What a week! It was my first week of summer school and it went by fast. I like the schedule. I start at 8am and get off at 12:15pm. My last day is Wednesday, July 3rd. Not bad huh? Currently I have 12 students and hope I don’t get more. I have 3 that are so well behaved and pleasant. However, I have 6 that cannot read. How is that possible? Very sad and depressing. My students will be going to 2nd grade in August.
Monday was 3 miles in the morning. Great but sweaty run! After school I did laundry and then and took a nap with Lola. 🙂
Tuesday was 5 miles and it was also a sweaty one. Great weather for a run! My sister and nephew flew in from San Antonio and they will be here for a week. They’re both here to see my mom and other family members and to celebrate his HS graduation.
I was supposed to do a speed workout on Thursday but could not get up in the morning. I was so tired. Then I thought maybe I could do it Friday morning. Nope. After school on Friday I met a friend for lunch and then came home and took a nap.
Again with the crazy weather. While it has been warm in the afternoon, it is a little chilly in the morning and evening. During the winter I use a blanket to sleep and during the summer a sheet. Now I get cold at night and need a blanket. All day Thursday I felt cold and like I was getting sick. I emailed my coach about missing my Thursday workout and not being up for running 13 miles on Saturday. She told me to do my best, rest up, and get better. I felt better on Friday and went to bed that night with the intention of running 13 miles (being positive).
On Saturday I went to the lake instead of The Arboretum. My sister was having a graduation party for my nephew and she wanted me to be home as early as possible. Well, I wanted to be home early too for a nap. 🙂
I drank Generation UCAN in the morning and also made my own gel to use on my run. Elizabeth uses UCAN on her runs and gave me the idea to make a gel. I used a reusable food pouch to store the gel. While I like the cranberry raspberry in the liquid format, I was not a big fan of it in the gel format. It tasted funny. I also have chocolate and will try that next in a gel (I like it mixed with water).
The weather was perfect! Marathon training has begun and there were so many people out there. The last time I ran on the lakefront was 3 weeks ago. I was surprised to see some parts of the path flooded. The ducks were enjoying it!
I don’t think I’ve ever run 13 miles while training for a half marathon. I felt good at the beginning and then slowly got tired. I was supposed to run 7 miles as a warmup, 4 at marathon pace (10:43) and 2 as a cooldown. I did not hit the marathon pace. I tried. However, I am proud for running 13 miles and felt better at the end than when I ran 10 miles last week. I had some UCAN gel at 6.5 miles and then again 3 miles later. The food pouch was so easy to use and I am planning to use it again for future long runs.
I wore a new Oiselle tank and goodness sake but that thing chafed the heck out of me. It was painful and so uncomfortable. There was even some blood on the tank. I love the look of it and the material but definitely not made for a long and sweaty run.
There was a Color Run Race going on and for some reason I have never been interested in them. You? They do look fun though!
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.