How is your week going so far? A few of my students were coughing and sneezing on Monday and Tuesday and I also ended up sick. Wednesday was tough even though it was half day at school. We had meetings after school and wished I would have gone home. Oh well, enough complaining and let me tell you about my Thursday thoughts.
• I love running in the Brooks Launch 4. I have 3 pairs in rotation and 10 new pairs in boxes. I knew there were 2 pairs in stock at Running Warehouse and meant to buy them. I got distracted and forgot. On Wednesday I checked and my size was no longer available. Dang! I was kind of upset but also relieved. I guess I kept buying more and more pairs, not only because I love them, but because they were available and on sale.
• Isn’t it time to put away Christmas decorations? I’ve run by a few houses that still have decorations. It is almost February. Time to go, right?
• lululemon 40|80 Challenge. This year I was very excited to sign up. I missed it last year and there were GREAT prizes for those that completed the challenge. I didn’t complete 80 kilometers but did finish with 63. I ended up in 35,482th place. The prize was a 25% discount to any lululemon item. At first I was upset about it (I wanted a free shirt or shorts like last year) but then realized that while I didn’t get exactly what I wanted, I ended up “winning” because this challenge actually motivated me not only to run but to do it outside. It wasn’t easy because there were some very cold days that I wondered why I wasn’t on the treadmill. 🙂
• Jumanji. During Winter Break I saw the new Jumanji movie. It was actually pretty good and funny. I love Dwayne Johnson! Then I wanted to see the first one with Robin Williams. It wasn’t on Netflix nor Amazon Prime. My sister borrowed it from a friend and we saw it this past weekend. Great movie too! But I guess any movie with Robin Williams is a great movie.
What are some of your random thoughts today?