest of the week went by fast.  Well, I only worked for 3 days.  Kids were fine Wednesday and Thursday but by Friday it was downhill.  I was so angry at the end of the day.  Not only do my kids talk a lot but sometimes they don’t want to do the most simple thing.  We are reading “Tia Isa Wants a Car” in Spanish.  They have a hard time understanding that book and I end up explaining EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE.  Huh?  The book is in Spanish.  Why is it hard to understand?  I asked a question and they are supposed to provide evidence and they don’t even want to look in their book.  Same thing in Math.  I asked them to work on a problem in their book and most just stared at me or the wall.  They didn’t even write the equation in their book and I wrote it on the board!!!!

I left Friday feeling like failure.  What am I doing wrong?  Is it me?  What more can I do?  

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Saturning morning was “warmer” and it felt good being out there. 


My cats getting along.  This photo makes me happy.  🙂

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My birthday is on Wednesday.  Make sure to join Kim and me for our Weekly Topics Linkup to learn about “What are your Winter weather running tips?”  Plus, I will have a giveaway in honor of my birthday.  Don’t miss it!

Happy Birthday Giveaway

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Cold weather and a good week of running

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Hello there!  It is cold here and I am not ready for it.  Well despite the weather, I made it outside for 5 runs.  I am excited because I will be running/training with DWRunning this month.  Plus, I have a half marathon next month so I had to stop being lazy and run.  🙂

I received a new pair of Oiselle tights.  They’re reflective and I love them!  For sure car drivers can see me.

Most of my runs usually end with a “0” at the end.  On Tuesday morning just when I was almost done with my run, I was about to turn into my street when I saw a van also turn and park on the street.  Coincidence?  I don’t know and I didn’t wait to find out.  I kept running to the next street (one block east) and then another block to head home.    During the day it wouldn’t have bothered me but it was still dark and it did freak me out a little.

Check out Mateo’s tie.  Doesn’t he look handsome?


I saw Deborah’s new shoes on Instagram and knew I had to get them too.  Aren’t they gorgeous?

Saturday morning was sunny but also cold and windy.  My goal was to run 1 hour.  The plan was to run for 30 minutes and then turn around to head back home.  Then I decided to run 2 miles, run to the next major street and then head back home.  I wasn’t looking at pace nor distance but figured it would be around 5 miles or so.  I got home and saved my run without looking at how far or how long I had run.  Ha, I ran 4.97 miles.  Did it bother me?  Not really.  It used to before but not anymore.

Sunday morning wasn’t too cold.  It was in the high 30s and it felt good being out there.  I ran 3 miles since I had to be back home in time to shower, get ready, and meet some friends for breakfast at 9am.


Overall, it was a good week for me.  I am pleased with my 5 days of running.  I did take one Peloton class on Thursday.  It was fun biking through France!

Happy Cat Sticker by T. L. McBeth for iOS & Android | GIPHY

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Crazy weather and end of the quarter

Hello there!  How is it that it is already November?  Two more months till the end of 2019.  November is my birthday month so that with Thanksgiving Day (and break) makes it my favorite month.   🙂

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This week I did not run at all.  I meant to but just couldn’t and didn’t want to get out there.  I did take one Peloton class but was so bored with the music that I just zoned out of it.  

We got snow on Wednesday and Thursday.  Ugh!  I hate it.  Plus, it is so early in the year for snow.


On Wednesday we had our Monster Math Family Night.  For sure I thought families would not show up because of the weather.  It had stopped snowing but it was cold and windy.  We had so many families show up.  It was a fun night!

On Thursday my kids were EXCITED.  We had a fun day!  We did some work but we also colored, watched a movie, and did a fun math activity.

Marked safe

The picture on the right is my car after school on Thursday.  The one on the right is from Friday morning. 🙁

Friday was the end of the 1st Quarter.  Yep, 10 weeks working with my 2nd graders.  That means 30 more to go.  Sigh.  10 weeks felt like a lifetime.  I really shouldn’t complain since I “only” have 16 students, but it’s been very challenging due to the different levels and some behavior issues.  

So that night I went out with friends for dinner and drinks.  We ordered a pitcher of cucumber margarita.  It was so good.  I drank it like I hadn’t drank any water at all.  Yeah, I paid the price of it later since I woke up with a slight headache on Saturday morning.  

Who else watched the NYC Marathon?  I am a huge Desi fan and was rooting for her to win.  She had a lead but ended up in 6th place.  

I had no desire to ever run the NYC Marathon but now watching the race got me motivated.  I entered the early drawing for 2020.  I am also going to enter the MCM lottery and hopefully get selected for one of the marathons.

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Have you run the NYC Marathon?  What are your marathons plans for 2020?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Recovery week and 2 runs

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Whew!  I can honestly say that this week went by fast!  As usual, it was busy at work but still very productive.  Parent/teacher conferences are on November 12th.  Our school is doing student led conferences and I need to get some of my students ready for it.  The main difference from traditional conferences is that in student led conferences, the students do most of the talking.  I know I complain that my students talk a lot but yeah no so much for conferences.  I have 16 students and will be doing individual/traditional conferences for 9 of them.

I am not sure what is going on but I was very tired l after school.  I took a few naps.  Did the race affect me that much?

Nap Time GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I will have my race recap on Tuesday.  The Detroit Free Press TCF Half Marathon was so much fun.  The best part was running in Canada.  If you want to run it next year, the date is October 18, 2020.  Save the date!

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Monday morning I saw a gorgeous sunrise!  


My mother spends the weekend with me and my sister.  It gives her a change of scenery plus it gives my sister a break (the one she lives with).  Her caregiver drops her off on Thursday afternoon and then I take her home on Sunday evening.  

On Thursday, after my nap, I was craving pozole.  I called a local restaurant to make sure they were selling it.  They did so my mother and I went there.  It was yummy!

Saturday morning I woke up very cold.  I did not want to run.  I am NOT ready for this “cold” weather.  Well, I finally went out for 2 miles.  I overdressed.  I was warm and sweating and it was OK.  🙂


My babies finally cuddled!  Mateo is a trouble maker and likes to pick on Lola.  He chases her, bites her,  and jumps on her ready to play.  She does not like it at all.   There were both on the sofa napping and then somehow Mateo moved closer to Lola and went back to sleep.

Today’s run was GORGEOUS!!!  It was warmer than yesterday.  I ran 3 miles and in shorts.  Fall is my favorite season!  On December 14 I will be running the Kiawah Island Half Marathon.  I have my ticket but still need to find a place to stay.  I leave Friday morning and will come back on Saturday after the race.  I might go in on Thursday or stay an extra night so I can explore a bit.  Have you been there?


I don’t really hate Halloween but I do hate how chaotic it is at school.  Students are allowed to come to school in costumes, so you can imagine the excitement.  Because of said excitement, students are not in the mood to work so it is hard to do any teaching.  Plus, we have a parade around 1 and then a Halloween party.  I believe the party is optional but really can I say “No”?  I don’t wear a “real” costume but just a small witch hat and a pumpkin skirt.

I didn’t run a lot this week due to recovering from my half marathon.  I was more sore than I thought I was going to be.  I felt like I had run a marathon.  Well, that’s what I get for not training properly.  🙂

Have you eaten pozole?  Did you like it?  Are you a Halloween fan?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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