What’s not to love about running? Well right now the only thing I am not loving is the weather. I am sorry but I cannot stop complaining about it. Snow, cold, deep freeze, more snow, and ice storm is what we have been dealing with here in the midwest. I know I can use the treadmill but that does get boring after a while.
Last week I wasn’t feeling well and had to skip a few of my runs. I’ve been tired and sometimes had an achy body. My coach told me to sleep and get some rest. I am feeling better and will attempt to run today.
Before I talk about today’s topic, let me show you the activity I did with my kids yesterday. We did a 3D Hot Air Balloon Card. It was so much fun! Below is the video and pictures of the finished product.
Now let me tell why I do love running. 🙂
• The gear – I love treating myself to new gear. It makes me happy and gets me excited to go running. About 99% of my gear is from Oiselle. During the warm wear you can find me running in the long rogas. I have 24 pairs of the long rogas (and 5 of the regular rogas) and always get excited when I get another pair.
• Traveling to different states – I love travelling to various states to run a half marathon. I’m at state #39 and this year I will be traveling to DE, MT, SC, and MI.

• FREE and easy to do – All you need is good running gear and the proper shoes and off you go! No never know once you lace up where running may lead you.
• My time – Running is my alone time. I usually run in the morning and it is the perfect time to clear my head and get ready for the day.

This week’s Tuesday Topic: What do you love about running? You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!