Random Thoughts Thursday 56

Random Thoughts Thursday

• How cute is this coaster and magnets?  I love them.  A coworkers makes them and I bought a few from her.  Conchas are my favorite Mexican pastries.  Really good with coffee!

Coasters and magnets-1.jpg

• It is cold here and it is supposed to get colder.  It was very cold on Sunday and Monday.  I hate winter!


• Last week I lost all of my files in my flash drive and this week I lost my phone.  I  went to do laundry on Sunday and when I arrived at the laundromat, I realized I didn’t have my phone.  I thought that maybe I left it at home.  When I was done and went home, I couldn’t find it.  I retraced my steps and still couldn’t find it.  🙁  I ended up getting the iPhone X.  So far I like it and am used to not having the home button.

• Winter and snow in Chicago means people save their parking spots.  I get a kick out of seeing what people use to save their spots.  I’ve seen the usual plastic chair and milk crate, but the funniest are a kid’s plastic car and an ironing board.

 • I saw this soup bowl cover thingy at Walmart.  I happen to come across it in the soup aisle.  🙂  I will admit I was a little bit skeptical about it but it is actually pretty cool.  I poured the can of soup in the bowl and then warmed it up in the microwave.  No hot bowl!

Soup bowl cover-1.jpg

Tuesday Topics: How I fuel for a run

Thank you for linking up with us!  I love reading everyone’s post and learning more about you.

We got hit with some snow over the weekend.  Ugh, I hate snow!  You’d think that by now I would be used to it?  Nope.  Never.  I went out on Saturday for a run but couldn’t navigate the street and sidewalk with all of the snow.  Frustrated I went home.  I could have gone to the gym but didn’t want to deal with running 6 miles on the treadmill.

Throughout my years of running I’ve used many different brands of fuel.  I remember in the beginning I would only use Gatorade.  Why not?  It was there at almost every race and everyone swore by it.  I didn’t know any better.

With so many brands out there, it is hard to find the “best” one.  I can only tell you what I like and works for me, but maybe you are already using them or will be intrigued to try one of them.

Nuun:  This isn’t exactly a fuel but I use it every single day whether I run or not.  During the week my runs are usually 3-5 miles and I try to do them before work.  It is way too early to eat anything so I just drink coffee and water with Nuun.  I am not exactly a fan of the “new” taste from 2-3 years ago (Nuun Hydration).  I still buy the old version from Amazon.  My favorite flavors were Watermelon and Kona Cola.  Now I like grape and orange.

Generation UCAN:  Who hasn’t heard of UCAN?  If it is good enough for Meb, then it is good enough for me.  I remember first hearing about this from Rebecca on a trip to San Diego.  She told me that her coach recommended it.  I didn’t care for it back then but began using it about 3 years.  It took some time to get used to this because I was used to eating a gel every 3-4 miles.  With UCAN it is different.  Depending on how long your run is, you drink this about 30 minutes before and then drink water for the rest of your run.  I’ve heard of people drinking another serving or using a gel or some other sort of fuel for the rest of the run.  “UCAN delivers smarter energy powered by SuperStarch®, a slow-release complex carbohydrate that uniquely delivers steady, long-lasting energy to keep you fueled and feeling good!”  I know Elizabeth has made a gel to use on her runs.  She also wrote a great review about Generation UCAN.  

Generation UCan-1.jpg

Huma Gels:  This is an all natural chia gel.  They also taste great!  I’ve also used these here and there.  The secret is the chia seeds.  The Tarahumara runners use chia seeds for fuel on their ultramarathons.  I have tried almost all of the flavors but the ones I like more are the Huma +.  The Strawberry Lemonade is delicious!

Maurten:  I’ve used both the gel and drink mix.  The taste is sweet and the consistency of the gel reminds me of jello.  There is only one version of the gel while there are two for the drink mix (Drink Mix 160 and Drink Mix 320).  “The Drink Mix 320 contains nearly 14 percent – or 80 grams – of carbohydrates when mixed.  That’s about twice as much carbs as was previously thought possible for the body to tolerate.”  Other benefits of the drink include no added flavor and no colorants or preservatives.  The drink really has no flavor but just reminds me of water and sugar mixed together.  


Right now in my pantry I have Generation UCAN, Nuun, and Huma Gels.  I am training for a couple half marathons and plan to use them on my training runs.

