Category: Weekly Run Down

Weekly Run Down: Spring and my first race

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I am trying something new to post my weekly mileage.  I got the idea from Melissa at I Crashed the Web.  I asked her about it and she told me she uses Canva.  I also have used it for my blog posts and love the different options that are available.  What do you think?  Too bright?  Too dark?

Anyway, this was a long and hectic week at work.  Nothing specific but I was very tired and was very happy when it was finally Friday.  Almost winter break!

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This week again consisted of 3 easy runs and 1 speed workout.  I had to do my speed workout on Tuesday (did it on Wednesday).  I woke up on time and got ready.  However, something didn’t feel right and I went back to sleep.  An hour later I felt much better!


My speed workout was 15 minutes warm up and cool down, 4×2 minutes with 1 1/2 minutes recovery, and then 3x 1 1/2 minutes intervals with 2 minutes recovery.  I did pretty good, but somehow I messed up on the last one.


Wore some colorful tights for the 1st day of Spring!


We did a fun Spring activity with the kids. Yep, all 4 classes which was over 90 students. Pretty cool, right?  Our next one will be next month for Easter.

Here is the link if you want to make it with your kids.

I went to the expo Saturday morning to get my bib.  I wasn’t there too long but did run into a few friends.  I did buy 3 Sparkly Soul headbands and a few Nuun tubes.

Saturday night I laid out my stuff for the next morning.  I was debating between shorts and compression socks OR tights since it was supposed to rain in the morning.  I ended up with the shorts with compression socks because it did not rain.

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I met up with a few friends before and after the race.  My goal was simply to finish under an hour and to have fun.  It was my first race of the year and I wanted to enjoy it.  I definitely did.  It didn’t rain.  I finished in less than an hour. I had fun.  🙂  I will have a race recap on Tuesday. 

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Later today I will go to my mom’s (she came back from Mexico yesterday) because my cousins are coming over to eat some mole. << A popular and delicious Mexican food.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: More shoes and a cold again

Weekly Runs: March 11-17

M 3 miles
T Did not run
W Did not run
TH 4.83 miles
F 4 miles
S 4 miles  
S Did not run

I am jealous of everyone running the NYC Half Marathon today. 🙂  But I am also happy.  

Remember how last week I wrote about the Glycerin 17?  I ordered another pair and those fit much better.  I ran 4 miles in them yesterday. They are very soft and feel comfortable.  Anyone else running in these shoes?

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I also received 2 pairs of Tieks.  Aren’t they gorgeous?  Love them.  I know they’re pricey but I am on my feet most of the day and these are comfortable for me.

I was sick (again) early in the week.  I did my runs on different days than I was supposed to, but I got them done.  I also stayed home from work on Wednesday.  Going back on Thursday I did feel better, but not 100 percent better.  Today I feel much better.

This week was 3 easy runs and 1 speed workout.  Monday morning I had no problem waking up after the time change, but I did pay for it later.  I was EXHAUSTED!  I did see the most beautiful sunrise on my way to work.


I was supposed to do my speed workout on Tuesday but did it on Thursday.  It was warm enough that I wore shorts!  Love that I was able to hit the required paces.  Plus, I got negative splits on the intervals!!

On Saturday the plan was to run 6 miles with the last 2 being my fastest.  I ended up doing 4 with the last 2 being the fastest.  Still counts, right?

On Friday the 2nd graders did leprechaun traps.  They brought all of the materials from home (boxes, paper towel rolls, glitter, etc.).  One of the teachers did a rotation schedule and every 20 minutes there were 2 different set of kids working on their trap.  They had a blast!  At the end of the day I asked them if they thought they would catch a leprechaun.  They responded “Yes”!  We’ll find out tomorrow.  🙂

Two more weeks of school and then Spring Break!!

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Running and my upcoming races

Disclaimer:  I received a free entry to the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle and the Delaware Half Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro.  Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find and write race reviews!

Weekly Runs: March 4-10

M 4 miles
T Did not run
W 3.60 miles
TH Did not run
F 3.01 miles
S 5 miles  
S Did not run

I am finally back to running.  It wasn’t easy since we are still dealing with cold and windy weather.  How much longer till Spring?

