Fit Five Friday: 5 things to never do in the gym

Fit Five Friday-2We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!  This week’s topic is “5 things to never do in the gym”.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.

It’s been years since I’ve set foot in a gym.  I used to go there a lot to use the treadmill.  I’ve been a member of a few gyms but my favorite gym was Fitness Formula Club.  It was a great gym with lots of amenities but not close to my house.  I think I was a member for a year before I cancelled my membership.  

Here are a couple of things to never do in the gym.  Or maybe I should say I would never do in the gym.

➡️  Not wipe the equipment – That is very gross.  I don’t want to touch any of the equipment full of sweat.  Gyms have bottles of sprays, wipes, and sanitizers to clean and disinfect the equipment.

➡️  Listen to music without headphones – I like listening to music but always use my headphones.  Oh, and no singing loudly to the songs.

➡️  Make phone calls – I hate having to listen to people chat while they’re running.  There were times when I did answer the phone but got off the machine and went somewhere else to take the call.

➡️  Talk too much – You know how I feel about all of the talking.  🙂  I’ve been on treadmills where the person next to me was constantly talking to the person next to her.  I could hear them even with my headphones so I moved to another treadmill.

➡️  Spit into a water fountain –  This is gross too.  Use the trash can.

The topic for next week – Runfessions with Marcia.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: My plan to achieve my 2024 goals

Tuesday Topics-221This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What’s your plan to achieve your 2024 goals?  You can write about this topic or post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

In December I wrote about my 2024 goals.  Let me tell you how I plan to achieve these goals. 

➡️ Read 24 books.  I read 23 books last year.  24 books is 2 each month.  I think I can manage it.  I am impressed with people that read 50, 60, 70 books in a year.  I guess I can do it too if I didn’t watch so much TV.

➡️ PR in a race distance.  I haven’t decided if I want to work with a coach this year or train “properly”.  I know if I strength train that will help me be a stronger runner.

➡️ Run a half marathon in a different state.  I still need to run a half marathon in South Carolina, Kansas, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Idaho, New Mexico, and Hawaii.  For now I have my eye on the Fargo Half Marathon in North Dakota and the Garmin Olathe Half Marathon in Kansas.  With these states (except Kansas) I need to fly with an airline that is not Southwest and out of O’Hare.  Logistics is a bit complicated and more expensive.

➡️ Don’t procrastinate (too much).  I guess I will do what I have to do and not wait.  But there have been times in which I did procrastinate and the end result was better.

➡️ Switch retirement plan and add more money to it each month.  I’ve been wanting to do this for years.  I think I signed up for my retirement plan during my 1st or 2nd year teaching.  Since then I’ve met the financial advisor/agent maybe 2 or 3 more times.  I plan to retire before the age when I will receive 100% of my benefits.  I am OK with that so I need to make sure I save as much money as I can in the meantime.  I am not waiting till I am 65 to retire.  That means I need money for insurance too.

The topic for next week – What are you looking forward to this year?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Tuesday Topics

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Fit Five Friday: 5 things I want to accomplish this year

Fit Five Friday-1We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!  This week’s topic is “5 things I want to accomplish this year.”  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.

There are many things I want to accomplish this year.  Who doesn’t?  But for this post, I will narrow it to 5.  It was hard but these are the ones that stand out.

Run/walk 2,024 miles – I didn’t making a running goal this year because the past 2 years I didn’t meet my goal.  Someone posted on Instagram how she ran and walked 2,023 miles last year and that sparked my interest.  I signed up.  What I like about this goal is that I can include both running and walking.  No way do I want to run 2,024 miles.

Move – I know I’ve been saying it for YEARS and YEARS (same song), but I am hoping 2024 is THE year.  However, I do admit that the thought of owning a home does scare me because of the big responsibilities that come with it.  I wonder if in a way that has been holding me back from purchasing a home.

Listen – I mean, really listen.  I have noticed that sometimes while listening to someone say something to me, I am already thinking of my response.  Sometimes I don’t let that person finish what they’re saying because I interrupt them with my response.  I know, very rude, and I need to stop doing that.

Eat my lunch in the teacher’s lounge – I eat lunch in my classroom at 12pm.  By that time I want to be alone.  I know that I need to get out of my classroom and talk to other adults.  I eat and do some work and I shouldn’t have to do that.

Learn to eat with chopsticks – Haha, you are probably laughing.  I don’t know why I find it “cool” to eat with chopsticks.  I don’t plan to eat everything with them, but at least when I eat Asian food.  I am one that asks for a fork when I go to an Asian restaurant.  I bought a set at Ross and my nephew told me to practice with popcorn.

