• September flew by! Cannot believe I’ve been in school for a little over a month. I had a rough couple of weeks but now it is so much better. Every single day I go to school thinking of how I can make it a good day for my students. I am constantly dealing with students that talk too much :-), those that don’t talk at all, low reading comprehension levels, and those that struggle with simple addition problems. I am being observed this year so I also need to get some information (data binders, assessment binders, etc) ready.
• Brooks Launch and Levitate. Still have in my rotation two pairs of the Launch and one pair of the Levitate. I do my easy runs in the Levitate and my speed workouts in the Launch. I remember how before I used to do all of my runs in the same pair of shoes. That changed once I realized how much I loved the Launch and purchased a few pairs. I wanted to wear all of them and that’s what I did. 🙂
• Ran 96.08 miles. Dang, didn’t make it to 100 miles this month! Despite doing all of my workouts this month, I was still short 3.92 miles. I am now 70% done of my yearly goal. There are 90 days left in 2018 and I still need to run 355.24 miles to achieve my goal. Looking at the numbers now, I don’t think I will make that goal but I know I will be very close to it.

• Total time running was 19:14:51.
• I enjoyed each workout this month. There were easy runs but also faster workouts. I did intervals ranging from 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and 5 minutes. Definitely hard but also fun!
• 22 days of running. I am loving running 5 days a week. I don’t know how I used to run 6 days with the Hansons Method. I love the easy runs (although a few I did too fast) but am also enjoying my speed workouts.

• No races but excited about my half marathon in October. I am looking forward to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Denver Half Marathon. It will be my 39th state in my goal to run a half marathon in each state. You can use code RNRBRP2018 to save $15 off the half marathon.
• Final Thoughts: I did every single run and on almost all of them did better than expected. It is such a GREAT feeling . About 99% of my runs were done early in the morning and it wasn’t easy to wake up to run at 5am. However, I am glad I did because it was the last thing I wanted to do after work. Plus, there were a few HOT days in September and I was happy to run early when it wasn’t as hot.

So how did September go for you?
Linking up with Marcia, Patti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.