A+ for March!

Happy to know that March is over.  It was a LONG month.  Three months done for the year.  I am on Spring Break and am excited to be relaxing and plan to do more decluttering…or not.  I am still looking for a house and now is the perfect time to get rid of stuff that I don’t want anymore.

• Training went very well this month.  I didn’t miss any of my runs and pretty much hit all of my paces.  The weather wasn’t as horrible as in previous months but it was definitely too cold for March.  I think we had one day with a little bit of snow?

• Ran 121.43 miles.  I was very happy to see that number.  After missing my goal in both January AND February, it finally happened in March.  That put me with almost 25% done of my yearly goal.


2018 Goal

• Total time running was 23:00.  Yikes!  That is almost a whole day of running.  Pretty cool!

• Ran my first race this year and came close to a PR.  I ran the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K and while I didn’t PR, I did better my time by more than 6 minutes.  My finish time was 50:03 and last year was 56:26.  I’ll take it!

• 22 days of running.  I’ve been running 5 days a week and for the most part really like it.  My rest days are Monday and Friday which is good because those are the two days in which I am the most tired.

March 2018 Calendar

• I had some great quality session workouts.  These workouts are my favorite.  I love the variety and the challenge.  I seriously need to stop doubting myself.  

• I have not kept up with strength workouts.  I am still failing in this department.  Rachel has another challenge for April and I signed up for it.  We’ll see how I do.

Overall, I am proud of myself with the work I put in this month towards my training for the Illinois Marathon.  It has been a wild training season with many ups and downs.  I have my moments of panic and fear which is normal, right?  I know I can do this but yet my brain likes to mess with me.

March 2018 Report Card

So how did March go for you?

Linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 18

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #18, March 26-April 1

M Rest
T 3.19
W 3.26
TH Rest
F 7.35
S Ran 11.68
S Ran 4.00

I took it nice and slow on Tuesday.  I was actually very tired and seriously questioned why I was out running.  My splits were 12:08, 12:38, 12:32.

I almost bought these DD/Saucony Kinvara 4 shoes but they were sold out by the time I made up my mind to buy them.

Saucony Kinvara 9 DD

Wednesday’s run actually felt better.  I wore shorts and a new Oiselle top that was sold out but miraculously one became available for me to order.

My left knee is being a jerk and I’ve been using RockTape.  I am a little worried because my marathon is in less than a month and I hope I can still run it.

Illinois Marathon-166

I wrote in a post last week that I entered the lottery for the Marine Corps Marathon.  I received an email on Thursday morning letting me know that I got in.  I am excited about it and have until Monday evening when I can officially register.


Thursday afternoon was the start of Spring Break.  I came home and stayed in bed for a bit.  I was very tired.  I did not want to run and I didn’t. 

Spring Break 2018-1

Lola was more than happy to cuddle with me.

Since I skipped my run on Thursday, I went on Friday morning.  It was a gorgeous day for running!  My workout was 1.5 mile warm up, 4 x 1 mile @10:01 with 4 minutes recovery, and 1 mile cool down.

I did pretty good!  It was hard.  I didn’t look at my pace for the mile repeats (except for the last mile) and ran by feel.  The last mile felt ever harder.  My legs were tired and the wind was making me even more tired.  I did stop about 3 times to catch my breath.  I just wanted to finish.  When I was done and checked my splits, I saw why I was tired at the end.  I was running faster than I should have.  But I can honestly say those paces felt hard but not enough for me to stop and walk (except the last mile).  Overall, VERY PLEASED with how the run went.

I decided to switch and do my long run (150 minutes) on Saturday, so I could have all day to rest and recover.  Mother Nature likes to mess with us.  There was rain and lots of wind on the forecast.  Sigh.  

Illinois Marathon-169

The original plan was to be out on the lakefront at 7am.  I woke up at 7 but stayed in bed and didn’t get up till 9.  Then I made pancakes and procrastinated.  Then I got ready and by noon was hungry again so I ate a light lunch and watched TV.  I was finally out the door st 2:30.  

This run was HORRIBLE.  It was windy and windy.  No matter which direction I turned there was wind.  I got tired early in my run and didn’t want to continue.  My paces were all over the place.  My fastest mile was 11:24 and my slowest was 13:53.  

Illinois Marathon-170

I wanted to quit but didn’t because thanks to Facebook I was reminded of my first ultramarathon 6 years ago.  This run felt harder than the race.  🙂  I had to run the first 100 minutes at an easy pace and then the last 50 close to 11:00.  Obviously that didn’t happen and I didn’t care.  I was just so tired and wanted to be done.

