Thank you again to everyone that has been linking up with us each week. I am enjoying reading everyone’s post whether it is on the topic of the week or a totally different topic . I have updated the Tuesdays Topics Linkup page (as well as listed them below) to include our topics till June. Kim and I hope that you’ll continue to link up with us!
19-What do you bring along on a run?
26-What are your favorite non-running or non-fitness hobbies?
2-What’s the best and worst race swag you ever received?
9-What’s your favorite cross training activity?
16-What are your favorite recovery tools?
23-What are some new fitness gadgets you’d like to try?
30-Free topic
7- What’s your favorite cheat meal?
14- How has running made you a better person?
21- Are you a solo or group runner?
28- What are your tips for surviving your first {pick a distance}?
4-How will you celebrate Global Running Day?
11-What are your Summer running tips?
18-What are your Summer running plans and/or race schedule?
25-Free topic
In previous years I remember doing my runs after work. However, since about a year and a half, almost all of my runs have been in the morning before work. I am a morning person. Even on days when I don’t have to go to work, I am up between 5:30-6:00 am. But there are days that I do like to sleep in. Who doesn’t? I also prefer running in the morning because then I am done with it and don’t have to worry about getting it done later. Sometimes I have plans after work with no time for a run or sometimes I am too tired after work and just want to get home and rest.
I am not training for a marathon so my runs on the weekdays are no more than 5 miles. My long run is on the weekends. On the days I do run, I wake up at 4:30 am. I hate rushing and waking up that early gives me enough time to make coffee, use the bathroom, and get ready. Sometimes I sleep a bit longer for about 5-10 minutes. I like to be back by 6am so I can shower, get ready, and leave for work. I get to work by 7am even though my official start time isn’t till 8:30.
There are days in which I have absolutely NO desire to run in the morning. It is either too cold or I am tired. In that case I run after work either outside or at the gym. And if that doesn’t happen, then I don’t fret about it and see if I can run the next day. My coach tells me to “Move on”.
Below is what I do to prepare for my morning run. You may think “Well, duh”. 🙂 I know, I know.
• I have my clothes ready for the next day. I check the weather for the next day so I’ll know how many layers I will need (during the winter). Warmer weather is the best because all I need are shorts and a top!
• I have a mug and pod ready to make my coffee in my Keurig. All I do is turn it on. Sometimes I drink my coffee while getting ready.

• Along with clothes, I need my watch, belt, headlamp, lightening layer, pepper spray, and headphones. I have a crate in the living room where I keep those items and put them on before walking out the door. That crate is also Lola’s condo. 🙂

• I keep my shoes in the hallway. Actually, I take them off before coming inside my apartment. No sense in walking inside with them since I will use them again the next day or sometime that week.

• Go to bed early! To me that means in bed by 9pm.

This week’s Tuesday Topic: Are you a day or night runner? You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!