Tuesday Topics: What I’m looking forward to this year

Welcome to the first Tuesday Topics Linkup!  Kookyrunner (Kim) and I are taking over the previous Tuesdays on the Run hosted by Patty, Erika, and Marcia.  We have some fun topics to write about this year so hopefully you’ll join us every Tuesday.  For the list of topics and some guidelines, click HERE.  We also have a giveaway so make sure to enter!


Another year full of exciting new things waiting to happen.  I went back to work yesterday and while it was nice to be off, I did miss my kids and look forward to my routine.  Remind me of this when I complain about how tired I am and cannot wait for school to be over.  🙂

During my time off I thought about a few things that I am excited about and looking forward to this year.  Last year I wrote a similar post and realized that a few of them are included in this year’s post.  Here they are in no specific order or importance.

This year's goals-1

1. The Lion King.  This is my FAVORITE Disney movie and I CANNOT WAIT.

2. This new linkup.  I am happy to be doing this with Kim.  I am also excited to get to know many of you better and follow along on your personal, running, and other journeys and experiences.

3. Move to a house.  For sure I will move this year.  My landlord is waiting for me to leave so he can remodel the apartment and possibly rent it out for more money.  This house is a bit old and the inside is outdated.  I have an idea of the kind of house I want and the area but still it is hard to find one that isn’t too expensive and/or that doesn’t require any work to be done to it.

4. Run a couple half marathons in new states.  Currently I’ve completed 39 half marathons in different states.  I am signed up for SC and MT.  Planning to also add MI and DE.  

5.  Washer and dryer.  With the new house I will also have a washer and dryer.  I don’t have one in the apartment building so my sister and I go to the laundromat.  It isn’t that bad and it is about 1/2 mile away.  But I do miss the convenience of going down to the basement to do laundry.

6. Trips to TX, WA, and Mexico.  I have two nephews that graduate in June and my niece in August.  One nephew lives in San Antonio and the other one in Seattle.  Luckily the graduations take place on two separate weekends so we’ll have a chance to attend both of them.  I am excited for my mother to go to Seattle.  She’s been to San Antonio but never to Seattle.  I am sure she’ll be happy to see another grandson graduate from a university.  Last year she went to San Francisco!

Now let’s talk about the giveaway.  There will be two prizes: 1) A pair of Lily Trotter Compression Socks and pair of Lock Laces and 2) 2019 Journal.

Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter.   This giveaway will run until January 11th at 11:59 pm.  The winner will be selected on January 12th.  The giveaway is open to US residents only.  All entries are verified, so please be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday Topics

This week’s writing prompt:  What are you looking forward to this year?  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Random Thoughts Thursday 53

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Happy New Year!  How is it already 2019?  How did you ring in the new year?  My sisters and I went to my cousin’s house and I was there till almost 2am.  We ate, drank, laughed, talked, and danced.  Definitely a good time!

Champagne-1.jpg • On Sunday I went to a wedding and had so much fun!  I was listening to the groom’s brother giving his best man speech and a familiar face.  It happened to be my friend’s niece.  She is engaged to the bride’s brother.  Small world!  The wine was delicious and the party favors were adorable.

 • I purchased a new pair of Tieks shoes.  They were available for sale beginning on 12/31 at 11pm CT.  You bet I logged in but so did thousands (??) of other buyers.  There was a huge demand for those shoes, but I managed to buy a pair after midnight .  Can’t wait to get them on Monday.  Yes, I know they’re expensive but to me they’re worth it.  I wrote a little about them HERE.

  • I have a scale at home but rarely get on it.  Well, it needed new batteries and I replaced them on Wednesday.  I wasn’t surprised with the number that I saw.  I have been eating so much during winter break.  🙁

  • Did you ever use the Philosophy lotion, body gel, or eau de toilette?  I decided to just stick to one brand and bought a few items online.  I got got this on sale at Ulta!  This particular scent is new to me but years ago I would wear Pure Grace, Falling in Love, and Amazing Grace.



My 2018 Running Stats

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Hello there!  We are so close to saying goodbye to 2018.  It was another good year for me full of fun times with family and friends.

2018 Running Stats.jpg

I like to look back and write about my running stats.  I like seeing how I did and think about what I want to change or do different next year.  In the summer I started working again with Mary Johnson.  I enjoy working with her and love her workouts.  Next year I will continue working with her but also want to add yoga and/or strength training.  I cannot decide whether to join LA Fitness, CorePower Yoga, or Fit-Results😛

For now let’s check out my stats:


2018 Goal






Illinois Marathon-172


How was YOUR year?  

Random Thoughts Thursday 52

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Merry Christmas!  Did you have a great holiday?  I did.  My sisters and I went to my brother’s house.  It was a full house because his wife’s family from Ecuador were there too.  We ate, talked, and opened gifts.  I was embarrassed because I wasn’t expecting any gifts and left with four gifts.

• I am excited about my new calendar.  My sister and I got a calendar from our local laundromat.  Inside were coupons for one free wash each month.  Hey, it is the little things that I appreciate.  🙂

 Kim and I will be taking over the Tuesdays on the Run linkup.  We are very excited about it and hope that you will link up with us.  Our first post will be Tuesday, January 8.

  • Did you buy any after Christmas decorations.  I was at Target at 7am and bought a few ornaments and a couple of stocking holders.  But what I really wanted was a cat ornament with lights.  There was one but it was for display only.  I went back today and it was gone.  Either someone bought it or it was taken down since it wasn’t available at the store.

• Anyone saw Mary Poppins Returns?  I saw it yesterday and it was such a good movie!!

Random Thoughts Thursday 51

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Tomorrow is the last day of school before winter break!  I am excited and cannot wait.

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 • Finished wrapping my gifts for the kiddos.  Since my first year of teaching, I’ve given all of my students two books.

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 • Have you tried these chocolates?  They are so good.  Got them at Target so hurry and get your bag.  Lola was curious about them too.  No, I didn’t give her any.

  • Another photo of Lola because she is cute.  


 • Happy Holidays!  I hope you have a great day on Tuesdays with loved ones.

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