This month I am excited to run my first race of the year and one of my favorites in Chicago – Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle.  I have been running this race since 2005 and I think I’ve missed 2 or 3 years?  I love the distance and the location.  I was planning to sign up anyway but when a race entry become available through BibRave, I immediately requested to sign up!  Check out the medal, hat, and shirt!  If you want to join me and thousand of other runners, sign up HERE.

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Next month I will run the Delaware Half Marathon which will be my 39th state in my Race in the 50 states+1 goal.  I am even more excited because I will see Kim (KookyRunner).  I first met her in 2017 when she ran the Chicago Marathon, but only got to talk to her for like a minute because she had to keep running and other family members were waiting for her too.  The picture below is from the second time seeing her on the course right before the finish line.  Join us!  Use code DelawareRave19 for 10% off the registration fee.


On Wednesday I received my newest Brooks shoes.  I got them in purple and they’re so pretty.  For some reason they fit me weird, so I ordered another pair in a different color (some of the Launch 5 are like that too).  How awesome is this video!

My runs this week were mostly “easy”.  My coach has me running them between 11:56 – 13:04 pace.  It is a nice and comfortable pace and many times I welcome it when I am very tired and just want to run “slow”.  I did have one speed workout and those I actually enjoy.  The plan was 15 minutes warmup and cooldown with 8×2 minutes at marathon pace with 2 minutes jog/recovery.  I ran out of time and managed only 4 sessions .  <<Not sure what they’re called?  Workouts?

I had another easy run on Thursday but was too cold and decided to do it instead on Friday morning.  However, it was the same temperature on Friday morning but didn’t feel as cold.  Weird.  It actually felt good running!  We also got a bit more snow but it quickly melted.

Saturday was 5 miles and I waited as long as I could for it to warm up.  It didn’t.  It was 40 degrees but yet windy and cold.  

This week we had a week of various Dr. Seuss activities (4 days since we had no school on Monday).  One of them was crazy socks day!  I received many compliments from teachers and the students just laughed.  🙂  The rest of the days were crazy hair and crazy hat, with one day for students to submit a drawing of anything of Dr. Seuss.  Definitely a fun week!

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Overall it was a good but busy week.  I maybe not have done all of my runs on the days that my coach asked me to, but I got them done.  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: More cold weather and getting back to running

Hello there!  I am late to the party and had no idea that the weekly link up hosted by Holly and Wendy was retired, but excited that Kim and Deborah have decided to keep it going with hosting a “new” weekly link up!  I am hoping to post regularly here and read about everyone’s week.

Hello March 2019

I can’t believe that we’re already in March!  Glad that February is behind us and hopefully the nasty, cold weather we’ve been having here in the Midwest will go away.  I am actually pretty tired of it.  Unfortunately, the cold weather got to me and I missed so many runs because I didn’t want to deal with the cold weather.  I mean, I am sort of OK with running in cold weather (and actually wrote a post on my essentials) but it was just too much for me.

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I have a few races coming up and realized that I needed to get out of this funk and start running again.  I signed up to train again with Mary and am excited about it.  She is so patient with me and I love working with her.

In order to get ready for a new training cycle with Mary, I decided to start “new” with running shoes.  I had 4 new pairs of the Brooks Launch 5 and sent them back to Running Warehouse.  Currently I have a pair of the Brooks Ghost 11, a pair of the Launch 5, and recently received the Brooks Launch 6.  I am thinking of buying the Glycerin 17.  That is 4 pairs in rotation.  Too many or not enough?  🙂

This week was kind of blah for me.  Still no running (only ran 4 miles on Saturday) but kept busy at school.  I had parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday.  I have 21 students and was able to see 17 parents.  I rarely wear heels to work (I am more of a Tieks girl) but somehow decided to wear boots on Tuesday.  Big mistake.  My feet were hurting by the time I got to school and had to wear gym shoes when I wasn’t meeting with parents.  Not pretty but at least I was comfortable.

This Monday is the beginning of a RunBet hosted by Deborah.  Have you signed up?  My goal is not just to win money, but NOT to lose any money.  🙂  That means I need to run 4 times each week for the month of March.  If interested, sign up HERE.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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