The topic for next week – 5 things to never do in the gym.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: My Winter running plans/race schedule

Tuesday Topics-219This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What are your Winter running plans or race schedule?  You can write about this topic or post any running-related blog post.  Remember to link up with Jenn and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Winter is my least favorite season/time for running, but it still needs to get done.  I cannot complain too much about it because this Winter has been mild.  Below are my running plans this Winter.

❄️ Be consistent with running.  I am am following Hal Higdon’s plan to train for the NYC Half Marathon.  I would like to run various race distances this year again.  Last year I did all except a 5k.

❄️ Run the NYC Half Marathon and the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle. I am excited to go back to NYC to run the half marathon.  I plan to be better prepared for this race, but my goals are to finish and to have fun.  The Shamrock Shuffle is one of my favorite races and am looking forward to it.

❄️ Continue/start walking again.  As if training for a half marathon wasn’t enough motivation,  I also signed up for the Run The Year Challenge.  My goal is to run and walk 2,024 miles this year.  I know, I know, I said I wasn’t going to set a goal for me.  I like this challenge because both running and walking count towards the goal.

❄️ Recover and stretch.  I have to take care of myself and my body.  It is one of my least favorite things to do but I know I have to do it.

❄️ Strength train.  The NYC Half Marathon is hilly.  Last year I did better than I expected but I know I can do better if I train for it properly and also strength train.  Plus, this will help me be a stronger runner and avoid injuries.

The topic for next week – What’s your plan to achieve your 2024 goals?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Tuesday Topics

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Fit Five Friday and January 2024 Ultimate Coffee Date

New Ultimate Coffee DateWelcome to the January edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah.  It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running with AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me!  

Now, grab a mug of your favorite beverage, and let’s chat briefly!

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I got a new domain for my blog.  I do like but wanted something different (the former still works and if you type that, it will direct you to the new one).  I really wanted a .com domain but it wasn’t available – it was over $2,000 to get it.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I was not picked to run the Chicago Marathon this year.  I read that 120,000 people entered the lottery.  I had mixed feelings about it.  I was relieved but at the same time upset.  I was hoping to run it this year but now am wondering if deep down I really, really wanted to run it or was it that I was inspired when I went to spectate in October.  I won’t pick another marathon nor will I apply through a charity, but if I get a bib then that will make me happy.  I plan to spectate again and that is ALWAYS fun.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that on Monday I went to an Amazon Fresh store.  Wow!  I felt like a kid in a candy store.  Not sure why since it is like a regular store.  I liked that I used a code on the Amazon app to get in and exit/pay.  I found a few things on sale and ended up buying all of the Starbucks Holiday Blend K-cups for me and my nieces.  Each box was $5.

I went to another one the next day and the experience was different.  I didn’t need a code to go in.  I had to use the self-checkout or the cashier to pay and exit.  There was a miscommunication with the price of iced coffee and the worker would not give it to for the price that was posted on the wall.  She told me that it was for another type of coffee (same brand) that was sold out but the sign said “All Varieties”.  I went to check again and took a picture of the sign to show her.  Then I showed it to her.  She had to go check again.  I was waiting for her to come back when another worker came by to ask if everything was OK.  I told her what was happening.  She then told me that any price discounts could not be done at the self-checkout and I had to go with a cashier (which the line was LONG).  She knew I was frustrated and proceeded to take care of me at Customer Service.

I know stores like Target would give me any discounts whether I pay with the cashier or a self-checkout.  I don’t understand why the same cannot be done at the Amazon Fresh store.  Overall, I like the stores.  They’re not close to my house but can see myself going again whenever I am in the area.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that today is my last day of Winter Break.  Two weeks off is just what I needed.  Another week would have been nice but oh well.  I created a few draft blog posts and wrote a few posts to be ready to be published.  I also read, watched TV, cuddled with my cats, and took it easy.  Next week I have a Teacher Institute Day on Monday so I won’t see my students until Tuesday.  I did miss them and can’t wait to see them again.

My next long break will be in April for Spring Break and then the last day of school is Thursday, May 30th.

If we were having coffee…
I’d tell you that I have unfriended a few people on Facebook.  They weren’t really “friends” but more like acquaintances.  I became friends for a reason but a few of them I’ve never met (I am sure you are asking why I became friends with them in the first place) and others I haven’t seen or talked to in years.  I have a friend that passed away a few years ago and her page is still there.  I want to unfriend her but at the same time I don’t.  There is one person that noticed I unfriended her and she sent me another friend request.  I rarely see her and don’t talk to her so I was very surprised to see another request from her.  I deleted the request.

The topic for next week’s Fit Fit Friday – 5 things you want to accomplish this year.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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