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Even if this run sucked, I am happy I didn’t quit.  But I don’t know what it worse, quitting on a run or continuing but hating every minute of it.  On a positive note, I was also happy because I ended March with 121.43 miles.  Yay!!

Illinois Marathon-172

To end the week I ran 4 miles today.  It was cold but surprisingly didn’t feel too cold.  I should have done my long run today but I really thought it was going to be very cold today.  Illinois Marathon-173

Total mileage for the week: 29.48
Total mileage for this training cycle: 382.29
Total mileage for the year: 303.46

Here’s how training has gone so far:
• Week 1
• Week 2
• Week 3
• Week 4
• Week 5
• Week 6
• Week 7
• Week 8
• Week 9
• Week 10
• Week 11
• Week 12
• Week 13
• Week 14
• Week 15
• Week 16
• Week 17

How was YOUR week?  

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon, half marathon, or any other event.

Random Thoughts Thursday 13

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Pens and more pens!  One of my students gives me sweet notes here and there.  One day she gave me a very pretty one colored with gel and glitter pens.  I made a comment and asked her to bring me a few so I could see the brand.  She showed up the next day with the WHOLE SET!  Isn’t it pretty?  I had fun that day picking different colors to use while grading papers.  I might get a small set for me.


•A few students like giving me notes/drawings.  They’re so creative and definitely draw better than me.  🙂  They know I like cats and that I have a cat, so they’re always drawing cat pictures.  Each one definitely warms my heart because I know they’ve taken the time to do something for me and I love seeing their smile when they give me their drawing.  I have so many of them on the wall behind my desk and it brightens my day when I see them.

Student Drawing-1

• Have you seen the Boston Marathon limited edition shoes?  I have a pair and cannot wait to run in them.  I don’t know when that will be since I am already rotating 4 pairs of shoes.

• How about these Dunkin Donuts Saucony Kinvara 9?  I got very excited when I saw these at school on Tuesday (not sure when they were made available for sale).  I quickly posted it on Instagram and didn’t think about them again till I got home.  I wanted to order them but apparently my size was sold out.  I checked again on Wednesday and they’re no longer on the site.  Only 2,000 pairs were made and ALL were sold.  I wasn’t too upset that I didn’t get a pair.  The way I see it is that I saved $110 and I definitely do not need another pair.  Right?  They’re still very cute.

Saucony Kinvara 9 DD

• Have you tried a Pour Over Coffee Maker?   I have a Keurig and a coffee maker.  For sure I don’t need this, right?  Am I missing on some great coffee?

Pour Over Coffee Maker-1

• The other day I was on Facebook reading about some songs that don’t mean what you think they meanOne of them was “Waterfalls” by TLC.  I was in college when that song was out and remember it being a catchy song, but didn’t pay too much attention to the lyrics.  Anway, 20+ years later I am finding out that that song is about HIV/AIDS and drugs.  What?  I had NO idea.  I just saw the video and listened to the lyrics.  I can’t find the post on Facebook but I was appalled at the comments people left.  Some went as far as calling some people “stupid” because they didn’t know the real meaning of the song lyrics.  I don’t understand how some people can be so RUDE and going as far as saying things like that.  Sometimes I really diske Facebook and don’t check it at all.

Shamrock Shuffle 8K Race Recap

Disclaimer:  I am promoting the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K as part of being a BibRave Pro.  Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find and write race reviews!

On Sunday I ran my first race of the year – The Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K.  It was my 10th time running that race with the first time being in 2006.  This race is always a fun one and is the start of the official running season in Chicago.

Saturday morning I went to the expo to pick up my packet.  There were hardly any vendors there.  It was a very small place for an expo.  In previous years it’s been held in a much bigger room.  A friend had mentioned that it was a small expo but I had to see it with my own eyes.  I was there for about 20 minutes.  I was supposed to be in Wave 2, Corral F or G but went to Participant Services and asked to be moved to Wave 1. 

I tried kombucha and did not like it.  

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-4

The shirt and socks are cute!

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-7

I bought two Sparkly Soul headbands.  

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-6

Sunday morning it was another cold morning.  I am over this cold weather.  I know I’ve run on so many cold days but mentally I am done with it.  I want some warm weather!

