I am excited to share that I have a running coach. After a few weeks of using the Hansons Half Marathon Method, I started working again with Mary. I worked with her and Rochelle while training for the Illinois Marathon. While the marathon didn’t go as I wanted it to, I enjoyed many of my workouts (even in the cold days of winter) and had a great time training with the both of them.
She sent me my schedule for August 12-26 and I got really excited when I saw it. Most of my runs are easy runs (4-6 miles) but I also have a few quality sessions (warm up and cool down with 6 x 30 second intervals, 8 x 30 second intervals, and 8 x 1 minute intervals). >> I already did the 1st two quality sessions and did very well in them.
My sister and nephew live in San Antonio so my mother and I went to visit them. It went by fast! We arrived on Thursday and came back on Tuesday (last week). Our original return date was Monday but the flight was delayed from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. We would have been getting in at midnight so we decided to stay another day.
The last time I went in the summer, I remember it being very hot. This time it wasn’t too bad. I was able to do 2 easy runs, one in the morning and one in the evening.

We spent the days at home relaxing and also visiting my aunt and cousins. My aunt made mole and I helped my mother make tamales. They’re delicious but so much work. We had a great time but I was looking forward to coming back home. I missed Lola and I think she missed me too! 🙂
Summer break is over! I went back to work on Monday. I worked on my room prior to my San Antonio trip but didn’t finish everything. I went again on Friday. I stayed late on Monday and I’m still not done but pleased with how it is.

Here is what my first week with Mary looked like for me!
Sunday: 5 miles easy on a humid day in San Antonio.
Monday: 4 miles easy also in San Antonio. I did this in the evening so it wasn’t as humid.
Tuesday: OFF
Wednesday: 4.85 miles which consisted of 2 warmup, 6×30 seconds w/1 minute recovery, and 2 cooldown.
Thursday: 4 miles easy
Friday: 5.23 miles which consisted of 2 warmup, 8×30 seconds w/1 minute recovery, and 2 cooldown.
Saturday: 6 miles easy
Sunday: OFF!
Monday: 4 miles easy
Total: 33.08 miles
Linking up with Marcia, Patti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.