How is it that it is Thursday again? Today is a short week for me. There was no school on Monday due to Casimir Pulaski. Honestly, I don’t know why we have that day off. But, for now I will not complain and enjoy that day off for as long as we have it off.
• How To Get Away With Murder. Anyone watch it? Did you see it last Thursday (S4 E13 Lahey v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)? Wow! Annalise (Viola Davis) was phenomenal! I’ve watched that episode twice and will probably see it again.
• Spring Break is 3 weeks away. I am not planning to go away and am OK with it. I actually like staying home. Work is always crazy so this week gives me a chance to relax and take it easy. I am hoping to meet up with friends for lunch or dinner since during the week it is hard for me to do so.
• My first race is on the 25th and I am excited about it. I will be running the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle on the 25th. This is one of my favorite races. I have my shoes ready for this race. Aren’t they adorable?
• Have you heard about the $5 Savings Challenge? What you do is save every $5 bill that comes into your possession. Then after 6 months, 1 year, etc., you count it and use it for whatever you want. I rarely carry cash but still plan to save my $5 bills. I have a Brooks shoe box with an opening on the top. I did tape the side so I wouldn’t be easily tempted to count it or use the cash. 🙂 Yesterday I added my first $5 bill.
• I got $10 from Achievement. It is a FREE app that you sync with other apps such as Strava, Garmin Connect, FitBit and earn points for your activities. When you reach 10,000 points, you get $10. Very easy! I’ve been a member since January 4, 2017 and have already earned $30. You have nothing to lose as it doesn’t require doing anything extra than what you’re probably already doing.
What are some of your random thoughts today?