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-10

My cat woke me up at 4:30 am.  She didn’t care that I wanted to sleep in till 6 because I had a race.  She just wanted to eat.  I got up, got ready, had a protein bar with coffee, and drove to the train station.  I was supposed to meet the Oiselle gals at the Hilton Chicago for a group photo.

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-11

After the photo I left to use the bathroom again  Then I walked to the race to drop off my gear and do a 20 minute warm up.  I was also supposed to meet Wendy since we were both in the same corral.  Unfortunately I didn’t meet up with her.  I did my warm up but had to cut it short by 1 minute because I was supposed to be at the corral entrance by 8:20 and I was afraid that I would be too late.  I wasn’t.  There were so many people still trying to get in after 8:20.

Even though it was sunny, it was still VERY COLD.

I waited in my corral for 15 minutes before I began running.  I removed the auto lap function on my watch because the buildings always seem to mess up the satellite signal. 

I felt good for 3 miles (10:19, 9:31, 9:44).  I ran nonstop.  I didn’t stop for any water or Gatorade.  I had 3 layers on and was not cold.  I remember last year it was windy but this time it wasn’t too bad.  Mile 4 (10:23) is when I began to get tired and walked a bit.  I told myself to slow down instead of walking but that didn’t happen.  I was surprised at how well I did for mile 5 (10:06) because I walked the small hill that is right before the finish line, and once I made it to the top, I ran as fast as I could.

Finish time is 50:03.  

My PR is 48:38 from 2014.  You bet that over the years I’ve been wanting to better that time.  Last year my finish time was 56:26.  I am pleased that I bettered my time by more than 6 minutes.  To me that is a HUGE accomplishment!  

After my run I did a 20 minute cool down.  Then I went to get my bag and some pizza because I was hungry.  I checked out the beer tent but had no desire to drink beer.  Everyone there was having a good time.

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-17

I was about to leave when a friend saw me.  I ended up talking to her while she waited for the rest of her family.  They were going out for breakfast and I decided to go with them.  

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-18

We walked to the train station and I got VERY COLD again.  Once on the train I was still cold and decided to just go home.  I needed to get out of my wet clothes and take a hot shower.  

Thanks to Athlinks I have a summary of all of my finish times for the Shamrock Shuffle 8K.  Have you checked out Athlinks?  If you haven’t, do so soon and you’ll have access to dates and times for ALL for all of your races.

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-22

2018 Shamrock Shuffle-23

I am happy I did this race.  It is one of my favorite races.  I will admit that I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t PR because I’ve been doing so well in my training for the Illinois Marathon.  However, I will not dwell on it anymore but instead be happy with how well I did on Sunday.

Linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


Illinois Marathon Training Recap, Week 17

Illinois Marathon-2

Week #17, March 19-25

M Rest
T 3.71
W 3.39
TH 5.48
F Rest
S Ran 2.04
S Ran 8.25

I had parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday.  I didn’t have to be at school till 11 am but I still like to get there early.  I did my run in the morning and then met my coworker for breakfast.  Conferences went well.  I have 24 students and 22 parents showed up so that is definitely a win!

Illinois Marathon-163
I almost didn’t run on Wednesday.  I was tired.  I came and stayed in bed for a few minutes.  I did feel a little better so I went out for my run.  I am glad I did.  It felt great being out there!

Illinois Marathon-164
I had another great quality workout on Thursday (15 minute warm up, 8×2 minute @9:45 with 3 minute recovery, and 10 minute cool down).  Runs like these intimidate me but also leave me leaving feeling much more confident about my training.  I felt strong and the pace didn’t feel too hard.

Illinois Marathon-165

Saturday morning I ran for 25 minutes before going to the Shamrock Shuffle 8K Expo.  I wasn’t impressed with it.  I was there for about 20 minutes and I bought two Sparkly Soul headbands.  I almost bought a tiara headband but my friend told me I didn’t need it.  🙂

On Sunday I ran the Shamrock Shuffle 8K – my first race of the year!  Total mileage for it was 8.25 miles.  I did 19 minutes of warm up (I had to do 20 minutes but had to be at the corral entrance by 8:20 am).  Then ran for 5.11 miles and then ran a 20 minute cool down.  I was cold when I wasn’t running even with 3 layers.  Today wasn’t a PR but I did better my time from last year by more than 6 minutes.  

Total mileage for the week: 22.88
Total mileage for this training cycle: 352.81
Total mileage for the year: 273.98

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16

How was YOUR week?  

Link back to the host and let’s support other bloggers linking up as they train for a marathon, half marathon, or any other event.