Weekly Run Down: A field trip to the zoo and a half marathon

Weekly Mileage-6.jpgDoes it finally feel like Spring where you live?  Mother Nature is definitely cruel.  While we had some nice weather this week, Chicago got more snow on Saturday.  I was out of town but still couldn’t believe it.

On Thursday we went to the zoo.  Originally we wanted to go on Friday but there weren’t district busses available to take us to the zoo.  It was great on Thursday.  The weather was perfect and it wasn’t crowded.

I was EXHAUSTED by the time we got back to school. We didn’t walk a lot but still.  One of my students told me that it was the best day ever!  🙂  It was so sad to see the polar bears.  One of them was trying to sit but couldn’t.  Walking was another story.  The bear could hardly walk and it was sad. ☹️😞  My coworker sent me this article.  I think it was the bear we saw.  No pictures other than the bear and the gorillas.  Not sure why I didn’t take more pictures.

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Trip to Brookfield Zoo-1

My best workout this week was on Wednesday.  It was 1.5 miles warm up, 5×2 minutes intervals with 2 minutes recovery, and 1.5 miles cool down for a total of 4.64 miles.

I got some new socks.  How is it that new socks make me happy?

As of Friday, we have 25 days left till summer break.  I am excited!  However, I will have one week off before I start summer school.  I am looking forward to it too.  The hours are great and my last day will be July 6th.

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On Saturday I flew to Philadelphia and then took a shuttle to Wilmington, DE for the Delaware Half Marathon.  How is it that one can pack so much for a one day trip?

Once at the hotel, I picked up my bib and went to get something to eat.  The restaurant I went to was about 5 minutes from my hotel.  I had a chicken wrap with fries and a beer flight.  

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2019 Delaware Half Marathon-15

My coach asked me to do a 20 minute shakeout run.  That didn’t happen.  I was too tired from the trip and the food made me sleepy.  After my nap I met Kim for dinner.

Time to run 13.1 miles!  I will have my race recap on Tuesday.

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Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 69

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Honestly I don’t understand the point of Easter baskets.  Maybe because as a child I never got one?  On Sunday I saw on my Facebook feed so many pictures of Easter baskets and couldn’t comprehend why they’re such a big deal.

• I love coffee cream.  I know it isn’t healthy and sometimes I use almond milk in my coffee instead of cream.  Anyway, I saw a Peeps coffee cream at Target and almost bought it.  Then I remembered that I don’t like Peeps.  Has anyone tried it?

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• As you know, I love all sorts of pens and have lots of them in my classroom.  I found this at home and have NO idea how that happened.  The ink is blue but the cap is black.  It is giving me anxiety.  🙂


 • On Monday I went to a meeting in the afternoon at another school.  I had to leave during my lunch time (11:30 and the meeting was at 12:00).  I was very annoyed that not only was lunch not provided, but water wasn’t either.  I mean, really?  Nothing.  No food.  No water.  Last fall I went to an all day meeting and no food and no water.  Not even coffee!  Who has a meeting like that?

• I’ve had my car since 2006.  It has over 105,000 miles.  I love it but know that eventually I will have to get another one.  Last week I noticed a small crack on the passenger side of the windshield.  Within a few days that crack had spread to the driver side.  I called Safelite and got an appointment for Tuesday.  I went in at 3:30 and my car was ready in an hour.  They provided great service!  As much as I enjoyed their service, I hope I never have to go there again.  🙂

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Tuesday Topics: Some new fitness gadgets I’d like to try

As a runner, I make sure I have the “best” gear for me.  I like my Brooks shoes, Oiselle clothes, Smartwool socks, and Garmin watch.  I don’t think I need anything else.  I am horrible when it comes to stretching and I rarely use my foam roller.  Hopefully that will change soon since many of you have commented how much better you feel when you use it.  I have a couple of them and honestly I don’t need that many.  Or do I?  I forgot to mention that I also have an R8 Roll Recovery (older version) but that thing HURTS!!!

However, there are a few other things that I would like to try or buy.

• A Peloton bike.  It will be one of the first things I buy when I move to a house.  I love reading about Kim and Deborah’s fun classes in their bike.


PowerDot Electrical Muscle StimulatorIt provides therapy for tired muscles and aching joints no matter where you go.  This little gadget helps you:

     • Recover faster
     • Massage out knots 
     • Avoid training fatigue
     • Relieve muscle and joint soreness
     • Increase muscle strength and endurance
     • Increase blood circulation
     • Warm up muscles to prevent injury
     • Feel your best    


• High Intensity Vibrating Fitness RollerOK so I just wrote that I rarely use my foam roller, but this one looks so cool!  I remember a few months ago someone told me about a heated foam roller.

• Compression boots.  I have used them at expos and they are truly amazing!  I think one time I almost fell asleep.

• Whole Body CryotherapyWhy not?  I read that the benefits of it outweigh those of a traditional ice bath.  Should I believe everything I read online?  🙂

Tuesday Topics

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What are some new fitness gadgets you’d like to try?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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Weekly Run Down: A short work week and running in shorts

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This week I went to work Monday-Wednesday.  On Thursday we had an Institute Day and Friday was Good Friday.  Even though it is a public school, we are always off on Good Friday. 

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The 2nd grade students did another art project.  This time we did an Easter Egg Wreath.  It was more work and more supplies to buy but the students had fun!


After Sunday’s weather fiasco, it warmed up to do some runs in shorts!  I was supposed to run 5 miles on Monday but had no desire to deal with the snow and did my run on Tuesday.



Thursday’s workout was 2 miles warmup, 6×25 seconds intervals with 90 seconds recovery, and 2 miles cooldown.  The warmup and cooldown felt more tough than the intervals.  I am pretty pleased with how I did though!


It did rain for bit while I was out there but I was home by the time it began to rain more.  While out on my run I saw a few male workers.  I moved to the other side of the street because I had no desire to deal with any comments/catcalls.  Would they have said something?  Maybe, I don’t know.  There have been a few times that some men have made some comments.  So annoying.

We also had some sunny but windy days where it was got cold.  On Friday I struggled just to run 3 miles.  I am loving again the Brooks Levitate 1.  Bought a pair at Nordstrom and purchased another pair from eBay.  I like those so much better than the 2s and definitely more than the Brooks Glycerin (sending those back).  


I procrastinated my run on Saturday.  I slept in till 8:30 and still did not feel like running.  I was on my computer for a few hours before deciding to get out.  I had to do 8 miles but did not want to do that with it being so windy.   I took some Generation UCAN and filled my water bottles with UCAN Hydrate.  

It was awful.  I was OK for 3 miles and then the wind sucked everything out of me.  I almost cried.  I wanted to quit.  The reason I didn’t is because of my race next weekend.  My coach wanted me to do some miles at marathon pace but I didn’t and I didn’t care.  The way I was feeling I just wanted to finish the 8 miles.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 68

Random Thoughts Thursday

• You all know about my love for Ticonderoga pencils.  For sure it will be C and then A. 

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• Thanks to Facebook for the reminders.  Last year on April 15 was in the 70s.  This year we had snow.

• I don’t mess with sleep.  I’m a Scorpio and 1 hour is not enough.   

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• I registered yesterday for the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon for next year.  I don’t remember having to answer these questions on other registration forms.  Seriously they want to know my marital status and ethnicity?

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• Our administrators treated us to a salad bar.  It was totally unexpected but definitely nice.  It definitely inspired me to eat more salads during lunch.  I had two plates but was still hungry at 2pm (my lunch is at 11:30am).

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