Disclaimer: I received a free entry to the Soldier Field 10 Mile as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find and write race reviews!
This past Saturday I ran the Soldier Field 10 Mile. This race is one of my favorites. The first time I did this race was in 2009 and this year was my 7th time running it.
I had to stay late at work on Friday so I couldn’t go to Fleet Feet to get my bib. Thankfully my friend, Claudia, got it for me. I like the color of the shirt.
It was supposed to be a HOT one. Man, we complained for so long about the winter and Mother Nature came back with a vengeance.

Saturday morning I woke up, got ready, and drove to Soldier Field. I love that they offered FREE parking to race participants. I met Claudia to get my bib and then we used the bathroom. There were plenty of port-a-potties outside but we went inside the stadium (the start line was inside). No line…ever better!
My left leg had been bothering me so I wasn’t sure how do running 10 miles.

The race began at 7am. I was in corral K but moved to L to start with Claudia. We had to wait about 15 minutes before we could start running. It felt good inside because it was shaded and there was a slight breeze.
As soon as I got outside, I could feel the heat. I knew it wasn’t going to be a good race. I don’t remember it ever being this hot on race day. I was feeling OK for about 3 miles and then it went downhill. The sun felt so hot and I took my time by walking and running.

At the runaround point the announcement teased us by saying that we looked like we could use some ice (while the song “Ice Ice Baby” was playing). I thought for sure we would get some ice at the next water station. Nope. It was Nuun and water. I did get an extra cup of water to pour over my head and that helped a little.
At this point my goal was not to pass out and just to finish. I didn’t care about my time. My left was hurting even more but I kept running and walking.
Did I tell you how hot it was? I was happy to cross the finish line and to get my medal. It was cool to finish inside Soldier Field.

I stayed for a little bit to see Heather and Claudia by the finish line. Then I went home. I was hungry and tired. In the past I’ve stayed a bit longer to hang out with friends and enjoy my free beer.
Love that Athlinks provides FREE race photos. However, I will admit that I cringed when I saw the photos and almost did not post the one below. All I see is my big, bloated and round stomach. 🙁
My finish time is 2:17:21. That is definitely my worst Soldier Field 10 Mile race. According to Athlinks, my worst time was 1:55:45 in 2017 and my PR is 1:41:56 in 2015.
Facebook reminded me of the first time I did that race. I was thinner back then. Sigh.

Another race done and another medal. I have now completed 160 races.
Linking up with Marcia, Patti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.