Tuesday Topics

This week’s Tuesday Topic: How do you fuel for a run?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Random Thoughts Thursday 55

Random Thoughts Thursday

• We got snow on Saturday.  I dislike it.  I hate it.  Luckily it wasn’t too bad but we’re supposed to get more this weekend.  I went out for a run and it wasn’t that fun.

• A heated blanket is the best!  Get one.  It has kept me warm during these cold days.

Heated Blanket-1

 • I’ve been teaching since 2009 and use a flash drive for ALL of my files.  I’ve been using this little guy for a number of years.  Somehow something happened over the weekend and when I tried to access some files on Monday, there was nothing there.  I took it to Best Buy and apparently the metal thingie is bent.  I need to take it to a place to solder it together or I can pay about $1,600 to have someone from Geek Squad retrieve my files.  I should be in tears, but surprisingly I am feeling very relaxed.  Maybe I am still in denial?

Flash drive-1.jpg

  • This made me laugh.  Sometimes I feel like this in the morning.

Cinderella Humor

  • To go with the flash drive point mentioned above, I bought two different ones.  I am using the one on the left and like it.  It is small and no chance of it being bent which is what happened with the other one.  

Flash drive-2.jpg

Tuesday Topics: My favorite gifts I received over the holidays

I am embarrassed to admit that I don’t give gifts during the holiday.  I only buy two books for my students.  I like to give gifts year round and it is usually something small like coffee, a book, or a gift card.

Books for students-1

I was surprised because I received quite a few gifts this holiday season.  I am not saying I received a lot but definitely more than I expected.  For Christmas we got together with my brother and his wife.  Most of her family was there too including a brother, wife, and kids from Ecuador.  Yes, a lot of family.

Also, my birthday is in November so a few coworkers got together to get me a few gifts which I received right before winter break.  

Let me tell you what I received:

A heated blanket. The best. Came in handy these past few cold days.  I love using it when I am on the sofa watching TV or playing a game on my phone.

Purple Champion Sweater.  I love the color and how it feels.  Also, keep me warm throughout the day at home and school.

Champion sweater-1.jpg

Velvet Plush Oversized Throw.  It is very soft and a pretty color.  I have a couple other ones but you can never have too many. 

Oversized Throw-1.jpg

Chocolate covered Oreo cookies.  I love chocolate and I love Oreo cookies.  The box I got had cookies covered in white and milk chocolate.  So good.  The brand is Maggie Lyon Chocolatiers in case you want to get some for yourself.  Check out the site as you’ll find some other delicious treats!

Starbucks gift card.  Need I say more?

Candy box.  I think overall this was the BEST one.  I got it from a former student.  He was in my 2nd grade classroom and is now in 5th grade.  I almost cried when he came into my room.  I was so happy to see him because I definitely wasn’t expecting a gift from him.

Weighted blanket.  I’ve heard so many great things about it and bought one for me from Weighted Comforts.  I slept well during winter break, but it could be that I was tired.  Or it could have been that I would go to bed late (later than usual for me) and I would sometimes sleep in in the morning.

Weighted Blanket-1.jpg

Tuesday Topics

This week’s Tuesday Topic: What were your favorite gifts you received over the holidays?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Random Thoughts Thursday 54

Random Thoughts Thursday

• For all of those coffee lovers!  It has to be the “real” deal, right?

Regular or decaf coffee
• Anyone eat overnight oats?.  They’re one of my favorite things to eat in the morning.  I bought a few mason jars with wide-mouth lids from Target.  I added oats, almond milk, Orgain protein powder, and moringa (green superfood and a good source of calcium, iron, and fiber).  You can also substitute chia seeds for the oats.  I did both and prefer the oats.

• I am no longer wearing my Fitbit.  I did a Step Bet Challenge for 6 weeks and I decided to take a break from it.  Now instead I am wearing my wraps from Momentum Jewelry.  I love the colors and each message designed to inspire and motivate you.  Right now there is a sale going on, so go to the site to purchase your own.

Momentum Jewelry Wrap-1.jpg

  • You know I have a pen obsession.  My students tell me that I do not need more.  🙂


  • The book I am reading right now.  It may be cheesy and cause some eye rolls, but it is still good.

Nicholas Sparks-1.jpg