• I spent a few days in San Francisco and need a vacation from my vacation. It was fun! But with the time change and the long flight home, I was exhausted today. Luckily tomorrow is Friday and I can relax this weekend.
• While in SF I got a parking ticket. It wasn’t my fault. The no parking sign for street cleaning was for 12-2pm and I got the ticket at 8:20 am. I am so annoyed! I am sure the police officer did it on purpose since the car had out of state plates. Not sure if I should contest it or just pay the fine.
• I honestly do not understand Southwest. They increased the number of points (at the LAST minute) needed when I changed a flight reservation for me and my mother. Then I was looking for flights to Denver in October and saw that the senior fare is much higher than the wanna get away fare. Does that really make sense to you?
• I really dislike it when a company sends too many emails. I received so many from KT Tape that I actually sent a tweet to them. Apparently it was a technical issue. So far I haven’t received any more emails. Has that happened to you?
• So far I am loving A Wrinkle in Time. I remember reading it in 5th grade. The movie is out and that sparked my interest in reading the book again. I am about 3/4 done and cannot wait to see the movie. Have you read the book and/or seen the movie?
• Apparently the average adults spends 12 hours a day connected to social media. Wow! That is half a day. That is A LOT. Time to finish this post and get off my computer.
• Yanny or Laurel? I hear Laurel.